There is no evidence that race has any intrinsic bearing on intelligence.
The vast majority of the population, from birth, most likely has equal intelligence potential. Whether or not a person reaches that potential depends highly on environmental situations.
Malnoutrition in childen can have an adverse effect on their intelligence when they are older, as well as being raised by being plopped in front of a TV all day. Lead consumption and being exposed to environmental pollutants can also effect final intelligence (not that we have a way to measure that precisely). The brain is one of those use it or lose it things. Childen who are isolated or neglected at a young age miss the window of brain development that exists between the ages of 0-5 years and as a result are often severly impared and never learn to speak properly.
In short, an average black person raised in a healthy environment will do just as well as an average white person raised in a healthy environment.
And blacks do not have a better chance at getting a higher education that whites. Whites have a better chance. Though I do believe most blacks who make going to college a priority do end up going.
2006-09-22 19:26:35
answer #1
answered by minuteblue 6
Some are. And some black people are smarter then some white people.
2006-09-22 16:56:59
answer #2
answered by Mr. Bojangles 5
At least that's what I thought until I read this question. Then I realized that I was making one of my silly over-generalization. Take this question for instance. It demonstrates that the author doesn't bother wrestling with the complex and oft-discussed issue of skin colour. Why bother asking a multifaceted question when you can whip the Y!A community into a lather with a few choice words? In lieu of studying some history, geography, agriculture or politics and incorporating that knowledge into a thought provoking question the author takes a simpler approach; a one line question, economical on words, thought, style and insight. So simple a child could have written it.
2006-09-22 17:30:20
answer #3
answered by tallblackchick 3
I am white and I got A's and B's in highschool. I am married to a black guy that is very intelligent and has a very high IQ. Our skin color does not make us more intelligent I have seen some very dumb *** white people walking around on the streets with shopping carts and sleeping on benches. We are a product of our up bringing, our education, and our environment. A lot of black people do not have the opportunities that white people have when it comes to an education. We are only as intelligent as we are allowed to be. Black people have us beat when it comes to street smarts, we can learn from them on how to be more aware of what is around us.
2006-09-22 17:00:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I would say more educated. but you have to understand that the black people still in the 40's many universities would reject them, white people start going to college when this country was still a British colony
2006-09-22 16:56:26
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Now that's a racist question.
I'm white, I don't think the color of ones skin has anything to do with whats on the inside.
You cannot judge what type of person they are by the color of skin.
You can not tell how smart someone is by the color of skin. (I know some pretty stupid white people, and pretty smart black)
2006-09-22 16:57:24
answer #6
answered by creeklops 5
no we are all created equal no one is smarter then the next person and to ask a question like this makes look stupid
2006-09-22 16:57:17
answer #7
answered by white_wizard 4
No, and the very fact that you would ask this question shows your ignorance. Race has no bearing on a person's intelligence or personality. Grow up and get some culture.
2006-09-22 16:53:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
no but they have better chances at getting a higher education. Even affirmative action doesn't seem to fill all the gaps in opportunity that happen in this country. A lot of smart people haven't been able to afford access to college, even after all these years.
2006-09-22 16:53:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You are proof that it is not true. It is a proven fact, though countless social studies, that the level of racism and intolerance is far more abundant in low-IQ and low-education subjects.
2006-09-22 16:57:06
answer #10
answered by Jester 2