My whole life, I've become accustomed to being on my own. I have my mother, but we have no other family, which always made holidays depressing. I'm not too close to her, either. I also don't have a single friend or even acquaintance. Let me tell you, every day I try to be happy, cheerful, and polite to people. I'm not shy. But I get the feeling I have a bad reputation (high school) and that people don't want to be seen with me. I've always kept being friendly to people, but through elementary, middle and now, high school, I have NOBODY to talk to. I have a job after school, same problem. I have joined clubs, all excited and enthusiastic, stuck it out for a long time, but each time, I end up isolated. I am an atheist, so joining church or having "jesus/god be my best friend" isn't going to happen. I already have a shrink. Come to think of it, I only feel really at ease with animals, which is hard, because their lives are too short...
18 answers
asked by
Master Shake
Family & Relationships
➔ Friends
No, nobody knows I'm an atheist - because I have no one to tell. lol.
13:53:30 ·
update #1
For some reason people seem to look down on Atheists. I personally believe in God, but would never refuse to be friendly with an Atheist. have you tried finding groups online that have similar interests as you? maybe you could find people online to get in contact with near you since school and local clubs aren't working. I am willing to chat with you anytime! Can't say I will be your best friend or anything because I don't know you, but I am friendly with everyone!
2006-09-22 13:45:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hey one thing is that ur reptation cant be that bad im in high skewl to and im just in the peak of making friends ummm try just getting to kno people like u mabey u just didnt try the right sports just try and going out and having fun as to having animals try a dog or like a parrot or like mabey sumthing that lives to be older umm and just be outgoing its not that hard mabey smile or say hey to people that u wouldnt usually or mabey just try to get enthusiastic again i dont think that u need a shrink but thats up to u umm another thing is that just becuz ur atheist doesnt mean that u cant be friends with people that do believe in god cuz that could always work out and once u make one friend thats all u need all of my best friends are like sisters to me we share everything earings stories games going to the movies its not that hard just try being ur self and being happy and cheerful and that should help
I hope i helped and if u need a friend im always here
2006-09-22 20:56:09
answer #2
answered by ~*!Tish!*~ 3
That's why I say to myself oftenly .. how people go about living life with having a God, a superior being .. to ease thier life on them and to help them going thru the stinky problems in life.
No need to convert, stay atheist .. but get a copy of the bible and read on .. God will talk to you through it, read it as if you are reading a story, and you will feel a change.
I once had the same problem, but I've always had God in my heart which make me feel ease and happy. I'm not lieing at you, you will never understand until you feel it yourself. so do it for the heck of it. Do it for your own happiness, or stay misraeble.
2006-09-22 20:45:16
answer #3
answered by Duda .. 3
I think you should move. i'm not sure how old you are but, if you are still in high school, start looking at colleges out of state. Starting from scratch can be an amazing experience. But, before you go, make sure you don't take any of your baggage with you so be sure to explore any major issues with your shrink... good luck. everyone has a right place. you probably are in a small town where people are judgemental. just move forward and avoid making the same mistakes.
2006-09-22 21:25:17
answer #4
answered by nikkiponders 2
Listen sweetheart, I experienced the same thing and I know how you feel. I know you are an athiest, but if you don't believe in
anything spiritual, you will be left with this core emptiness forever. Many athiests committed suicide because they don't believe.IN ANYTHING. Check out biography of athiests like Kant, Neitze, . ..
they fed everyone the athiest philosophy and killed themselves..bE STILL. gOD IS IN YOU.
When you find the spiritual voice inside you, you will know the truth. Its hard to hear when life is burdened with disappointments. Believe me, I know by experience. I spend half
IF YOU LOVE ANIMALS, THEN MAKE THAT YOUR CONNECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get involved at the SPCA, VOLUNTEER AND HELP THOSE POOR ABANDONED ANIMALS, MAYBE study veternary science,AS A TECHNICIAN. and DEVOTE YOURSELF to that PASSION! rIGHT now! Make friends with the people at the SPCA OKAY.. Be a dog walker for extra cash, start a business as a dog sitter.
YOur mother and you had an estranged relationship, and that
makes it hard for your social skills, but they are skills and ARE LEARNED. SOME PEOPLE GET IT FASTER THAN OTHERS
You feel you have a bad reputation, but you are lonely. When you feel lonely and insecure, its easy to feel like no one likes you,
and it makes things worse.
You are a special person who has lived with loss of family ties.
It is depressing so invite someone over and party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-09-22 20:57:52
answer #5
answered by ? 2
Start reading the news paper. Find out what's going on in your community, there are plenty of singles events. Try looking around for charitable work---not only are you helping yourself, you're helping others (and, yah ok, it looks good on your resume). Some websites like craigslist have events such as bowling parties looking for fillers. Hmmm. Good luck, and I'm certain that you don't always feel that way so chin up and don't be glum. You know what you like and where you'll fit in, give it some time my friend. I too, was alone for quite some time but it was mostly that friends wouldn't measure up to my standards so I had to loosen up at bit.
2006-09-22 20:51:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It will be hard to help you, since you have answered your own question already. I don't see why you don't have even one friend, since you say you're outgoing and polite to people.
Maybe it's because of your atheistic beliefs? Maybe it's because of your "bad" reputation? Do you know for a fact that you have a "bad" reputation, and what caused it? Take a good hard look at your past and maybe you can find the answer there. Good luck.
2006-09-22 20:45:26
answer #7
answered by kellygirlaj 4
yeah, that is good. you do not have any friends nor family. That is the best way to live. If you do make a friend and your friend dies, you will be sad. You then will kill yourself. You will live longer without any friends.
be friends with a Giant Tortoise or something that lives longer than you. You should get a Cockatoo. Cockatoo is a type of bird. They are lovely to be with. they can live up to 75 years. That is the average life span of a human. A giant tortoise lives up to 175 years old. Your great great great grandson or daughter can be happy with that turtle.
So basically, my suggestions are to get you to be friends with a Cockatoo and/or a giant tortoise. The giant tortoise and the cockatoo will be there during your life span.
2006-09-22 20:40:49
answer #8
answered by Symbolic User 7
poor u ! life is tough without friends .... remember, to have friends, u have to BE A FRIEND first. ask yr shrink for some tips/help. Animals r good, for now at least - while having them, u can find/cultivate some friendship at the same time
2006-09-22 20:44:54
answer #9
answered by PikC 5
you waddle in self pity too much and that is very annoying to most people.if you retreat into a shell and decide that you only feel at ease with animals your situation won't get better, you seem to have tried everything else to find happiness and still it eludes you, well try Jesus,he won't let you down.
2006-09-22 20:44:19
answer #10
answered by punkin 5