You & millions of people like you, have days that may be boring myself included. A day is precious, & everything in it including you!!
There are a lot of things to do if you try,a walk is nice if you can,study the wild life in your back yard insects etc
read a good book from the library,helping other people is very rewarding being a volunteer,go to a movie even by your self is nice,followed by a small meal etc.
join a bike club,you only have to be able to ride a bike!! you dont have to be great at it & there are hundreds of people who don't know any one there & you will just fit in & have great fun as they often go places
good luck to you
2006-09-23 11:35:44
answer #1
answered by ausblue 7
Read a book that you've always wanted to read. Paint a picture. Watch a favorite movie! go for a walk by the lake (or wherever) Catch up on sleep! Try a new recipe and invite friends over to be guinnea pigs! Go to the gym! Go shopping and get some cool new duds! Clean out your pigstye car! Get drunk!
2006-09-23 17:35:26
answer #2
answered by Suspended 6
I always clean out my closet or change the linens....
I also have gone thru my CD's and gotten rid of the crappy ones.
I have also done housework on my PC and gotten rid of old files.
How in the heck can you have nothing to do?
I would love to have a day like that....
Right now I'm running defrag....boring!
2006-09-23 17:36:56
answer #3
answered by TurntableKitty 2
your time is all you really have iam trying to make noise at yahoo answers
2006-09-23 17:36:38
answer #4
answered by Raymond B 4
Any day we live is priceless.
2006-09-23 17:35:11
answer #5
answered by Pantherempress 7
aint getting ur question
2006-09-23 17:36:08
answer #6
answered by JesusC<3 3