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I've been away for a while,but the last time I was here we were all fighting with that Mantos is a Pantos person....I think Brad Morris is the same person...Just taking a different angle to p*ss us off. I haven't even been on line for half an hour and he's already irritating the sh*t out of me. Who else is feeling the "Brad Morris" irritation?

2006-09-22 02:39:03 · 17 answers · asked by Raven 2 in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

17 answers

I agree with you guys, he is an idiot and should be ignored. If we just stop answering his questions, only Alf and that stupid Silent Assassin will answer his questions. Well, let them sit and rub each other's racist balls, it appears to be the only way they can satisfy themselves because they have no life. He must be on the internet 24 hours a day, must still have no job (lost it because he sexually assaulted a woman at work), so this is his only thing he can do. We should just ignore him.

2006-09-22 23:58:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

I dunno why you guys even bother answering this guy. He craves the attention. I think he has nothing else to do and his only highlight of the day is insulting you guys. He's probably some nerd that doesn't have anything better to do with his life.

I have been warned several times by Yahoo that I might lose my account because of insulting these kinds of idiots and I have stopped answering any of their questions. I think it would be better if you do the same. If no one answers his questions, he'll leave, because he'll have nobody to insult.

Oh, and Mantos got suspended or rather booted off Yahoo. He opened a new account under the name of Alf Garnett. If you check Alf, you'll see that his answers are structured the same as Mantos and he answers a lot of questions on soccer as well. Definitely the same guy!

2006-09-22 11:45:36 · answer #2 · answered by Porgie 7 · 3 3

Hey Raven..yes I certainly lost my cool with him today..and even if get a warning or whatever I won't regret it. But I have started to report him and maybe can ask all and sundry that feel the same to do it as well and ignore him like a stop sign..:o)

2006-09-22 12:22:19 · answer #3 · answered by Queen B 2 · 3 2

Eliminate Brad Morris.My vote is for him on Yahoo the survivor of questions.

2006-09-22 09:51:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

I agree.
What is the quickest way to kill Brad Morris?
Let him fall from his ego, all the way down unto his IQ.

2006-09-23 08:28:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anria A 5 · 4 1

I think everybody on Yahoo! answers is getting very annoyed with Brad, he really needs to get himself a better hobby!!

2006-09-22 10:18:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

I feel your pain! He among other people was the reason I did not come on here for a long time. But, just decided now, bugger it! I reply to his questions, only because I feel sorry for him. My first few replies were angry, but now I just offer him advice!

2006-09-22 11:30:16 · answer #7 · answered by glynis18 3 · 3 2

You have the problem as it seems you are unable to tolerate or debate a point of view different to yours. The truth hurts but you must confront it and not go into denial. Brad has posed some good questions and answers so if you have an issue then debate it with him.

2006-09-22 13:05:50 · answer #8 · answered by Alf Garnett 3 · 1 7

We should send him some "Grandpa's headache tablets" maybe he would drink them and disappear. He is not worth the effort.

2006-09-24 00:02:37 · answer #9 · answered by cheryl l 3 · 4 1

He hardly bothers me. I can't allow someone who has no clear understanding of the problem and the reason for it's existance and who relies on sensationlism to upset me. He's uninformed opinions astound me as it's always based on one sided "information" from websites linked to white supremacy, Arayanism and racial discrimination. The African Crisis and Crime Expo sites (among others) that he loves quoting from present one side of a very serious problem and puts forward a skewed unrealistic picture of South Africa.

A furore has surrounded the launch of the new crime exposure website (and subsequent southafricaiscr*p and africancrisis type sites and blogs) claiming to expose the truth about the crime situation in South Africa. People on both sides of the debate are running around frantically trying to convince the public of their version of the truth.

Perversely, the main casualty in what should be a very serious debate is truth itself as both sides have become adept at wielding the sceptre of convenient morality and dubious fact.

On the one side of the crime divide we have members of our government denying the claims of rampant crime in our society. On the other, we have members of the citizenry claiming that we are turning into a corrupt crime ridden war-zone led by a quasi-Zimbabwean cabinet.

One member of government has told the whiners to ship off if they are not happy here and the Crimexpo-Southafricaiscr*p-Africancrisis brigade will have you know that you will be killed within ten seconds of stepping out of your home (guaranteed) - everywhere in South Africa.

Both these views are skewed, unrealistic and untruthful.

Crime is our nemesis and no amount of spin doctoring from either side will solve a very real and serious problem affecting the lives of many South Africans.

There is no acceptable crime level. One rape, assault or murder per 100 000 people is unacceptable - it is one too many. How will either approach provide a solution? The Denialists won’t admit to a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist. The SouthAfrica-Is-Turning-Into-Zimbabwe camp will claim that the websites and blogs they have set up is the answer “because we are letting the world know how violent South Africa is and people are starting to talk about the crime.”

Talk is cheap. Meanwhile people are being killed, raped, hijacked and mugged. Solutions need to be found in the real world - not around the coffee table. And we shouldn’t solve the crime problem because the World Cup is coming to SA either. We need to solve the crime problem because it is the right thing to do and it needs to be done – for us, for our children and for our future as a people.

When you question the various role players concerning their solutions (or lack thereof) the There-Is-No-Crime party will staunchly declare “Crime. What crime?”

Meanwhile, the SouthAfricaIsCr*p-CrimeRidden-AndInACrisis team will knit their brows and question your intelligence by comparing it to an ape or a dolphin, call you a failed leftist politician and utter in dulcet tones: “Just wait until someone rapes your daughter or something bad happens to you.”

You may even be called wonderfully childish names by Anonymous (who comes across as a schizophrenic, paranoid drug user) on an internet forum and be informed that, because you question their dubious actions, certain individuals are “tracing you” in the grand tradition of Apart-Hate (after they declare that things were better when Apart-Hate was around). If you’re lucky you may even be called a Liberal/Denialist etc.

What do you call a person who lies to promote an evil agenda? A liar.

What do you then call a person who lies to further a good cause? A liar?

If you lied to protect the Jews you were safely harboring from the Nazis in World War Two, it would be perfectly understandable and acceptable. However, when you lie to the public by denying the seriousness of the crime problem or lie by sensationalizing our crime situation in South Africa you inflict damage upon a cause that needs serious, truthful, objective and level headed sustainable solutions.

The global community is being asked to judge whose actions are correct and to act accordingly. However, this case needs to be thrown out and a fresh, truthful one needs to take its place. One cannot make a decision that will lead to a genuine solution based on a) no evidence or b) untruthful evidence.

Unfortunately, in the absence of truth, most people will believe anyone who seems to have an answer (or who shouts the loudest).

It is also becoming disturbingly apparent the support for white supremacy/ Aryanism that the Crime Expos websites have. Africancrisis, SouthAfricaIsCrap and now Crimexposouthafrica.org now all have news from white supremacy/ Aryanism websites or are listed/ quoted on various racist sites like Christianparty, Nation Vanguard, Amren et al.

Logging on to the Crimexposouthafrica.org site ( http://www.crimexposouthafrica.org/?q=node/1018#comment-1703 ) there is an article taken from The National Alliance and whitecivilrights.com. The article mentioned first also takes a healthy swipe at Jews as well.

There are just no more words to discribe my disgust with these Aryan following idiots and their attempts to re-establish the hatred of non-whites as acceptable. They are purposly trying to revive racial tension by practising tenuous/blatant forms of racism.

If people had not practised the idea of white supremacy and Aryanism in the past we would not be in the crap our country is today.

Yes, apartheid as law no longer exists but the effects of apartheid are still being felt by all South Africans far and wide. Anyone who would deny this is truly the denialist among us and merely shows his ignorance.

2006-09-22 10:51:53 · answer #10 · answered by Ni Ten Ichi Ryu 4 · 5 4

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