We are in the 21st century. We have wonders of technology. Humanity overall has evolved society far from barbarism. Space looms on our horizon as a new adventure. Medicines are curing diseases. We have great thinkers who come up with awe-inspiring ideas. Yet with all this people still fight over the lowest filth in the world, only talk about how to create or address conflicts. We should be flying and instead we try to throw ourselves into the mud and waste of humanity. WHY? Why does some dip have to come along and start a huge fight about "Intelligent Design should be taught in science class!" despite it's total lack of anything scientific? Why do people turn and attack or kill others for not believing the same ghost stories? With all we have in common and to look forward to why do we always tear society apart for the most base and stupid reasons????
16 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
nice girl :):: the same as society..people use "family values" to discriminate against others, people who make learning and intelligence seem dirty because it might be "immoral", etc
08:43:42 ·
update #1
Lotus Phoenix:: I'm trying but it is getting more and more difficult to resist the urge to take over and rule with an iron fist to keep things from sliding more
08:45:31 ·
update #2
In the Dark Ages, while christian Europe live in pig filth, the muslims expanded science and knowledge.
In ancient times, while shamanism and animism among nomadic people were common, the Ionians were atheists and learned about the atom (among other things).
In the Renaissance, while the Dutch were exploring the world and creating a "social contract" and being open to any and all people, the catholic and protestant cults were warring over who was right.
History is replete with cases of religious ignorance preventing social advancement. Human societies have always been the most progressive and enlightened when religion was, at best, a secondary concern.
2006-09-22 09:16:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
.....WHY? Why does some dip have to come along and start a huge fight about "Intelligent Design should be taught in science class!" despite it's total lack of anything scientific? Why do people turn and attack or kill others for not believing the same ghost stories?....
You go on to attack people who discriminate by using family values.
Wallowing in filth is just your way of saying daring to have an opinion differing from yours. Allow others to have their own opinions and beliefs.
2006-09-22 15:59:26
answer #2
answered by » mickdotcom « 5
People have asked this questions for eons. The simple answer is we a territorial creatures who defend what we believe in, whether that is religion, wealth, land, or political beliefs. Humanity is but one step removed from cave dwelling. Despite the huge social changes of the last 100 years, our genetic makeup has not caught up with these massive changes.
Change is the only constant in humanity, yet we resist it with every breath we take.
Until we realize that this is but one planet, and we are one people, there will be conflict. It is our curse. Then, if we do manage to live in harmony, will not the sameness and homogenized society be boring and unproductive? Or will we evolve to the point where the physical body is unnecessary?
2006-09-22 15:47:56
answer #3
answered by Frogface53 4
Why don't you ask Tom Cruise that? Seriously dude, Your rambling essay never really made a point. People do not have that much in common with each other. What we need to do is to celebrate our differences and discover what we can learn from each other. You calling the theory of intelligent design a mere "ghost story" makes you seem to me, to be part of the problem, to which you have put so much effort into whining about.
I am sorry, thats my opinion, but I don't plan to "attack or kill" anyone over. I have evolved beyond that.
2006-09-22 15:50:03
answer #4
answered by kathy r 3
I shower everyday!!!
But, to your point, it's simple: we have less other stuff to worry about, so we make up reasons. Humans, like all living creatures, are born with fear. When we have defeated almost all natural threats, we begin to focus on unnatural enemies as a target for our fear. There would be no abortion debate if death during childbirth was still a major concern, for example. War, strife, and chaos are a part of us indelibly.
2006-09-22 15:50:53
answer #5
answered by Fenris 4
Sad to say we have both potentials in us as humans. One choice allows us to move forward and the other swallows us in deep sh*t. the hard part is making the choice. It's all part of why we have moved so far ahead in some ways and are club swinging non-thinking Neanderthals. Alas the 'human condition.' Truth is that you can only control yourself. Take care and good luck. I pray to Tyche.
2006-09-22 15:44:00
answer #6
answered by Grody Jicama 3
Honey, I wish I knew. The only SAD consolation is that the world IS a better place now than 50 years ago (I'm black and American and a woman so 50 years ago it totally sucked for me).
Chin up dear and don't you go following the trash down to path to division.
"Everyone has a right to a decision" - Damian Marley.
2006-09-22 15:42:25
answer #7
answered by Lotus Phoenix 6
Because our technological development has outstripped our social development to a point where it's unlikely we will be able to rectify the problem.
There are lots of reasons for this, but the two main reasons are Religion and Economy.
2006-09-22 15:40:57
answer #8
answered by shoby_shoby2003 5
Well the answers lie in psychology.
For example, a person who believes something questionable will feel more confident in their belief if other people believe it. Thus, religious people feel the need to convert others.
Why do humans invent religions in the first place? Again, its psychology. We know we will die, but are programmed by ages of evolution to fear / avoid death. So, people go into denial by inventing concepts like souls and eternal life. It allows them to deal psychologically with death.
2006-09-22 15:40:22
answer #9
answered by Phil S 5
we humans were ok till the space aliens came and messed with our dna,trying to make us . into better slaves for them. but they messed up. made us very weird, strange creatures.they still come and take children for there on means. why do people kill because of there religious beliefs? it is because they may have a religion, but do not have the spirit of god in there lives.
2006-09-22 15:49:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous