A wonderful question about some thing that is nothing . Even the Greatest scientists of the day are unable to understand it. for they sem to call the galactoc mater alone as the Universe.
If ht eterm Universe means the galactic matter , its application should be confined to the solid matters , the gaseous invisible matteer , the electron and proton particles ( whether to include or exclude the microwave radiation and the electro magnetic and gravitational forces or not is a different issue )
In the case of the term being restricted to the solid maters and the invisible matters , it is impossible to say wher ethe center of the universe lies as , it is uncertain if by universe we mean that all the matter that is in all the galaxies started exploding or expanding from the same one compact quantity of matter at one and the same spot or they are parts of matter that got away form different spots and whethere what all we have seen or aware of ae the only matter in existence or whethre there are much more yet to be seen.
For a central positon to be located , there should be some boundary. Without some boundary , ther eis absolutely no possiblity of haveing any center . that is no center point can exist in anything that does not have boundaries. For anything to have boundary , it should have some limitation . it should be something that could be circumscribed . anything that can not be circumscribed can not have a center. So the entire mass of the universe whether it is confined to the solid and gaseous mater alone , should be known to locate the center. since the total number of the galaxies and a final knowedge of the quantum of the matter available in the space being is unknown and unassesable , it can not be determined wher the center of the universe lies , if in case you restrict the application of the term universe to the solid and gaseous matter of the universe .In theory alone it might be possible to say wher ethe center of the Universe lies if and under the only condition that the term is applied to the matter alone and the entire quantity of the matter and itrs location is space is known. this is the case with the visible and perceivable mattr in th espace .
But there is one more thing that seems to be being neglected by the scientific community even today.merely because that it is "nothing" the most wonderful being in this univesr is a thing that is not a Thing. That is space - the emptimness - the void .But for this no matter whatever it be can ever exist .
Suppose you have a ball in your hand . you know that the ball is occupying a space . It has a volume and the volume takes some space . Take two cups that are empty. Say one is of one liter capacity and the other is of three liter capacity . Now let us fill up to the brim the cup of one liter capacity. it is full and we have space in it for more milk to be poured in. Now we have one more liter of milk in some satchet , to be poured in to some vessel. We can not pour it in the cup that is already full for we say there is no space. Now we have another cup that is of 3 liter capacity and ther is space in it for threee liters of liquid . Can we take out the space of one liter capacity from the three liter cup and add to the one liter cup so that we can pour in one liter of milk into it ? We know that there is space to th eextend of three liters in the other cupand ther is no space in the cup that is filled in. Why not take the sopace that is available in the other cuo and add to the one liter cup? Space can not be moved . It is nothing - emptiness and void .But it is necessary for the existence of things in the universe .without space nothing can exist . things themselvs exist in space and because of space - the emptiness. the "Nothing ". We speak of it like something - when we say that theereis space . And we are not able to lift it up when we say it is - whereas it is not - it is nothing. we say that "nothing " is. What we say as available , is, actually nothing .But this "Nothing " precedes the coming into being of everything . For any matter , for anything to come into existence , this nothing ness and its existence is a primary condition. It is unaffected by anything and evrything . Nothing could react with it as it is "nothing " Nothing could touch it , water could not wet it , fire could not burn it . no explosion could move it . It can not be divided but for things to stand divided the space , the nothing ness - the emptiness is a necessity. Things stand di9vided in it , but it is not divided. It alone can have not boundary for it is nothing . it alone has infinity , for it is nothing . it alone has no directions , no depth and noheight , for it is nothing - But it alone can sustain anything and everything . because of its unique quality of being a thing that is nothing . it has no end , no beginning and no middle , no bottom and no top. It is pace in which all th ematters in the universe exist . Because of its dimentionlessness, inconceivability and immeasureablility , in moveablilyt , there is no middle or center to it .Space alone has no boundary and haence has no center , no edge, no boundary , no weight , no volume . No force can act on it and it can never be touched or afected by any force . Gravity the unique force that bends light and pulls and swallows light can do nothing to space . Ther eis absolutely nothig in the universe or anywher that can do anyting to space at any time . so it alone is absolute and it does not depend on anything for its existence by non -existence whereas it is indispensable for the existence of everything else without exception in the universe or elsewhere . The is therefor noting greater than the emptispace that pervades everything , that sustains evrything while by its esistnece as a non-existent being of non-being . There is no center to the universe if it inclueds everything including space and ther is a center to the universe in concept if the word universe is restricted to the matter in the space and it stotal quantum if identified and located . Also we can fix a center to the known matter at a point that is equidistant form the edges or centers of the known universe ( if it is to be restricted tothe known universe as indicated in the question).this our scientists will b ecapapble of doing .
But there is one thing that no scientist evenif he is God himself , can not find out . thatis the space which has not boundary so that everything else it can have a boundary. One who travels in a straight line in space will never return as space is not a substance without any qualities of attrction . gravity , shape . If it has a shape , it should be having boundaries and the boundaries should be marked from something else out side it and it should. exist in some thing and consequently there will be some thing out side it .
so the quality of the space if understood would give the final solution to the nature of the universe . "Nothingness" sustains everything .
A thing of matter can have boundaries and therefore a center too.
A thing that has no boundaries ALONE can have no center point .
A THING can not be without boundaries and for anything to be without boundaries , it should be nothing - SPACE ALONE IS A THING OF NOTHING AND SO IS BOUNDLESS AND HAS NO CENTERE POINT .
"i shall teach you what is to be known
for knowing it ,one attains immortality
it is called the supreme infinite spirit ,
beginning less , neither being nor non-being ."
"ts hands and feet reach evreywhere ;
its head and face see in every direction ;
hearing everything , it remains
in the world , eveveloping all"
" lacking all the sense organs,
It hines in their qualities
unattached , it supports everything
without qualities , it enjoys them"
"Outside and within all creatures
inanimate but still animate
too subtle to be known,
it is far distant , yet near"
Undiveded , it seems divided
among creatures
understood as their sustainer ,
it devours and creates them"
"Beyond the unmanifest nature
is another unmanifest existence
a timeless being , that does not perish
when all creatures perish"
" it is called the eternal unmanifest nature
what men call the highest way,
the goal from which they do not return
this highest realm is mine ."
(Bhagavad Gita)
2006-09-22 04:50:42
answer #1
answered by Infinity 7
This is what I found from the net:
The term universe has a variety of meanings, based on the context in which it is used. In strictly physical terms, the total universe is the summation of all matter that exists and the space in which all events occur or could occur. The part of the universe that can be seen or otherwise observed to have occurred is usually called the known universe, observable universe, or visible universe. Because cosmic inflation removes vast parts of the total universe from our observable horizon, most cosmologists accept that it is impossible to observe the whole continuum and may use the expression our universe, referring to only that which is knowable by human beings in particular. In cosmological terms, the universe is thought to be a finite or infinite space-time continuum in which all matter and energy exist. Some scientists hypothesize that the universe may be part of a system of many other universes, known as the multiverse.
The observable universe is a term used in cosmology to describe a ball-shaped region of space surrounding the Earth that is close enough that we might observe objects in it, i.e. there has been sufficient time for light emitted by an object to arrive at Earth. Every position has its own observable universe which may or may not overlap with the one centred around the Earth.
Given the above definitions, the center of the known or observable universe is really the earth and not the sun.
2006-09-22 02:36:38
answer #2
answered by Mye 4
The centre of the *known* universe is right here. We can only see a certain distance in each direction, due to limitations imposed by the speed of light. If we look up, down, left or right, forwards or backwards we can see a maximum of about 14 billion light years whatever way we look. So we are I am in the exact centre of my visible universe.
Of course, exactly the same is true for everyone else, human or alien, anywhere in the universe.
2006-09-22 02:18:32
answer #3
answered by robcraine 4
If there IS a centre of the universe, does that mean everywhere is the centre because there is an equal amount of infinity in every direction of everywhere, like Earth for example could be the centre of the universe as there is infinite space and time in every direction, as could anywhere else for that matter. So to answer your question, if you believe space is infinite, everywhere is the centre.
2006-09-22 04:08:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There isn't a centre to the universe. This is quite difficult to understand. There is a lot of evidence to show that the universe is expanding and, from our point of view on Earth (in the Milky Way galaxy) all galaxies are moving away from us. But if you were in another galaxy then everything would appear to be moving away from you there! So there is an illusion of centrality. There is no centre but everywhere can claim to be it!
2006-09-22 03:38:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Of course they do! Why the center of the *KNOWN* universe is right here on Earth! You see, the limits of our perception radiate outward such that beyond our perceptual scope is what you might call "the unknown universe."
Other than that, it is quite possible that the universe is actually infinite and, hence, has no centre whatsoever unless someone decides to open a shop of that name (geography notwithstanding, of course).
I have also, regrettably, discounted the perceptual abilities of any extraterrestrial life, which may also be capable of not only perceiving the universe, but also opening shops of the same name... So it is completely conceivable that there could be multiple centres of multiple "known universes." My apologies to any extraterrestrials that may have been offended by my presumptiousness.
2006-09-22 02:28:58
answer #6
answered by Cheshire Cat 6
The center of the know universe is anywhere you happen to be at that moment. This applies to everyone so that there are six and a half billion centers of the universe on the Earth.
There is no actual center of the universe since the universe has no boundary or edge so technically everywhere is the center and nowhere is the center at the same time. Its a very Zen like problem that can only be understood if you work on it.
2006-09-22 03:08:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i would agree with what some one else said already. this planet is the centre of the 'known universe' we cant figure out the centre of the actual universe until we can at least see an edge! (a bit like a jigsaw lol)
but if i was to hazard a huge guess - id like it to be 'The Great Attractor' a region in space which is pulling a massive amount of the surrounding galaxies - including our own into itself!! its unknown at the moment but sure sounds intreging
2006-09-22 02:57:28
answer #8
answered by Mr Gravy 3
The best theories have it that the Universe on its largest scale does not have a definite shape for there to be a centre of, but probably twists back into itself in a similar fashion to a Mobius strip, not that laymen like you and me can visualise that properly.
As we have plainly been moving rapidly through space for aeons we cannot be at the centre, that is like assuming that if you sail out of sight of land, then you must be in the very middle of the ocean.
2006-09-22 02:38:28
answer #9
answered by cdrotherham 4
No. The universe has no actual centre. As the shape of the universe is unknown, we cannot know where its centre is, or even if the question is meaningful. As the Universe is finite but closed, it is difficult to know how you could define its centre.
However, I am the centre of my universe, as you are of yours.
2006-09-22 02:48:24
answer #10
answered by hi_patia 4
The universe is actually considered to have no center. That defies common sense, since you'd think that the big bang would've occurred at some specific spot, and everything would be moving away from there. However, that's not the case.
The sourced link provides a bit more of an explanation.
2006-09-22 02:24:46
answer #11
answered by Bramblyspam 7