You're right. It just goes to show how shallow the Bush administration is. They believe - or want us to believe - they're actually making a difference. What a load of horse manure!
2006-09-24 04:35:44
answer #1
answered by Gene Rocks! 5
Well dumbass, a US embassy and a US Navy ship, regardless of what country they are in, are considered American soil.
Al Qaida figured they had it made! Clinton did nothing after the first attempt at WTC, and that happened right under his nose! Al Quida figured nothing was done about that, so they figured let's try to blow up a US Navy Ship filled with INNOCENT people. They didn't have to travel all that far from home to blow up the Cole, so it was a bit easier then the Trade Center. And what do you know....Clinton still done nothing.
I don't care if it happens in New York or in an embassy in the Middle East, when a terrorist attack happens on an American, the President should do something about it! And Clinton did nothing, and Bush was left to clean up Clinton's crap! 9/11 was done less then a year after the Cole bombing, and had Clinton attempted to do something about the Cole, perhaps at least a few more Al Quida bastards would have been captured!
2006-09-24 12:09:49
answer #2
answered by Naples_6 5
Neocons love word games. Our allies have been attacked many times. A terrorist sees Israel as being the USA. They also see the UK as being the USA. neocons forget that they are allies and when they are attacked we are also as a "coalition" of the willing.
U.S. Intelligence agencies just released there report. "overall the terrorist threat has grown since Sept.11th." What part of that is it that the neocons do not understand, it's in English not Spanish.
"the Iraq war has made the overall terrorism problem worse".
More than a dozen Intelligence officials agree. read it.
2006-09-24 11:45:07
answer #3
answered by jl_jack09 6
If it wasn't for Syria, many Americans would have died in the American Embassy in Syria.
You're right. I have been feeling the same way. They have not tried to attack us on U.S. soil again, so how is it amazing that we have not been attacked?
2006-09-24 11:35:20
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
So if it is not on American soil it isn't an attack against America? We like Bush because he is fighting against the terrorist a.k.a War on Terror.
2006-09-24 11:34:50
answer #5
answered by Mags 3
If there were more attacks after 9/11, we would've known about them by now.
2006-09-24 11:33:47
answer #6
answered by chrstnwrtr 7
Its easy to prevent attacks when you are the ones planning them.
2006-09-24 11:34:21
answer #7
answered by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5
i agree with you . there are more attacks to come on the USA. so if i was them i wouldn't be patting each other on the back so fast
2006-09-24 11:38:20
answer #8
answered by ? 6