There is a legal form of prostitution. It's called dating, mariage. Women go out with a guy for money all the time. Oh I think Anna Nichole got married for money. Isn't that prostitution? Why is that legal?
2006-09-21 18:12:54
answer #1
answered by tengu312003 3
It's not illeagal, it's tightly regulated. You can have sex for money anywhere in the country as long as you either both have an entertainer's licence and can prove that the act is being used for entertainment purposes. this is how Pornography is made, Or the seller is a licenced therapist. All goods and services are regulated, you can't give coffee away for free without a licence either allthough coffee is more dangerous than sex. State Governments restrict the sale of sex because of the danger it poses to the general populous not only as a health risk that would need to be regulated but also as an ecomonic and moral risk. If Prositution became legal it would not raise the standard of living for prostitutes, they would be in an skillless profession with no scarcity, they'd be paid on par with Taco Bell employees. When's the last time you had the hots for someone working at Taco Bell? Also Legalizing prostitution would have a terrifying impact on the American Family. How often do you think your wife would get flowers if you could get a ******* from a licenced clean hooker for the cost of a meal at Taco Bell?
2006-09-21 18:26:10
answer #2
answered by W0LF 5
as much as i think prostitution is a disgusting practice, i do that it would make more sense to legalize it, be able tax it and keep the streets cleaner. so think about this, basically prostitution is having sex in exchange for money. why, then, is it that pornography legal? that's people having sex in exchange for money. i actually think that pornography is worse than prostitution because children can get ahold of pornography, whereas prostitution is consensual sex between 2 adults. i'm not saying that pornography should be illegal, but i'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of our governments laws.
in rebuttal to people who say that prostitution should stay illegal because of the pimps, violence and std's. just like any other industry, it would be the government's job to regulate these things. street pimps would be eliminated, there could be a place of law to report abuse, and prostitutes would be medically monitered to prevent to spread of std's.
2006-09-21 18:24:55
answer #3
answered by Peanuts 3
Prostitution is legal in some parts of Nevada. It's also tightly regulated. There are no pimps, the ladies are independent contractors who work at brothels. They are tested for STD's regularly, and I assure you, Uncle Sam can and does tax that ***.
2006-09-22 16:12:36
answer #4
answered by K M 2
prostitution was the oldest profession but it is only legal to a very few countries! if prostitution is legal globally, no one will be thrilled coz the feeling of doing something illegal gives you a high and it is really adrenalin pumping experience!
2006-09-21 18:14:25
answer #5
answered by lisette 4
It's a morality issue and no one wants to see Uncle Sam as a pimp (although many points you make are valid and reasoned)
2006-09-21 18:11:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Becose the goverment is morgoritly ran by people tring to pose as good christians for the voters that think there good christians.....
Tring to push something like that through they beleave would mean them getting booed out of office.
2006-09-21 18:20:08
answer #7
answered by CrazyCat 5
Did u know that pimps force teenagers into that kind of life. Kids even? I've seen it on Oprah.(I was bored so thats why I was watching her show)Thats why it should stay illegal.
2006-09-21 18:22:34
answer #8
answered by missgigglebunny 7
i think its illegal because hookers have sex with alot of people i mean ALOT of people... its illegal to have sex with someone if they dont tell u they have a STD... or STI whatever u wanna call it. what if the hooker ur screwing has 1 but doesnt know it yet, think about it
2006-09-21 18:14:49
answer #9
answered by Dont get Infected 7
i feel like this...your husband or boyfriend or whatever you have...takes you out buys you things...and you f* there for your basically selling your the same way...most husbands pay most of the bills so your basically still selling your body no matter how you look @ it your selling your body and it does need to be legalized cause people all over the world are already selling their body...
2006-09-21 18:13:13
answer #10
answered by chew 2