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My magic is running out as I am due to return to my fairy castle imminently and I desperately need my wand!

2006-09-24 06:14:05 · 33 answers · asked by Frufrubella (fairy princess) 2 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

33 answers

Wands are specially made for you and so you must travel to wandland and see the wandmaster for a new one. travel east for 2 days and you will find his castle. once there he will set you a challenge to find out how worthy you are of a second wand. good luck!

2006-09-24 06:23:28 · answer #1 · answered by Bunnygirl24 3 · 0 1

I know in other parts of the world you can use duct tape to repair a crumpled wand for a short period of time until like above you can get to a wand shop. If that fails I've heard carrying around a four leaf clover, a unicorn horn, and a piece of gold from a leprochaun's pot might help create a little magic, but not all fairies carry such things around. Best thing to do is call EMFF emergency magic for fairies. They might be able to help out.

2006-09-24 06:23:41 · answer #2 · answered by freshndaktchn 2 · 0 0

Oh, dear, Frufrubel, first your wings getting chilled, now your wand broken - you are having a run of bad luck. Offer the troll some sweets to distract him (haven't you seen the TV adverts?) & fly away. You will need to call the fairy emergency services to get home & then perhaps you need to go back to fairy college to do a revision course in magic & caring for oneself. Or perhaps a holiday on the rainbow would restore you - I know it always works for me. Maybe I'll see you there. With regard to your problem with chilly wings; I had the same problem. I had to make several emergency landings when my wings became cold - played havoc with my undercarriage. I went to Karl Fairyfeld, the fairy couturier who made me wing covers of small soft feathers. These keep my wings warm without adding weight. I have several sets in different colours & designs to suit different occasions.

2006-09-25 21:24:21 · answer #3 · answered by Caro 4 · 0 0

Clearly you need to get the imps out to come and have a look. If the damage is really serious you need to get a troll incident number (the imps will be able to provide this) and then, subject to your insurance policy, the gnomes will begin a regeneration project. because of the rise in the number of troll reated incidents in the last few weeks it will take between 2 and 5 weeks before you will be able to get an appointment with the imps. In the meantime there are many companies offering low-cost dragon fares which may be able to get you somewhere near your fairy castle.

2006-09-25 03:58:24 · answer #4 · answered by fizzy_wolf 5 · 0 0

That's the day the magic died...

However, the answer may be standing right next to you! A unicorn's horn is "pure, concentrated magic." Gently scrape your unicorn's horn to produce some magic powder. Sprinkle this carefully into the holes and cracks in your wand which should mend it.

If the repaired wand fails to last, whisk yourself to the Magic Wand Shop (in business since 1485)...

A bit of advice... avoid trolls!

2006-09-24 07:08:19 · answer #5 · answered by Mowgli 6 · 0 0

The wonderful thing is that a wand, even though crumpled is absolutely still able to perform. So, simply wave your wand three times in an ellyptical circle, saying the magic incantation: "heal, heal, heal" and it will reconstitute itself as good as new. Then flip it toward that troll and re-create him into a sparkly puffy fluff - who will do good deeds for the rest of his life.

Then hurry home to your spectacular diamond castle for all the festivities planned. Happy happy happy!!!

2006-09-24 19:23:31 · answer #6 · answered by concernedjean 5 · 0 1

Bring your crumpled wand home and iron it straight.

Next time magic that troll into a wand case so he can feel you wand but never hurt it again.


2006-09-24 13:08:09 · answer #7 · answered by tjjkara 3 · 0 0

As you well know a wand is just a focus for you to channel your magical energies. Select an item that is close/personel to you something that you can believe in and channel your energies thru that. Wand is not needed. Good luck. Don't forget to give the troll a slap next time you meet him!!!!

2006-09-24 06:28:46 · answer #8 · answered by The Dude 2 · 1 1

yip.i can help.jus send a cheque for £1000.00 with a s.a.e and i will send u a troll reduction formula and wand ressurection potion this will get u back in the land of nod in no time.send to:
the wizard
po box 123098
yellow brick road
oz4 5yb
ps....dont forget to use the postcode.

2006-09-26 01:21:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I could fix it but making deals with faeries but Titania still owes me from the last time I did one of you a favour. Try asking a dryad for fresh wood to make yourself a new one. The fey-dryad treaty is still in effect, (last I heard anyway) plus they never like trolls so I'm sure they'll be glad to help you. If metal's more your thing, they're are still a few gnomes hanging out under the Amesbury stones but they tend to be expensive, just don't mention my name they don't like my kind.

If the troll bothers you again call my name, if I feel in the right mood I might come and blast him with some of my fire. Troll bones can be useful for making ogre deterrents.

2006-09-26 00:43:04 · answer #10 · answered by Ellie 4 · 0 1

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