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I was sitting in living room when i heard a woman humming,very beautifull voice and not frightning at all. Being home alone I naturaly wasn't expecting humming or anything else ofcoarse so i went to see what it was. The humming was comming from center of the kitchen and my roomates cats were circling the spot where the humming was comming from although no one was standing there. the cats followed this empty spot as though it walked maby 4 or 5 steps then it stoped and cats went on their way like nothing happened. does that qualify as having seen a ghost ? If not then what would such a experience be called?

2006-09-23 15:16:22 · 28 answers · asked by darkvale 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

28 answers

I think it could be classified as some type of spiritual interaction even though you didn't physically see her. I had a (think I had a) 'spiritual interaction' with my cat Baby that passed away. Just after I got into bed on night I 'felt' her crawl up my bed and lay in between my two ankles how she always did every night. Only problem was...she had passed 2 days prior.

I don't know if it was just me missing her...or if it was really her letting me know she was there. Either way it was uncanny. I have never forgotten it. Maybe there is a female you know that had a nack for humming, singing or whistling that is passed over? Maybe it is all in your head. :) Who knows. See what takes place over the next few weeks. In the meantime, check out the site below. I love John Edwards. I do not think he is a fake or a fraud. See what you think.

2006-09-24 13:15:11 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

First of all you only "heard" something so, you can't consider your experience as having "seen" a ghost.
But, I would definately believe that there is always a possiblity that supernatural activity can manifest itself in many ways.
The most important thing here is that no one was hurt, you didn't feel threatened, your animals didn't get sick and they reacted normally after their encounter and everyone recovered well from the ordeal. However, if this kind of thing continues, you may want to (for your own piece of mind) call your pastor or priest or religious elder to come to your house and do some kind of blessing on it... well, good luck!

2006-09-23 22:40:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The night before my father learned that his grandmother had died, he woke up in the middle of the night to what he thought was a radio. He explained to me that he could hear angelic voices singing, and told his sleeping parents that the radio was on. His parents listened a moment, checked the radio, and told him, son, the radio isn't on, go back to bed. He went back to his room, and could still hear the singing. Finally he went to sleep and the next morning, his parents were sobbing at breakfast. "Ron, your grandmother died last night."

This story of my fathers is true, and a little simular to yours. The ghostly voice you heard may have been someone who presently lived in your house, or maybe a realitive of yours or your roomates who has passed on. That may be why the cats were attracted to it. Maybe they recognized the spirit of one they might have known when the spirit was in its physical body? Most animals would be dead frightened of a ghost, and would run away from not follow.

2006-09-24 02:05:38 · answer #3 · answered by Kaitel 3 · 1 0

well i wouldn't say you saw a ghost, but more you had a ghost incounter, i have ghost incounters all the time, but have never heard humming, i have heard screams, seen bodies, more like demonds than spirits, but i think you have a good spirit living in your house with you. Your lucky, because youve read what ive encountered. And if your pets would be like acting strtangely, like there mad or scared to go in a certain romm, i wouldn't go in there (not trying to scare you, just the truth of what i've experienced!)

2006-09-23 22:29:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

thats great, sounds like a good spirit, have you lived there long? I have seen and heard alot things, so its not unusual for me. I have a spirit in this house, who only walks in the kitchen, when i'm down in the gameroom. I have learned to except these things, because my dad and two of my brothers are the same way. I have seen three ghost, only breifly. I would rather hear them though, and not see them.

2006-09-23 22:25:11 · answer #5 · answered by tinamaries43 5 · 1 0

Awesome! How long have you lived there? After you experience something like this, it has a habit of happening more frequently. (Or more precisely, you notice it more frequently) My cats and my dog all see spirits. I usually only see them in mirrors, but I know they're real because I see somthing in a reflection, then my dog growls and barks at whatever it was.
Pay attention because I'm sure you'll notice things more often now!

2006-09-24 01:22:03 · answer #6 · answered by Chellebelle78 4 · 0 0

Probably, but as long as you didn't feel threatened & the cats didn't have their hair on end, I wouldn't worry about it. I have some who play noise that sounds like a radio or TV in another room, but I check the other rooms, walk around the house, & when I get back its still there. They've also moved things like my car keys. I'll get my spare set & when I get back they're right where I left them.

2006-09-23 22:22:40 · answer #7 · answered by shermynewstart 7 · 0 0

You didn't see a ghost, but may have had a visit from one. Most people don't 'see' ghosts like in the movies. They have experiences that can't be explained, such as yours. Yes, I believe you have had a vistor from another plane of existence.

2006-09-24 00:26:13 · answer #8 · answered by swarr2001 5 · 0 0

You know, I haven't actually decided whether or not I believe in ghosts. I'm one of those people who need to see and feel something to believe it. I am however open to the idea of ghosts. I don't have an answer for you, but that is an amazing story, and I hope to experience something similar one day!

Thank you for sharing

2006-09-23 22:39:06 · answer #9 · answered by boggin828 2 · 0 0

you obviously experienced some type of paranormal phenomena.you don't necessarily have to see something materialize, in order for something to be trying to come through from another place or time. Have you had experiences like this before?Did you notice any unusual odors in the air while it was happening?How did you feel? If it happens again try and notice more details of the experience.

2006-09-24 15:23:27 · answer #10 · answered by Swan 3 · 1 0

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