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In Eastenders, Honey said that she refused to have the tests that show up Downs Syndrome in a feotus, would you have the tests? And if they were positive would you go ahead with the preganancy or abort?

2006-09-21 23:50:30 · 19 answers · asked by MissEssex 5 in Entertainment & Music Television

19 answers

I would have had the test and then had an abortion,ok what kind of life can someone with downs have what happens to that child when the parents die,most people with downs are unable to function in society without any aid.before people kick off i am a support worker with people like this and i see first hand how difficult life can be for all involved.

2006-09-22 00:15:17 · answer #1 · answered by candyfloss 5 · 1 0

I was told there was a strong possibility there was somethng wrong with my baby. (It was a laboratory error.) I became very protective simply because everyone outlined my options and I felt as though they were planning on killing my baby. I was, for some reason, very offended that the person assigned to advise me wore a mini skirt, flirted with a colleague and also, never once looked at me while she was explaining the procedures to me. Hormones, what can I say?
So I didn't have further tests. Bunkered down and decided that my baby was my baby and I would look after it whatever.
She was born with a medical team in attendance, all anxious to look at her. I took one look at her and knew she was fine. She was. Luckily for us.
My friend was different. Her tests came back with severe results - there was no error there. She had to decide to terminate her seventh month pregnancy - we could see the baby kicking through her dress. It was absolutely horrendous and deeply distressing. The baby would never have survived the birth, but make no mistake, this is an absolutely tragic and horrific thing to go through. Billy and Honey's baby might bring them joy. Don't think so - it doesn't seem to be a viable storyline for long!
Oh and by the way, I think the storyline might deeply distress anyone with Down's Syndrome and their families. No one likes to hear that they might have been aborted if there'd been an option.

2006-09-22 00:11:20 · answer #2 · answered by True Blue Brit 7 · 0 0

I had one test, although at the time I wasn't told it was looking for Down syndrome. We were told that we had a high probability for Down syndrome and were urged to have the definitive test but we declined. We knew we wanted the child no matter what. An extra little chromosome didn't matter to us, and sure enough, a few months later were were given the precious gift of a lovely little boy with Down syndrome. I wouldn't trade him for the world nor could I ever imagine terminating a pregnancy for something like this.

2006-09-22 03:07:25 · answer #3 · answered by Smom 4 · 0 0

I also think Eastenders should not have decided that Honey & Billy`s baby ended up with Down`s. I know these thing`s happen in the "REAL WORLD", but, we are talking TELEVISION here. I can only imagine that the "REAL PEOPLE" this has happened to must be very upset each time they watch Eastenders, (that`s if they still do)

2006-09-22 00:10:01 · answer #4 · answered by madge 51 6 · 0 0

I when i was pregnant i had the test its just a simple blood test but if it comes back that theres more of a persentage of havin a down syndrome baby then i think they put a needle in your belly to take a sample from your belly where the baby is but its been said it could lead to miscarriage but my blood tests were fine.If i did find out i was havin a down syndrome baby i would still go through with my pregnancy,at the end of the day its my flesh and blood and would still love him/her as much as a healthy baby.

2006-09-22 00:22:28 · answer #5 · answered by pinkdragon 3 · 0 0

I would have the test just to know for sure, but I would definitely have the baby. I have an older cousin with Down Syndrome and we all love him to death, especially my son. God makes people different for a reason. Nobody is perfect.

Oh and those test aren't always right, I had another cousin who had the test done and was told her daughter would have down's sydrome. She was born perfectly healthy.

2006-09-22 01:21:00 · answer #6 · answered by prfadfels 3 · 0 0

Oh poor billy and honey!!I really feel for them!!
I wish i could say i was a strong enough person to just except the child whatever was wrong with it but unfortunately i don't think i could!I would defiantly have the test but how i would feel when i got the results if they came back positive and i was told the child would be downs i really don't no.I so pose you don't really no how you would feel until it actually happens to you!I just hope that if it did happen to me i would be able to be a strong enough person to deal with it x

2006-09-21 23:57:30 · answer #7 · answered by jo 4 · 0 0

My sons 3 mths now and will all 4 of my kids i refused the test. Wouldnt have made any difference to me anyways. I know a lot of people get tested just so they have some time to get used to the idea b4 baby is born.

2006-09-22 00:17:09 · answer #8 · answered by emn2111 3 · 0 0

We had the tests, as they're pretty much standard procedure. (Our baby is due on Monday)
I couldn't possibly imagine how I would react if they were positive for downs though.
I would most likely opt to keep the baby anyway.
I think Eastenders have handled this story line really badly. They've over-dramatised the whole thing and I imagine have upset many many people.
It made my wife very nervous and fearful.

2006-09-21 23:55:26 · answer #9 · answered by le_coupe 4 · 0 1

It's not real, y'know!
I agree it was badly handled. We know an adult Downs sufferer who was devastated by this storyline.
Serious issues like this shouldn't be peddled in the name of entertainment.
Similarly, Sadie's 'shooting' shouldn't have been shown so graphically before the 2100 watershed. OK, we now know it was fake, but try telling that to a wide-eyed eight year old!

2006-09-22 00:00:00 · answer #10 · answered by Michael E 4 · 0 0

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