Its not because we are scared of them biting us or something. Its usually because they irritate you. You dont like seeing them or feeling their texture on you.
2006-09-23 07:42:24
answer #1
answered by dog_hell_red 5
Hi. It's only the BIG bugs that freak out most people. Ever see a tiger beetle?
2006-09-23 14:39:42
answer #2
answered by Cirric 7
I was freaked out by a fat little hairy spider today. It was about an inch big and it had a fat body and thick legs. Freaked the hell out of me. I killed it though but I was still freaking out when it was dead and I was trying to pick it up with a thick piece of paper, so I wouldn't have to touch it. Ewww it still gives me goosebumps 5 hrs later.
2006-09-23 14:43:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The thing that freaks me out about bugs is that they can usually move so fast. Plus, they have all those legs.
2006-09-23 19:28:43
answer #4
answered by loveblue 5
lol....I don't mind bugs outside, but when ones in the house its unexpected I guess and I think they can jump in my mouth or something....its funny you asked this question today when just last night I was trying to get rid of a waterbug by throwing paper wads at it and urging my dog to go get, I'm a loser, I know.
2006-09-23 14:52:16
answer #5
answered by Led*Zep*Babe 5