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a friend let a girl stay with him,another friend and I were at his farm house, and tex said, that girl is a witch, he got a paper drew a pentigram, put on it some words, and said watch that door we were in the kitchen., alex and his new girl friend were in the bedroom, she came running out, with a lighter in her hand, looked at tex, not me, and burned the paper, she moved out the next day, but the thing is,of alex s cats , two were black and when see moved in they got to hissing at me, all mean . wonder why? why BLACK cats, they became normal after she left,

2006-09-22 09:43:52 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

19 answers

The person you are referring to was probably a very bad and evil witch. I am a witch and I have 3 cats that are just positively the most lovable cats there are. I also have a bunny, a dog, and 2 birds. That is scary I am hoping that you are glad that she moved out. If she had not then some thing terrible could have gone wrong in that house. I just want you to know that there are definitely both good and evil witches in this world. The difference is that good witches help people. Bad witches hurt people. Keep that in mind the next time you hear about a witch. And if something like that happens again, if I were you I would run out and never look back as long as that person is there.

2006-09-22 09:52:26 · answer #1 · answered by bearwitch1979 2 · 0 1

Burning a pentagram would not make her a witch - In fact if she was a member of a fundamentalist Christian church she might do that - because she thought your friend was trying to do some kind of spell against her! The bit about black cats is just silly animals are not evil or good those are human traits. It's funny how specific this belief is to a person's culture because in the UK a black cat is considered lucky - not evil. I think a cat is just a cat. If it hisses at you, maybe you just scared it? Humans are pretty large creatures and cats are little. Cats are pretty skittish and easy to startle, if you move a bit too fast. Cats tend to react by hissing at anything they think is a possible threat, especially if they think they can't get away or they feel like they are cornered. Same with a dog barking - dogs bark at people all the time, even if they know them. Dogs can tell if you are drunk or in a pissed off mood too - and both cats and dogs can tell if someone is afraid of them, cats hiss, dogs bark - get over it - it is nothing personal, and it's not about 'evil' or 'witches', it's just that animals are animals.

2006-09-22 18:22:26 · answer #2 · answered by Michael Darnell 7 · 0 0

The cat's aren't evil and that is one heck of a story you have concocted. My best guess is that your energy or Tex's rubbed the cats the wrong way. NOW, remember this, Tex, not the girlfriend, drew the pentagram with the words. Who is most likely to be the practitioner of magic? Also, you two were most likely loud enough to let her hear what was going on.

2006-09-22 09:48:27 · answer #3 · answered by swarr2001 5 · 0 0

Black cats in the dark only their eyes show and it looks scary.
I have a black cat that is gentle and loving. He sleeps with me and at night his eyes show up that is how I see him.
But for someone wierd looking for something strange, that would be a real possibility. When you act afraid in front of him he hisses. That is what cats do they sense fear. Some people come in and he loves them others he hisses.

2006-09-22 09:48:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cats are rather in tune with other peoples feelings...

Your and your friends emotions probly just where ones they liked a bit and gave you a bit of a warning to back of... that they didn't whant anything to do with that kinda stuff....

When i'm in a bad mood cats will run from me or hiss at me.... and cats apsolotly love me....

2006-09-22 09:52:58 · answer #5 · answered by CrazyCat 5 · 0 0

O c;mon dude black Kitty's are not evil there cute my friend has one and I usually take care of her black cat when she has to leave on holiday I'm the cat care taker.Cats are really sensitive it's probably the Kitty's reaction to someones feelings.It can sense people's emotions.There not evil

2006-09-22 09:57:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

traditional chinese people make sure that black cats are NOT ANY NEAR when one is holding a funeral (we usually hold funerals between 3 - 7 days, at the open area of a HDB flat void deck).

there's a old saying that if a black cat jumps over the coffin, the dead will sit up.

its a old myth i suppose.

2006-09-22 09:54:04 · answer #7 · answered by ash 7 5 · 2 0

The Creator made all living things innocent. All remain that way except humans.

It is only humans who know of and become evil.

The rest is in the mind or heart of the beholder.

2006-09-22 11:19:15 · answer #8 · answered by Gaspode 7 · 0 0

black cats are a sign of luck especially in ireland lengend has it if a black cat crosses your path uil have great luck 4 the day maybe your friend was not a cat person and the cats senced it from her hope it helps you

2006-09-22 09:57:15 · answer #9 · answered by amberchocks 1 · 0 0

Ever heard of a little something called 'Grammar'? I can't understand your question.

P.s. from what i DO understand - Black cats are NOT evil!! That's just an old superstition, and if you believe its true then it is.(in your mind only)

2006-09-22 09:47:15 · answer #10 · answered by nerveserver 5 · 0 0

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