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Conservative side
1. Strong Defense
2. Families (mom, dad, and kids)
3. Values and morals (churches)
4. Fair Taxation for all incomes
5. Businesses and capitalism WELCOME

Liberal side
1. legalized drugs
2. No defense system - just peace pipes
3. Tax only the ones with the most money
4. No drilling for oil on this side
5. Anything goes morality

2006-09-24 07:27:12 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Let's just split it down the middle so we both have hot and cold weather.

2006-09-24 07:31:37 · update #1

18 answers

Well, in my experience, conservatives do appear to consist of the older and wiser (at least more experienced), the ones that STAY married, send their children to private schools regardless of the cost, PARTICIPATE in their church activities (not just show up on Christmas and Easter), and donate REAL time and money where it's needed, not just a buck in the basket.

This conservative signed up at church today to build homes for the needy with Habitat for Humanity, even though the new home-owner will probably vote against my political views.

2006-09-24 07:48:44 · answer #1 · answered by senior citizen 5 · 1 9

Hahahaha. this question is unquestionably hilarious after analyzing the single you're responding to. i admire how those questions are taylored to in good shape a particular team. i do no longer suggestions; the solutions actually make for exciting analyzing. i think of i might %.... ... ... Liberal!! For one element, the two my residences are interior the north, and that i does no longer want to be separated from my youthful siblings. additionally... i think maximum gay human beings (maximum, yet in all probability no longer all. enable's be truthful) might decide for the north, and a few of my superb acquaintances are gay. i assume being a liberal politically might have inspired my decision some... (haha). Yup, i'm thinking Liberal-Land that is! After analyzing the different solutions, that is notably obvious that no longer very many human beings examine that different question. Too undesirable. they are lacking out. additionally, i might want to take this time to declare that no longer all Liberals are athiests purely with the aid of fact they do no longer look to be Christian, does no longer propose they have not got faith in God. And there are lots of Christian Liberals, too.

2016-10-17 21:39:48 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Liberals would have safety regulations in place. Conservatives would probably not have many "inconvenient" and "annoying" safety regulations in place so they could make as much money and profit as possible. I'll pick good ole Liberal America just for this reason alone.

Conservative side
1. Strong Defense ... you mean murder? (speaking of morals) Where was this "strong defense" on 9/11?
2. Families (mom, dad, and kids) ... Liberals don't have families?
3. Values and morals (churches) ... so anyone who doesn't go to church and doesn't believe in Jesus somehow doesn't have any morals or values? hmmmm

2006-09-24 07:46:04 · answer #3 · answered by p2prox 4 · 5 3

Conservative side
1. Strong Defense (Shoot everything that moves? No thanks!)
2. Families (mom, dad, and kids) (Since when is this a Conservative virtue only? Come off it!)
3. Values and morals (churches) (Don't forget the lies)
4. Fair Taxation for all incomes (And stupid spending of same)
5. Businesses and capitalism WELCOME. (Yes, we like MONEY above all else!)

Liberal side
1. Legalized drugs (It's the only logical way the go - LEGALISE, REGULATE, and TAX! War on Drugs? When Americans are the leading consumers? Sounds pretty dumb to me.)
2. No defense system - just peace pipes (Yeah! and no stupid wars, either!)
3. Tax only the ones with the most money (Yeah! Sounds pretty good to me!)
4. No drilling for oil on this side (Yes, if you stop antagonising everybody, oil prices won't skyrocket!)
5. Anything goes morality (What I do with my life is of no concern to you!

No thanks, I'll be smoking peace pipes, and all the other 'invented' vices on the Liberal side.

2006-09-24 07:43:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 5

Well, seeing as these are two completely ridiculous extremes, I wouldn't choose either. It's hilarious to me that you claim Liberals have no values or morals and I wonder how many you have actually taken the time to know. Most Liberals I know are open-minded, intelligent, and receptive to change. I don't consider those to be bad qualities to have.

2006-09-24 07:48:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

I prefer to live in a country where there are opposing view points but it appears to me you'd rather live in a country with nothing but people who think exactly the same way you do. You might want to try North Korea. Try seeing the world in various shades of gray, it's not all black & white as you seem to want it to be.

2006-09-24 08:13:17 · answer #6 · answered by carpediem 5 · 7 0


2006-09-24 07:48:24 · answer #7 · answered by shakeragroad_2000 4 · 1 5


2006-09-24 07:29:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 7

The conservative side for sure. If my parents lived on the liberal side, there's a chance I could be aborted before I had the chance to even make that decision.

2006-09-24 07:40:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 8

I hope the conservative side don't lynch the minorities...

2006-09-24 08:02:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

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