omg! i'm getting a headache trying to read and understand your question. have you ever heard of punctuation? i don't concern myself much with people using it correctly, but, please, at least make some effort to use it.
anyway.. to answer your question... her mom probably expressed her opinion.. everyone should freely be able to express their opinion and then the person who has to make a decision should consider all options, all facts, and all opinions that people they care about have expressed. then they make the decision on their own. don't hold anything against her mom for expressing an opinion.
2006-09-23 07:55:17
answer #1
answered by Roger 4
I think her mom was being a mom. The fact is that when you make the decision to have sex with somone, with and even without protection you know there is a slight possibility you may conceive a child.
If you make that decision then own it. We are adults. And adults take care of there responsibilitys.
It's not right to the child to be aborted or made in an orphan when it has a living breathing totally capable mom, and grandparents.
It's not her parents reesponsibility to care for her baby it is her's.
My cousin is a social worker in a welfare office and nowaday's mom's who get on welfare receive not only WIC, for formula, milk pampers, etc, they would recieve cash, health care, Money for child care, and even an apartment, she also told me that they have started a program so that mom's who want to get their GED's can obtain one. They even had classes to trail for nursing, computer technician, and a few other feilds. They will even pay for public transportation if needed.
What I'm basiclly trying to say is there are a lot of women in her situation and they are doing the right thing by raising those precious babies themselves. No one is really "ready" for a child it's a job that you ajust to. Many young women have children all by themselves and strugle at first but the love for her baby while modivate her to work harder and study harder, not for herself but for her child's future, that hard works pays off when she s 30 and doing well and is adjusted.
2006-09-23 08:09:36
answer #2
answered by lamikashi 2
Well, it sounds like she kept the baby because she didn't want to disappoint her mom. I think it's wrong for her parents to say that it's not their decision, but then lay that kind of guilt trip on her.
Her parents don't help her much because technically it's not their baby. She made the choice to keep it, now she has to deal with the responsibility to go along with that. If that means seeking for child support from the father, then so be it....or other means.
2006-09-23 08:00:05
answer #3
answered by my_lil_buttercups 2
i think u are right. i think her mom made the decision for her. how is ur gf going to make her own decision when her mom is getting excited about the baby, ur girl didn't have a chance to think about it. maybe she should purposely avoid her mom for a while and talk to someone open minded and not soo close to the situation. when i found out i was preggo my midwife asked what i wanted to do about the baby (keep it, abortion, adoption). she should make an appointment with her midwife/ob and make sure to ask prior if the place has counseling available
2006-09-23 07:59:05
answer #4
answered by confused mom 4
Ummmm... If I get what your saying I think her Mom was looking forward to the baby. But wants her daughter to learn to take care of her own children. About the babys real father. Thats the problem with dating. Watchout! You don't want to have kids till your married, right? Since your her boyfriend you SHOULD be there for her! Help her along! Tell her, "I'm glad you, didn't decide to kill (kill abort same thing), this darling bundle of joy!" And wether her Mum decided it for her or not I think your girl will be glad of it in the end. If she wasn't ready she should have been more careful!
2006-09-23 07:59:26
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It sounds like she was pushed into motherhood. I personally think the mother should have stayed out of it and left it up to the daughter. She needs to get child support from the father ASAP. Doing this alone isn't an option for someone who isn't ready. She'll need lots of financial, and emotional support.
If it's just not working adoption may still be an option for her.
2006-09-23 07:50:14
answer #6
answered by Kristi's Mom 2
her mom could have easily swayed her decision but if it was swayed that easily she may have really wanted it and just needed someone to say that it's okay and you can do it sorta thing i know quite a few people who have gotten rid of the babys and really really regretted it also i know people who don't at all but i think it seems like she would have regreted it forever and shes relized shes a strong enough person to do this on her own i think you always need someone to tell you that its okay either way and it seems her parents did say that and if she really wanted to get rid of it she would have anyways good for her goodluck to her and it seems like your in this baby life just know if u r there alot you can't just dissapear now but it seems like you genuinely care so even if u break up and the baby is a bit older go a visit but it seems like your a great guy
2006-09-23 07:58:16
answer #7
answered by momma 4
there are a number of distinctive theories as to how hard paintings starts. maximum docs have faith that tough paintings starts while the pituitary gland releases a hormone referred to as oxytocin into the girl's equipment. This hormone is launched in super quantities, although that is not of course typical why that is launched while that is. Oxytocin, additionally typical with the aid of fact the "cuddle hormone" stimulates the nipples to boot, that's why women individuals do no longer start up producing breast milk till after their delivery. it is likewise a undemanding asserting that, "the fruit will drop, as quickly as is has ripened.", that's additionally very real. the toddler often comes while that is waiting again. with the point to answer your question, that could be slightly of the two, although that is extra so the girl's physique. wish this enables!
2016-10-17 12:35:30
answer #8
answered by ? 4
I know that children are a big responsiblilty. I am pregnant right now and I already have 3 kids. I have been thinking about adoption but my parents are giveing me a really hard time about it. My dad said he would quit being a preacher if I gave her away. Guilt trips are hard, but the only person who knows if they can handle it or not is her. She shoud have listened to her instincts.
2006-09-23 07:57:28
answer #9
answered by day dreamin baby 5
I think that she wanted to give the baby up because of your acting with her trust be their is nothing more happy in the world than feeling like a dad or having a little child and raising him/her you feel like you saved all the years in his life and he/she will be your all life treat them well they will treat you will i recommend that you stay next to your girl and encourage her for her great decision
2006-09-23 07:53:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous