leave your current and find out if the girl u have fancied for 20 years likes you in the same way, if she doesn't then move on but don't stay in this current relationship, it will only get you down and you will miss out on life and meeting someone special. good luck.
2006-09-24 05:53:42
answer #1
answered by The Banshee 4
It is so easy to have a friend for 20 years, it is having a serious relationship that takes work, you probably only see your friend when you are out for a drink and having a good time, you don't have to deal the drudgery of everyday life.. the bills, the shopping, the families, sickness. etc. etc although you may well tell them about it it wont be the same as having to deal with it together. In a way it could explain why childhood romances always seemed more fun.. no money worries, no responsibilities, just you and them and your pocket money.
You could leave your partner and try a relationship with your friend but the excitement will soon fade and you risk losing both your present partner and what sounds like a really good friend
2006-09-24 11:17:47
answer #2
answered by Paul 5
After 20 years it is natural to feel 'love' for a special friend, but it's probably not the same kind of love you'd have in a personal relationship. I believe that if it was meant to have happened it would have by now. Don't spoil things, friends can last a lifetime, lovers can come and go, which one would you rather her be? x
2006-09-24 10:49:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think because you are unhappy in your current situation, you are just seeking comfort from someone you know really well. If you were in a happy relationship, you probably would not feel like this at all. I would get out of your current relationship and wait a while to see how you feel - you don't want to make a mistake on the rebound.
2006-09-24 07:05:06
answer #4
answered by Ally 5
Move on. People fall out of love, it's not fair on either of you to continue this charade.
It's only after you've split up with your current girlfriend, you'll realise whether you want to be with her or not - either through convenience because you can't find someone else, or because you genuinely like her.
Go for the girl you're after, the worst that can happen is she can say no. It does not soundlike you love the girl you are with (although I could be wrong).
2006-09-24 05:55:09
answer #5
answered by swordman 2
This girl you have known for 20 years, do you really want to risk your friendship with her, because being friends and being lovers are two completely different things (as u probably do know), so do you really want to risk it. If so, GO FOR IT, but dont say no one warned you lol good luck
2006-09-24 05:54:16
answer #6
answered by jayne 2
First of all be sure that you really want to end thing with your current girl, and that you feelings towards your friend isn't really because your current relationship is in the pit. You don't want to change the nature of your relationship with your long time friend to have it all crumble, keep in mind once you cross that line it cannot be uncrossed.
2006-09-24 07:49:35
answer #7
answered by Solitary 2
If you have known her for twenty years, you probably know everything she loves and hates. Try dropping the things she hates and doing the things she loves. If you know what type of sexy things she likes, try that. Find that one deep dark secret thing that only you know and do that to her. She might want to be "Taken" or she might just want to be left alone. You have to fiqure that out first and then "Just Do It".
2006-09-24 06:00:50
answer #8
answered by JustTim 2
Life is FAR too short to hang around and be unhappy, if your not getting on with your girlfriend then leave. Tell your friend how you feel, if she feels the same way then great. If she doesn't then i would still suggest you get out of your currant relationship. Like i said..................................... lifes too short.!
2006-09-24 05:57:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
if ur not happy in ur relationship its time to end it, dont go jumping in to something else just now, have a bit of time on ur own first,then see if u still feel the same way if u do go 4 it x
2006-09-24 06:45:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous