My step father is proply the best man on earth.
The worst is proply Pol Pot.
2006-09-23 09:41:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The best man on earth is the film producer Michael Moore. The worst man is the George Bush currently residing in the White House.
2006-09-23 09:38:25
answer #2
answered by carpediem3000 3
Are you asking who is the best man in history, or in the present? This is a question that would be difficult to answer. If you're a Christian, then Jesus would qualify to be the best man in history, according to his works in the Bible. Otherwise, people have their flaws. They may perform great deeds, but mess up in other ways. How does one measure what a "best man" is?
As for the worst, there have been many bad men. Hard to say who wins this one. Of course, is it their own fault they have become bad men? Could be their upbringing caused them to turn evil. I guess only God can answer these questions.
2006-09-23 09:41:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The best man on Earth is one who loves unconditionally.
The worst man on Earth is one who only loves himself.
2006-09-23 09:36:59
answer #4
answered by Mimi Di 4
Rob, my husband, is the best man on earth. The worst is the man that kills/hurt others.
2006-09-23 09:37:22
answer #5
answered by Mo 5
There are no best or worst man. Thus there are good and bad and others in the middle.
The reason I said this is because if you really look at it, who is good in this world? Even the best man in this world had sin before.
So in conclusion, all men are sinners.
2006-09-23 09:40:30
answer #6
answered by Lady 3
my dads the best man in the world and the best friend, the worst is prince charles, for every reason
2006-09-23 09:41:18
answer #7
answered by polly a 2
The best: George W. Bush. He isn't afraid to stand up a fight for what he believes in even though it looks like everyone hates him
The worst: Josef Stalin. He killed more people than Hitler did using the same methods Hitler used.
2006-09-23 11:43:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
God is the best. Tom Cruise is the worst.
2006-09-23 09:36:44
answer #9
answered by ♥ 5
More than likely we don't know them, as we only know about 1/billionth of the population of men.
2006-09-23 09:48:45
answer #10
answered by Source 4