Watch their eyes.
2006-09-22 04:10:06
answer #1
answered by Bizzle 2
You can tell someones lying to you when they can't look you in the eyes when they talk to you.
2006-09-22 11:32:47
answer #2
answered by Jessica G 1
If it's a man, it's usually when his lips are moving. seriously...listen for pitch and tone changes in their voice. These will take place when they are feel anxious and further trying to deceive you. The most common thing is that they have trouble looking at you and become easily frustrated when you inquire about details. Go to your local library and check out the book...The Truth About Lying by * Stan Walters. I have learned a great deal from it. Mr. Walters is an FBI instructor.
2006-09-22 11:19:30
answer #3
answered by ? 6
Some people give themselves away pretty quickly. The will do everything from wring their hands to shuffle their feet. Others are far more clever, but if their looking at you, you can see their eyes go up and to the left. If, however, they're really accomplished, you simply can't tell. In that case you're stuck with waiting till the lie catches up with them. Once that happens, if you choose to continue being around them, you at least know you can't trust what they tell you.
2006-09-22 11:20:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
go with your gut feeling's there usually right, there are some really good lyers out there, that can look you in they eye and lye to you, you know usually if some one is telling you the truth in the pit of you stomach you will know if they are lying
2006-09-22 11:12:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The most obvious is when they won't look you in the eye or is nervously fidgeting (like messing with their hair or clothes). Body language is the key. Learn to read it and you'll know.
2006-09-22 11:15:27
answer #6
answered by T.G. 6
If they are lying they will avoid eye contact at all costs they don't even know they are doing it
2006-09-22 11:12:06
answer #7
answered by jack B 3
like tyler perry said if u think someone is lying then they are lyin dats how u can tell and its soooo true listen to urself later
2006-09-22 11:11:38
answer #8
answered by vetta b 3
For me, if they don't look me in the eyes, they have a sneaky grin on their face . . .that's how I know when someone is lying to me . . .
2006-09-22 11:12:28
answer #9
answered by techgirl 1
They won't look at you directly, and give a half assed answer to a direct question of yours, are quiet and have nothing to say to you although they have lots going on that you know about.
2006-09-22 11:11:19
answer #10
answered by teulonbranchlibrary 3