Yeah, I heard about this wailing Banshee ****, & I say so ahead & slap her. Get some rest
2006-09-22 09:14:10
answer #1
answered by Charlotte 2
Not likely such as you would see one, nor hear one for that matter, but if you that were to happen you might find yourself in a world of hurt before your puny fist passed through the veil of a Banshee's darkness. Up close and personal the wails of a Banshee can pierce your ear drums, to look her in the face would be to cry tears of blood.
But to mock a banshee is to court trouble for those you love. Mopey Dick, the only way a Banshee would 'whale' is to whale the bejesus outta ye.
2006-09-22 17:34:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
use spell check before hitting the button to post the question please. their are enough people that have poor English skills on here.
That's wailing Banshee. and unless it is areal person making like Banshee then it is not nice to hit the person just tell them to leave and stop playing games or you will put them in jail for disturbing your peace.
Now a real BANSHEE is not corporeal. so you cannot touch it with anything physical. and it is there to foretell of a coming death in the house. If you know who the person is you might be able to make a deal. your life for that of the other persons. and it will send for the Coach DE Barge to take you to the other side of life instead of the intended one.
2006-09-25 01:11:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am guessing the 'banshee' in question is a person. So no, it is not! If indeed you are referring to a true banshee, you are of celtic descent and know that banshees have no physical form and are a death warning. Banshees cannot be slapped. Humans should NEVER be slapped.
2006-09-22 16:53:06
answer #4
answered by swarr2001 5
it really depends on what phase of the moon and what time of night. also becareful least the whaling banshee conceal carry a blister stick. your prostate would be at risk
2006-09-22 16:20:38
answer #5
answered by 4
As long as it sees it comming an is over the age of 18 .
2006-09-22 16:07:42
answer #6
answered by lak3rat 2
Get the effing whale out of your bedroom and she'll follow it. No more problem.
2006-09-22 16:48:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No need to slap her! Just ask her nicely to be quiet, that you are trying to sleep :)
2006-09-23 04:14:52
answer #8
answered by fuguee.rm 3
LOL!!! XD Yes hit her as hard as you can' we all need a little sleep. Though I'm not all to keen on hitting a lady,i suggest you beat the crap out of her.
2006-09-22 17:43:54
answer #9
answered by naruto1_sasuke2_sakura3 2
"Whaling?" Or "wailing..." Is she after Moby Dick? :) In either case, slap away. We all need our sleep.
2006-09-22 16:08:24
answer #10
answered by bethiswriting 3