Bed.-If the head of a bed is placed towards the north it foretells a short life, towards the south a long life, the east riches, the west travel.
Bellows.-It is unlucky to leave bellows lying on the table or on the floor, since in such a position they presage domestic quarrels.
Birthplace.-One's life is prolonged if, in later years, a visit is made to one's place of birth.
Bones.-If you burn beef bones by mistake it is a sign of much sorrow to come on account of poverty. To burn fish or poultry bones indicates that scandal will be spread about you.
Bottle.-To break a glass bottle portends misfortune, though it is not so serious as breaking a mirror. (See also Glass; Mirror.)
Bread.-To cut bread in an uneven manner is a sign that you have been telling lies.
Briar.-See Bush.
Bush.-To have one's garments caught up by a bush or briar when out walking is a promise of good luck, involving monetary gain.
Buttons.-If you fasten a button into the wrong buttonhole, bad luck awaits you.
Candle.-If a candle falls over, ill luck is not far off.
Caul.-Fortunate indeed is the baby that is born in a caul - which happens only rarely-for the good things of life will come to him easily. It is a common belief, too, that a person who was born in a caul. will never meet his death by drowning.
Coal.-To pick up a piece of coal that has fallen in your path is generally regarded as a sure promise of success and good luck.
Contract.-See Lease.
Corns.-The best time for cutting one's corns is when the Moon is on the wane.
Door.-If a front door does not face the street, ill luck wrill attend the house. You should always close a front door with your face towards it.
Egg.-To let fall an egg and smash it foretells good news; but if the egg is undamaged or merely cracked, bad luck is to be feared. When you have finished eating an egg it is a safeguard against misfortune if the empty shell is crushed with a spoon. If you burn egg-shells, the hens will cease to lay. It is unlucky to take eggs out of, or bring them into, a house during the hours of darkness. Eggs laid on Good Friday never become stale.
Fateful Year.-When a woman reaches the 31st year of her life she may expect some great change to occur. Frequently it consists of an important journey, some unexpected danger, or some great temptation. She should be particularly cautious during this period, and take special care in her business and private affairs.
Fire.-Ill luck attends those who completely rake out a fire before retiring. A few embers should always be left.
Fish.-When eating a fish, you should begin at the tail and work towards the head.
Fork.-To cross two forks accidentally is a sign that slander will be spread about you. To drop a fork foretells the visit of a woman friend. To stir anything with a fork is to stir up misfortune. (See also Spoon.)
Garter.-It is a warning of treachery if a person's garter comes undone. If a girl loses a garter, a proposal of marriage at an early date is foretold.
Glass.-To break uncoloured glass in any form but that of a mirror or a bottle is a fortunate omen; but if the glass is red, future trouble and anxiety are implied. If green glass is broken, bitter disappointment will be your lot. (See Bottle; Mirror; Wine.)
Gloves.-It is unlucky to give a pair of gloves to a friend unless you receive something in exchange.
Grave-digger.-To encounter a grave-digger coming towards you is a very evil portent, usually presaging a severe illness.
Hair.-To attract good fortune one's hair should be cut at the new moon.
Hand.-If you knock your hand accidentally against a piece of wood or a wooden article, it is an indication that you are about to have a love affair. If you knock your hand against iron, however, it must be taken as a warning against treachery.
Handkerchief.-Tying a knot in one's handkerchief is not only useful as a reminder, it is also a means of warding off evil.
Horseshoe.-Finding a horseshoe is an assurance of good luck, but if you give it away or throw it away, your luck will leave you.
House.-If after leaving your house, you turn back to fetch something, you must sit down when you get indoors and count backwards from seven, in order to avoid ill luck. It is unlucky to move into a new house during the months of April, July, and November.
Illness.-If, before you retire to bed, you chant Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Bless the bed that I lie on, it will keep away evil spirits and ensure your good health. There is an old custom which decrees that if someone is lying dangerously ill, a lighted candle should be placed in a shoe and all other lights in the room turned out. Then the name of the complaint from which the person is suffering must be written on a piece of paper and burned in the candle flame, and at the same time the following rhyme should be said three times: Go away death! Go away death! Life from the flame Give new breath I The candle must then be snuffed with the fingers.
Ink.-To spill ink threatens worry, annoyance, and the failure of a project that is on foot.
Knife.-Crossing two table-knives by accident portends bad luck. The dropping of a knife foretells the visit of a man friend in the near future. If someone lends you a pocket-knife, return it in the way in which it was given; that is, with the blade open or shut, pointing away from you or towards you. It is unlucky to make a present of a knife or any other sharp instrument unless you receive something in exchange.
Ladder.-Ill luck will attend those who walk under a ladder, unless they cross their fingers while doing so.
Lease.-It brings ill fortune if a lease or any contract is signed in the months of April, July, or November.
Lightning.-Lightning will never strike a person when he is asleep, nor will it visit a house in which a fire is burning.
Lucky Days.-The days of the week on which it is considered most lucky for women to make any important decision or to undertake any great tasks are Tuesday and Friday. For men the fortunate days are Monday and Thursday. (For lucky and unlucky days of the month Click Here.)
Matches.-To spill matches is a very lucky sign, and if a girl accidentally upsets an entire box it will not be long before she becomes a bride. Crossing two matches by chance implies that joy and happiness await you.
2006-09-22 15:16:36
answer #1
answered by maxie 5
Omens of good luck?
Well, whatever happens to us, is what we attract. Thinking good things, expecting good things, doing good things will attract good things to us. Yet, not only what we consciously think is in the scales here, but also what we unconsciously believe.
Therefore, good Omens are those good thoughts, intentions and unconscious believes that ban negativity from our life.
Whatever you feel is a good Omen is a good Omen for you, it could be a handshake of someone, a bird in the trees or the wind in your hair, no matter what the comon belief is in good Omens.
I feel that we always get warnings to act or withdraw. If we would only listen, we would save ourselves a lot of trouble. Thus good Omens I feel are also these inner warnings telling us to change pace or direction.
We set the tone and quality of the events and attract them accordingly.
Happy thoughts and blessings.
Cordially, India.Magica
2006-09-22 15:00:32
answer #2
answered by india.magica 6
Anything can be an omen of good luck, if you believe in it.
I think black cats are lucky, and horseshoes, and finding a coin, and birds flying overhead.
If you believe something is lucky then luck will find you.
2006-09-25 06:04:48
answer #3
answered by Yngona D 4