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i had a baby which was too small to live i took medical advice and was told there was nothing wrong i still have a temprature and stomach ache do i go back for medical advice or just leave it

2006-09-21 09:27:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

7 answers

Since it seems that you had a miscarriage and a fever, you may have an infection and unresolved evacuation. It is not uncommon - go to the doc to get checked again and put on antibiotics.

If you are not taken seriously - then I'd try Planned Parenthood or an abortion clinic. They are very compassionate and have the equipment to really check things out. I know it sounds weird to go to an abortion clinic - but they specialize in pregnancy, incomplete evacuation, and infections in female reproductive organs. Plus you'll receive the care you are looking for.

2006-09-21 10:09:57 · answer #1 · answered by Applecore782 5 · 1 0

A temperature could signify a fever. It's possible that you could have an infection. It's totally up to you, but if I were you, I would go and get checked out, just in case.

2006-09-21 09:29:50 · answer #2 · answered by rita_alabama 6 · 2 0

you might want to go back If you have a temp. then it might mean you have a infection. Go get checked out and mabey find out if you can get some pain killers. You have been threw enough, get some help girl. do not tough it out.

2006-09-21 09:30:53 · answer #3 · answered by sr22racing 5 · 1 0

Does it harm once you press your abdomen? left facet? good facet? If it hurts on your left facet and not good, then it must be your appendix(women human beings have in on left, men on good). indications are quite comparable. i do no longer think of that's antibiotics, yet to make constructive, i propose you seek for professional help. stable luck.

2016-10-15 06:43:30 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Definitely go back. Even if nothing is wrong, at least then you will know and can rest easier.

2006-09-21 09:30:13 · answer #5 · answered by Mrs J 3 · 2 0

Go to the doctor.

2006-09-21 09:29:48 · answer #6 · answered by Blunt Honesty 7 · 2 0

yes! you could be in danger

2006-09-21 09:29:47 · answer #7 · answered by single mom 1 · 2 0

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