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I'm 14

2006-09-22 03:29:54 · 17 answers · asked by jessica_loves_christian 1 in Family & Relationships Friends

17 answers

yes you are i think you goofed you aked 2 times>

2006-09-22 03:34:37 · answer #1 · answered by funnynotlost 2 · 0 1

I got married at 18 way to young been un happily maried 7 years now! No need to find " the one" so young! At 14 just be friends with boys and girls Start thinking about the qualities you want in both your girlfriends and boyfriends when you develope friendships you will get to know yourself thru others. Dating comes with lots of heartache and at 14 it is so hard to deal with, I am 25 and still cant handle the pain of a broken heart. Just take a couple years to really get to know yourself and others develope relationships and value your friendships. When you do start dating take it slow dont look for love and dont fall fast, that is a sure thing for a heartbreak! Best thing talk with your parents, be open and honest they will apreciate that and give you the best advice.

2006-09-22 03:41:31 · answer #2 · answered by Brandy D 1 · 1 0

well i do not think you are too young to like guys and say you're "going out" or maybe hang out in school or go meet at the mall or the movies. but obviously your guy is not going to pick you up at your house, bring you to a fancy dinner, and take you back up to his place. it also depends on where you live, what kind of society, if lots of other 14 year olds 'date' then it would be normal, however if people usually start at about 16 where you live, you should probably wait.

my advice is that when you are young like this, do not make dating and boyfriends into such drama. like kissing, 'loving' eachother, 'romantic walks on the beach' and crap like that. you can wait on that, it is pretty mature. i guess i just mean when you are a kid (14) dating should be a light and fun thing if you are even interested, but not a really big deal. you dont need to be married yet!
good luck girl

2006-09-22 03:43:35 · answer #3 · answered by Kindle 2 · 1 1

Yes, you are too young. Wait until you're 16 to start dating. You're too young to even be thinking about guys right now at this point. Keep your head in those books, young lady.

2006-09-22 03:58:25 · answer #4 · answered by Lady S 6 · 1 0

studies are more important than having a date on your age-14?

2006-09-22 03:41:32 · answer #5 · answered by princess 2 · 1 0

not really i mean i dont' think that there's a certain age to date. i mean obviously 10 or so might be to young but 14 is just fine.

2006-09-22 03:35:30 · answer #6 · answered by polobaby 2 · 0 1

If you must ask strangers for advice on whether or not to date and you've not mastered the "art of using spell-check", I'll have to answer with a resounding,


You are too young to date.

2006-09-22 03:35:35 · answer #7 · answered by GrlNamedJane 5 · 0 1

yes. you can't even drive - and hopefully you wouldn't be dating anyone much older than you. i say wait until you're at least 15 so that maybe he's 16 and can drive you around. it's so not cool to both be dropped off by your moms to have a date.

2006-09-22 04:23:03 · answer #8 · answered by faerydahlia3 2 · 2 0

yes, i am sorry to tell you but MOST guys just want sex and you are 14 and dont need that stress right now

2006-09-22 03:35:38 · answer #9 · answered by Wondering 2 · 1 0


2006-09-22 03:41:45 · answer #10 · answered by JB 6 · 1 0

You are at that age where you start thinking about guys on a whole nother level thats would be something you and your parents would have to talk about

2006-09-22 03:43:37 · answer #11 · answered by tpchick22 4 · 0 1

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