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Using spiritual and intuitive reserves, meditating and asking for things such as love, money, homes, cars, etc.?

2006-09-21 17:52:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

10 answers

Yes,and I have several friends who live by it! I was a skeptic,but after listening to people in a metaphysical experimental group that I belonged to,I tried it.I also read several metaphysical books that supported it,like several Sylvia Brown books, and "The Holographic Universe".Writer Louise L.Hay is well known for preaching the power of thought.The POWER of THOUGHT
that is what it is all about.Many believe that we create everything around us by negative or positive thought.I have even heard some say you can almost create anything you want in life just by thought manifestation.Now I'm not sure of that,but I do know when Iset my mind on straightening something out in my life,such as eliminating fear of failure,or wanting peace of mind;I can turn it around.Example--I put a note on my refrigerator in bold letters that said "PEACE of MIND".I looked at it, wished for it ,and truly needed it for a long time.Everything within a few months started to change.Now I have peace of mind and am no longer in the grip of unbearable fear.My environment changed,my friends say it was the power of my mind that changed it.I must admit it took work and courage to believe to make it happen.I do not believe you can get material things through affirmations,but I could be wrong .I haven't tried that,I have different priorities in my life right now.

2006-09-21 20:16:41 · answer #1 · answered by alchemy 3 · 1 0

Yes it does work. Using affirmations retrains the subconscious. Contrary to popular belief, EVERYTHING starts with a thought. The computer, telephone, home, car, everything. When dealing with affirmations and manifestations, however, you can't place a time on when this will happen for you. The Universe doesn't deal with time, as we see it so when you say you would like to something to manifest sayyy, next week it might or might not occur. Everything has to be placed together in the right order and the right moment for whatever you are visualizing to occur. But you must meditate on your desired 'thing' non stop. Non stop meaning thinking about it has if you already have it. Not excepting that you don't, right? Act as if it's already yours, claim it to be true and it will be. It's as simple as that.

2006-09-22 09:40:57 · answer #2 · answered by namedshakora 1 · 0 0

There is no certain way to get anything without doing a lot of different things.Affirmations can help people to achieve goals,but they are only a part of getting what you want.
Sometimes sweat,blood and tears more effective than reciting affirmations. Some things are not really worth all the effort it costs you.
It is much easier to just take life as it comes and let it all just work itself out.Less stress that way.

2006-09-22 01:36:36 · answer #3 · answered by mystic_master3 4 · 0 0

I have. Just recently in fact. I have worked part time for almost 7 and 1/2 years and lately I have been saying out loud and to myself "I will get full time!" over and over again. Then last Friday I got a call from a person that interviewed me and then hired some one else. He offered me a full time job. I accepted, of course. And now I am very happy and go lucky.

2006-09-22 16:10:13 · answer #4 · answered by bearwitch1979 2 · 0 0

I think trying to use affirmations to get richer or to acquire more stuff is idiotic, and violates the nature of spirit. On the other hand, using them to correct a poor attitude, self-defeating behaviors or self-loathing talk WILL make a huge difference.

2006-09-22 01:10:48 · answer #5 · answered by drmarknd 2 · 0 1

I have never used to to get things but have used it for spiritual growth or comfort. It worked for that.

2006-09-22 01:01:23 · answer #6 · answered by valerie b 2 · 1 0

Yes but you must be relentless and do it over a period of several months: not giving up too easily.

2006-09-22 01:07:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, speaking out Gods word! Prophesying it! That is always the way to go! Praying, meditating on GODS WORD! This is how I do it! BE BLESSED!

2006-09-22 01:03:06 · answer #8 · answered by Proud MOM 3 · 0 3

Yes, though I refer to it as magic. (Not a whole lot of difference when you get down to it.)

2006-09-22 08:27:54 · answer #9 · answered by angk 6 · 1 0


2006-09-22 05:16:07 · answer #10 · answered by Scorpius59 7 · 0 0

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