The Exorcist (1973)
Director William Friedkin wanted to go the extra steps in scaring the audiences with this movie so he did a few things that were very uncommon.
When you watch a movie, your eyes see 32 frames/second of the movie. In various points in this movie, William Friedkin placed a devil/demon face in four or five frames - enough for you to think that you might have seen something. Also enough four your subconscious to react in the desired ways.
Among the subliminal photos inserted throughout the film ("The Version You've Never Seen") are: when Regan visits Dr. Klein's office for the first time she sees the face of the demon for a second while she's getting her EEG recorded; when Father Karras has his dream there is a very quick flash of picture of a demon/devil, then the screen goes white, then the picture is briefly flashed again; when Chris Macneil comes home and finds the kitchen lights flickering, the same demon/devil picture, though much smaller, is superimposed on the overhead exhaust fan above the stove; seconds later, just before Chris Macneil enters her daughter's room a brief flash of the face that is featured on the statue in the beginning of the film appears on the door as it is opened; then, when Chris leaves the room, a full body image of the statue slowly becomes visible just to the left of the doorway, remains briefly, then fades away again; during the final exorcism scene there is another superimposition of the demon's face on Reagan's for a brief instant. This demon face is commonly known by fans as Captain Howdy, in reference to the name of Reagan's imaginary friend from early in the movie that could be assumed to be the demon in disguise.
A filmgoer who saw the movie in 1974 during its original release fainted and broke his jaw on the seat in front of him. He then sued Warner Brothers and the filmmakers, claiming that the use of subliminal imagery in the film had caused him to pass out. The studio settled out of court for an undisclosed sum.
William Friedkin, in his desire to make THE EXORCIST the scariest horror film ever, wanted to find the two scariest sounds to the human ear. He somehow settled on the sounds of Swarming Bees and squealing Pigs. He went to a slaughter house and stood behind a door. When they shoot a pig at the slaughter houses, they don't always fall immediately. He recorded the squealing pigs as they ran from the gunshots.
He also visited a bee farm and places a lot of bees in a jar with one wasp. He recorded the swarming commotion. Then he inter-mixed the sounds of squealing pigs and swarming bees into the soundtrack which created an interesting and unexpected phenomenon… there were nationwide reports of moviegoers and theatre employees becoming nauseous and throwing up during the screening of this movie. At first a lot of people believed it was the work of the Devil. Later they determined that it was swarming bees and squealing pigs inter-mixed into the soundtrack.
I cannot promise that this movie will not mess with your head.
2006-09-22 08:45:03
answer #1
answered by mgctouch 7
We are bombarded with subliminal messages everyday. It's a conspiracey to control peoples minds. In not only movies but everywhere. From buying products, to being convinced of happenings around the world. During Nazi Germany the Germans did extensive research in mind control. They did this through the use of light patterns, sound frequencey, colors, numbers and microwaves. This research was later developed and used by the CIA. This was called the Monarch slave program and was used on soldiers and other civilians, tested then put into affect on worldwide scale. Today it can be found everywhere. The use of microwave frequencey at low level is used in cell phones and radio towers. Colors and lights can be seen on the television. Also waves coming into the houses in the neighborhood through sattelite TV. It is everywhere, and if you are to discuss this technology of mind control with others they will label you crazy. They have developed ways to control society they do this through TV, games and other forms of entertainment. what people are being hit with are sex images and violent behavior, which desensatize the human emotions. Not only thats but they feed us stories of things around the world and create chaos through the media. Then everyone is flipping out, so they pay doctors vacations and cater foods to their offices and tell them to put people on different drugs. But these are phsycotropic drugs or in lamen terms a mild hallucinagin. So then someone kills there whole family and does'nt remember a thing. Its everywhere man we are flipping out as a world. Some thing is gonna break so get your kicks while your here.
2006-09-22 08:26:15
answer #2
answered by Daniel R 4
Crew members of films often write graffiti in the background and they pertain to things that happen on set. This is sometimes mistaken as subliminal messages.
For a message to be completely subliminal, they cannot be seen by the naked eye. Usually they are one frame of 24 per second and only seen if you go frame by frame.
2006-09-22 08:04:19
answer #3
answered by Christina 5
uppcoming "rune" has subliminal messages all through it. some are obvious and so they don't count, but those are accompanied by real subliminal mssages that you will never even realise you saw, but after the movie you feel strange, and a little on edge, and you're effected. that's the response from the group of test screeners i was in anyway.
2006-09-22 11:11:17
answer #4
answered by Mike D 2
Yellow Submarine,
Sgt Pepper
Natural born Killers
2006-09-22 07:55:23
answer #5
answered by Xae 6
Not sure how you would recognize if it was really subliminal - but I remember when I saw the exorcist years ago that it supposedly was full of subliminal images/suggestions.
2006-09-22 08:00:42
answer #6
answered by sundance 2
you can be aware that you've seen a subliminal message but not aware of what it was. "They" ran some tests ages ago and apparently overt advertising/messages were far more effective than subliminal ones.
Yes, in answer to your question, a few.
You ever heard songs with subliminal messages?
rehtom ruoy llik og
2006-09-22 08:00:35
answer #7
answered by Icarus 6
Manchurian Candidate.
2006-09-22 07:53:02
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I wouldn't say the flashes in Fight Club is technically subliminal.
For one, you can actaully see it, something the director did with good reason because it shows you what Pitt's character, Tyler did when working in the projector room.
2006-09-22 08:01:02
answer #9
answered by Alex C 2
FIGHT CLUB - has weird split second flashes of it all over the place, slow it down and see for yourself - there's even a shot of Brad Pitt with full frontal nudity!
2006-09-22 08:01:42
answer #10
answered by Miss Terious 3