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don't go crazy? yet the Pope says one little thing and he is now under muslims death threats. Does this not prove what the Pope said is correct?

2006-09-22 07:58:09 · 26 answers · asked by lotsofloveya 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

26 answers

They threw firebombs and explained that it was because the Pope said Islam was violent.
In 2002 school girls in Saudi Arabi were kept inside a burning building because they werent dressed properly.
Nothing that they do should be surprising.

2006-09-22 08:03:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

If you and I had said something about Islam, I doubt anyone would have even batted an eyelash. The Pope is the foremost authority in Christianity. He must use some discretion while addressing a world audience. I think his speech was unnecessary and insensitive to the extreme--and I'm not even Muslim! In a global community like ours, often it is the LEADERS who must learn tolerance. Ordinary people are warm and inviting most of the time. It is the so-called political big-wigs, world famous personalities who harbour the most prejudices.

Just because George W. Bush invaded Iraq on the flimsy and wholly inexcusable pretext that there were invisable "weapons of mass destruction," it doesn't mean the American people as a whole are manipulative, scheming and deceitful.

In the same vein, Islam, like all other religions preaches peace and brotherhood. If a handful of people (using their ignorant and unletterred followers as pawns) incite violence for their own ends, then why blame the religion? It is Man who is at fault here. And if that man is a world leader, then you can't take his foot out of his mouth even if you operate!

. Even "one little thing" can belittle and hurt the sentiments of many. If I said "one little thing" about someone you loved, wouldn't you be mad? Tolerance to all Mankind and peace on Earth--that's what our leaders should be saying. That's the example they should set for future generations. If they don't do that, it's what WE should be teaching our children, if not--world war III is just around the corner.

2006-09-22 08:27:14 · answer #2 · answered by Cammy 2 · 1 0

First, the Pope's point was not that Muslims are evil. He was making a very different point and quoting a medieval text as part of it.

Second, Christians were taught by Christ to turn the other cheek. Revenge is a sin for Christians. Muslims were not such things by Muhammad.

Lastly, the ones chanting Death to America are the <1% of all Muslims who are extremist and Christians know that - they have some lunatics of their own!

Xan Shui,
Philosophic Philanthropist, Honest Man

2006-09-23 02:43:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, this does not prove that the Pope is correct. What it does prove is that the Extremist Muslims are well organized as a religious group and that we are not. As a result we will not be able to win the struggle against them.

We will only win the struggle against extremeism when we enlist the support and gain the confidence of the moderates and the silent majority. There have been only petty efforts by our government to do that up to this point.

Let me give you a simple question to ponder... How can you possibly wage a war against ideas with jet planes and bombs. You cannot. What you wind up doing is killing or making casualties of some of the people on the other side. You may or may not get some of the militant minority in the process.

Have you ever heard the ancient phrase, "Fight Fire with Fire?" Realy? How is it possible that you have heard about it and the Bush/Chaney leadership in the USA have not? How many car bombs have we sent into the midst of militant minority muslim meetings? How many Christians have flooded into the streets armed with knives and machine guns to protest the killing of an innocent nun by muslims? Why on earth not? Why can't we show support for our fellow innocents world wide.

Still we have not learned the lesson... Fight Fire with Fire.

2006-09-22 08:12:44 · answer #4 · answered by zahbudar 6 · 0 1

Generally because Christians tend to be much more civilized. Favoring one religion over another is not my style, so don't take this the wrong way, but all one has to do is look around the world at countries that were founded on Christian principles. You will find they are much more prosperous and organized. These nations don't carry on "centuries old hatreds" that cause conflict and disruption. The Christian faith itself stresses forgiveness, rather than chopping off the head of someone who insults you, etc..
What's happening in the world, as of late, is a venting of frustration, from being poor and unsuccessful, among many Muslim nations. They are looking for someone to blame for their failures and are finding any ridiculous reason to vent anger. Obviously, the Pope wasn't bashing Muslims, but the foolish and angry, among our Muslim brothers, only hear what they want to hear. They insult the Muslim faith, and it's a damn shame, look at the damage they are causing to peace and stability.

2006-09-22 08:21:53 · answer #5 · answered by skinflinton 1 · 0 0

Why is it that for the mistakes of these people, I have to pay for it?
First of all, these are extremists who have a deep fear of losing the traditional ways. America, which embraces modern-ness, is viewed as an enemy to extremists. As for the second part of your question, ask them because your guess isn't any better than mine. And the last part, about the pope, he can't honestly be taking the threats seriously. Extremists are, unfortunatley, lost and confused on a trail that they think is correct. They are close minded and insecure, so if one little view or interpretation on something differs from theirs they go beserk.

Why is all this happening? Mis- or ineducation. Both of which are the enemy to ever having a peaceful world.

2006-09-23 09:53:14 · answer #6 · answered by *luz* 2 · 0 0

remember that pope is a religious figure and anything that he says about another religion will not be tolerated by any of the religions in the world other than christianity. i don't understand why religion is still a cause of major warfare in this day and age? nothing ever good came out of the religions period. people without common sense follow their religions and want everyone else to do the same. absolute B.S. so basically ur saying which religion is less violent, aren't u?

2006-09-22 08:32:03 · answer #7 · answered by vick 5 · 0 0

Where have you been? The Christians have a lot to say about the quotes of Islamic leaders and have published responses in the media and criticized them endlessly. We have bombed and devastated two countries and backed up another country that has done the same. Muslims have been harassed, detained, and spied upon just for being Muslim. Come on!

2006-09-22 12:04:22 · answer #8 · answered by Sketch 4 · 0 0

This afflicted me too for quite a while. The Pope wasn't top in asserting that yet on the comparable time appearing on it and happening a murderous rampage would not build peoples faith. i've got faith that such acts creates rifts interior the muslim community. I even have muslim pals and that they would not in any respect act in any such style. i understand they have sturdy faith and their place is to have a place interior the worldwide per peace not on conflict or vengence. we actually would desire to quit wars interior the worldwide and start up rebuilding. If we as a human beings get too caught up interior the politics we can start up tearing one yet another aside. i understand there are alot of excellent Christians and Muslims. no one needs conflict or dying. There are people who do not have faith that there can ever be peace. I for one have faith there will be peace sometime. regrettably its going to take alot of artwork. appreciate is labored hard for not given freely. we could not take hand outs and artwork for a greater appropriate worldwide.

2016-12-15 12:29:52 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Where they live it's way too crowded, nobody has air conditioning since we bombed them, and it's over 120 degrees for 2 straights months in the summer now because of global warming. The earth is getting warmer because we burn the oil we steal from them (even if we have to kill them for it) to move our fat lazy asses from our garages to the food marts or burger joints half a block away. Look at the bright side - they're all so pissed off at us they make an excellent arms market, and wars take oil. Ergo record oil profits, record gun-runner profits, and as an added bonus record drug profits, both for pharmaceutical companies in treating the wounded and for the middle eastern opium fields and hash production for bored active duty soldiers on one side, and suicide bombers on the other.

2006-09-22 12:41:29 · answer #10 · answered by water boy 3 · 0 0

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