This question opens up a lot of philosophical issues.
Assuming both were "real" and were contemporaries, then it would seem that yes, Superman could have saved Jesus (though maybe not Kirk, unless he had a team of "red shirts" to keep the roman soldiers occupied).
However, this calls into question the idea that Jesus was crucified as part of God's plan for the redemption of man. If we accept that idea, then presumably nothing that Superman could have done would have changed things. Maybe the storyline would have Superman realize that he shouldn't get involved. Otherwise, I presume the two myths cant exist side-by-side.
2006-09-22 11:58:26
answer #1
answered by Sir N. Neti 4
Captain Kirk had the power, as does David Hasselhoff, but then we would never have invented hot cross buns. There would only be the normal boring cross-less buns. What a shame that would be! Also, countless numbers of nuns throughout the world would have nothing to do. No one would believe in Jesus if he didn't return from the dead. Think of all the poor nuns out on the street with nothing to fulfill their lives. They might resort to organised crime, or worse, soliciting of some kind. No... it's better to leave the nuns where they are and that means Captain Kirk/The Hoff will have to leave Jesus alone.
Although i can't help thinking how much better off the world would be without all those "Sister Act" movies. The prevention of these films would be an advantage to saving Jesus.
2006-09-22 12:27:30
answer #2
answered by bOb 4
Kirk wouldn't have - Prime Directive and all that. Of course, then again, he violated the PD more times than he did half the female species he encountered.
Superman wouldn't because his dad, Marlon Brando, told him not to interfere with the past - though he did push things a bit my turning history back a few minutes to save Lois Lane.
2006-09-23 00:13:22
answer #3
answered by samurai_dave 6
superman and captain kirk could not save jesus due to the grandfather paradox. had they done so they would all have been devoured by these time creatures that act like white blood cells devouring everything related to the paradox in order to cleanse time. Einstein accurately predicted this. he called these 'the time creatures that act like white blood cells devouring everything related to the paradox in order to cleanse time'. then there would also have been interference by the Daleks.
2006-09-22 13:00:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
He probably could have done it, but if he did, then the basis for Superman Returns would go down the drain and the Superman franchise would be down a few million dollars in profits.
2006-09-22 10:53:30
answer #5
answered by Queue256 2
God in his righteousness can not look upon sin. extremely of wiping out humanity after Adam & Eve ate the fruit, he desperate extremely to discover a fashion that we could desire to nevertheless have that comradeship with Him. simply by fact of this that devil continues to be around today. considering we (Adam & Eve) shared in his evil, He could have had to destroy us. His plan has continuously been to repair the fellowship with him. considering there replaced into no incorrect way, it continuously had to be a blood sacrifice of animal without ailment (appropriate) to make amends for the sin debt. No human could desire to ever stay a sinless existence, the animal sacrifices taken on the temple replaced into purely waiting to pay the pastime on the debt we owed. simply by fact of this Jesus had back. without Jesus we are able to't be stored.
2016-10-17 11:29:46
answer #6
answered by wach 4
Could Jesus have saved Superman from choosing his red and blue spandex outfit?
2006-09-22 17:15:44
answer #7
answered by ? 3
Yup...he did that slingshot thingie around the sun. But I think Spock might take exception to the jesus thingie. It wouldn't be logical.
2006-09-22 10:53:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Jesus could have stopped it himself. So Shut up.
2006-09-22 11:30:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Are you 10 years old?
2006-09-22 10:57:35
answer #10
answered by notyou311 7