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I am a little concern about our age gap but we find we really care for one another and I dont look my age I look like 40 so it a matter of what people going to say once they find out I am 28 yrs older than him.

2006-09-21 10:25:41 · 44 answers · asked by victoria d 1 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

44 answers

The question should be, are you planning on having a long-term relationship or not. If you are, have you talked about what it will be like when you are 78 and he's 50? Sorry, but the older people get, the more your life becomes different than those 20 years your junior. Even if there's not much difference now, which I can see, wait a few years. You need to discuss that with him.

If you're just enjoying each other's company, I say enjoy!

2006-09-21 11:52:38 · answer #1 · answered by dashelamet 5 · 0 1

I always say if you are old enough to be his sister that's cool but honestly if you are old enough to be his mom (which you are) is a hell of a gap! Yes you are too old for him and you will see in the long run because if you have deep feelings for him what I say or anyone else say would it really matter you are old enough to know
but you want feed back I say put the baby (yes he is a man ) back in the cradle (way too young ) or you will regret it somewhere in the future he is a long way from 40 and you are 2 years from 60 in 10 years you will be 68 and he will be 40 oh my god lady let it go before you have heart failure soon because a young man have a long way to go we are already older than them mentally being the same age! Goodluck because you are going to need it!

2006-09-21 10:42:03 · answer #2 · answered by crystal_clear_0000 3 · 0 1

As they said age is just a number. I think what really matters is the people that are together. If you are happy and he is too, then I would not worry about any one else. If some one tries to break you two up then they are not happy in their own relationship and they should take a really close look at themselves before they say anything about any one else. Please continue to be your own person and do what you think is right. No one else will answer for you when the time comes. God bless and GOOD LUCK!!!

2006-09-21 10:38:20 · answer #3 · answered by bearwitch1979 2 · 0 0

I'm 24 dating a 47 yr old, we've been together a bit over 7 months and things are great.
age is only a number, what matters is where both of you are mentally and emotionally, I know 18 year olds bore the hell out of me:)

2006-09-21 10:42:14 · answer #4 · answered by phalsephasod 3 · 0 0

So what? my Grammy is 20 years older than my Papa, my husband is 14 years older than me and my Uncle Vinnie who turned 78 just married a 21 yr old lady a couple years back. Love has no age restrictions. If you are happy and care for each other go for it. Hell my hubby still get told hey your daughters really cute and has to tell them erm thats my wife. We dont care. We are happy as we are. I wish you all the best. And if other people dont like it tell them to go soak their head in the toilet and mind their own biz.

2006-09-21 17:30:06 · answer #5 · answered by mother_of_bonehead 3 · 0 0

I think it's great that you two have found a relationship that works for you. Age isn't that important since you're both legal adults. I personally believe that if the relationship has respect, mutual attraction and enough in common, then it is workable. The biggest factor will be whether he has a level of maturity that is acceptable to you. If so, I say go for it. Besides...it's really nobody else's business.

2006-09-21 14:14:56 · answer #6 · answered by hotandtastylady 3 · 0 0

You go, gurl !!! :-) (or wo-man) :-)
- Seriously, doesn't your relationship have enough challenges without involving the outside world more than it already is? I mean, there are certain differences - music you grew up with, memories of the world around you, even slang - that are common because of age. There may be other challenges the two of you face. I certainly lived with these challenges when my ex and I were together. However, relationships are unique, age difference or not; yours is no exception to that rule.
-Are you happy together? Isn't THAT all that matters? Really?

2006-09-21 10:32:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if u like eachother and u want the same thing out of your relationship age is just a number, buuuuuut heres the thing there are some issues in an age gap relationship ie settling down, freedom or lack there of, simmilar intrests, jelousy on both parts etc. if you both can resolve these kind of issues together then ur relationship will be stronger than ever. i wish u the best of luck with it and happiness

2006-09-21 10:31:47 · answer #8 · answered by Belosnezhka (aka Gex) 6 · 0 0

Stop worrying and enjoy your dates. If you feel the age gap is too large, it will be (for the two of you). Nothing anyone else says matters if this is what you both want. Don't worry about it, you are a lucky lady.

2006-09-21 17:04:27 · answer #9 · answered by swarr2001 5 · 0 0

Who cares what others think ur datinghim not others. If u and he are enjoying and having fun with each other to hell with anyone outsdie that.

I'm sure he makes u feel good and I bet u make him feel good( right) so whats the problem?

Ur at an age where it shouldn't matter what other people say because they're gonna talk no matter what. So if if u anad he like and want each other let them talk and to really make others upset give em something to talk about when ur with him. =-)

2006-09-21 15:43:49 · answer #10 · answered by itspink22@sbcglobal.net 6 · 0 0

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