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3 answers

He sucks more than a Hoover vacuum.

2006-09-21 12:19:54 · answer #1 · answered by strider89406 5 · 0 1

How many times a day is this asked on here?

And what the heck is a bushy bush?

2006-09-21 19:13:18 · answer #2 · answered by Pancakes 7 · 0 0

yah really, a lot have people have asked this already and I dont feel like repeating the entire thing again so I will briefly say my opinion: I dont agree with everything he has done but I still like him. I dont just listen to other people but follow politics and from what ive seen he has made some good points and done some good things. He may not be the greatest public speaker but he still does good things and I would much rather face reality than to pretend everything is ok while the middle east kills not only their people but ours.

2006-09-21 19:21:28 · answer #3 · answered by A* 4 · 0 0

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