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This is a serious question.

If we look at the population stats for South Africa...


...then we figure in the people with HIV - as well as babies being born HIV positive...



...then we take into account the rape epidemic...


...and specifically the monstrous phenomenon of child rape...



...then we figure in your everyday crime statistics...


...and the coming famine...


...how soon will you run out of Proud South Africans?

2006-09-20 20:58:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

Kim - when does the sorting out process begin luv?

2006-09-20 21:11:00 · update #1

Believe it or not, I'm actually on your side.

2006-09-20 21:19:44 · update #2

robsnor - I was born and raised in Johannesburg, as a matter of fact - Hillbrow specifically.

I still have family that I support financially there - that's what my stake in all this is.

My friend, I have some bad news for you - crime statistics are NOT normal in South Africa. Not even close. What's going on around you is not normal.
And that's coming from someone living in New York City.

L&R Consortium's R7.04 billion bid?
Guess they're going to find out the hard way.

2006-09-20 22:25:53 · update #3

Anria - Hillbrow was NOT posh -as you call it in the 80s. Apparently, now it's a jungle. Sweetie - again - what you are living in is NOT - I repeat NOT normal.

2006-09-21 05:28:04 · update #4

poepies - what's the point of taking part in an 'election'?
The ANC isn't going anywhere. Ever. Kinda like Castro.

2006-09-21 05:31:30 · update #5

Glynis 18 - If you are a Proud South African, what're you doing in NYC, sweetie?

2006-09-21 05:33:16 · update #6

liefie - where else will you find all that? Well....America, for one. Here they call it a barbeque.

2006-09-21 05:36:05 · update #7

Boxer - Despite those statistics you're still a Proud South African?
Apparently, denial is not just a river in Egypt.

2006-09-21 06:05:29 · update #8

InControl - according to those statistics, you do live among wild animals in the streets.

2006-09-21 09:52:23 · update #9

Sonskyn - they don't want to leave, baby.
Maybe they too are Proud South Africans.

2006-09-21 15:44:43 · update #10

Chucky - Zuma got acquiitted - what a shocker.

2006-09-21 19:15:04 · update #11

Queen B - hope springs eternal.

2006-09-21 20:28:20 · update #12

Diesel - no my friend - you have an AIDS and crime crisis. Crunch the numbers.

2006-09-22 03:45:50 · update #13

Sonskyn - I don't have a problem. You do. Look at those stats.

2006-09-22 04:51:05 · update #14

Diesel - you're a Proud South African? What're you doing in the UK?
Diplomatic work or something?

2006-09-22 05:28:00 · update #15

Alf - I heard that Zuma walked on the corruption charges. What a surprise.
Pretty soon you'll have a rapist, who believes that showers cure AIDS, running what used to be South Africa.

The sad part is that the Proud South Africans who vent at me have no idea what a laughing stock The New South Africa has become to the civilized, normal world - under the thugs that run the country now.
People can't believe it over here.

But like I said to you on my other question, the X factor in all this is AIDS.

The tactics of denial and blaming others - the altering of reality - have been around for a long time, especially in Marxist, one party states, that South Africa has become - but AIDS is shoving reality home - brutally, and daily, in the paradise you live in. The anarchy and abnormal crime doesn't help much, either.

Simply put - you are running out out people. Fast.
No amount of wishful thinking, happy thoughts, finger pointing or altering of data will change that savage reality

2006-09-22 08:59:24 · update #16

Sorry Alf - that should read 'running out OF people'. Very tired

2006-09-22 11:01:21 · update #17

Dina*5* - that's prison 'cell', sweetie.
The only reason the prisoner who lifted his head saw stars is probably because the guard hit him upside the head.

2006-09-23 09:38:41 · update #18

16 answers

Although South Africa sells itself as a Democracy that is not the case as will shortly be shown in the Cape Town Mayor debacle. South Africa is a de facto Kleptocracy and all of these correct and relevant factors you point out mean nothing to the elite who continue to line their pockets at the expense of the majority. In many respects I feel very sorry for those Proud South Africans who respond on this site as they are unwilling to accept the reality and fate of South Africa and solutions like "work together" do not mean a thing in a Kleptocratic State. The elite will agree to anything as long as the personal coffers continue to be filled. The latest joke is Mbeki getting a 15 minute spot at the UN and berating Western Governments for the poverty in Africa. He of course did not mention that he flew in in his personal R600 million jet,that he is about to move into a R22million house,the black Mercedes he drives,the security surrounding him etc.etc. Nor did he mention the 1000+ AIDS sufferers dying every day in South Africa whilst under his instructions not to issue ARV's. They distort the HIV figures,the Crime Rates,make false claims about their HIV/AIDS programme being the best in the World which have now been rubbished by experts showing that many African Countries are further advanced than them with their Programmes and so on and so on. The Zuma debacle is just another episode in a continuing downward spiral and guess who the next President will be? The end is nigh.

2006-09-22 07:34:39 · answer #1 · answered by Alf Garnett 3 · 0 1

Are you dumb or something? We are proud South Africans but that does not mean that we are proud of the crime and HIV/AIDS. We have other things to be proud of and other things to make us smile and laugh about. If you're going to continue to look at the negatives then do so, while you are getting angry and unhappy about those statistics I'll be living a great life in South Africa as a PROUD SOUTH AFRICAN! There is more to South Africa than those terrible statistics. South Africa will sort that out, you'll see!

2006-09-20 21:07:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I am sure this is a serious question....and with SERIOUS thought I would like to ask you to please keep in mind that every country has crime even the States and I'm sure they have more then us, WE WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF PROUD SOUTH AFRICANS cause we are a proud nations that stand together as one UNITED RAINBOW NATION, yes I agree with a couple of answers have you EVER been here if not how on earth can you judge our country or are you one of those idiots that read that we live among wild animals in our streets, if that was the case you can think by yourself how priviledge we would have been if we were even able to tame our wild animals, btw do u have the BIG 5 as we do? Do you have a table mountain or Cape Town which was btw voted as the pretties city in the world do you have any idea how many foreigners comes to SA to enjoy our fine foods, wine, hospitality and our awesome weather...Did we ever "give birth" to people like Ted Bundy, the Manson family or any of the over a thousand serial killers you have? NO I don't think so...Does our government interfere in other countries and the way they are been run, NO we don't we keep to ourselfes to we have the amount of enemies the States have, once again the answer is no we don't...Before copy and pasting links of SA please copy and paste links showing that your country is anything better then our country, everyone in our country is PROUDY SOUTH AFRICAN and should we run out of them trust me that will not happen cause we love our country which btw has the freshest air, we loyal people we have hamorny among us...Do u have that I doubt it....Get on a plane and come visit SA and tell me you didn't love it here the humor and kindness of South African's will and can not be found in any other country, for the Americans are arrogant and selfish the UK people are snobs and I think if they are scared if they should laugh there faces will crack, here in SA we dont have that we just have smiling faces all over the place.....Grow up and get a life....and reather check your country and ask yourself if youre proud to be staying there....

2006-09-21 00:20:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Have you ever been to South Africa. Stop believing everything you read and come and see for yourself. It is not nearly as bad as the newspapers are making it out to be. We are no different to any other country(Besides being the most beautiful country) The same you read about South Africa and worse we read about other countries all over the worl. By the way where are you from.
If South Africa was so bad why did a foreign company just make a bid of R7 billion for the waterfront in Cape Town(most beautiful city in the world) Think about that.

2006-09-20 22:09:57 · answer #4 · answered by robsnor 3 · 4 1

As a black person living in Germany, you're able to already be responsive to what racism is. Or have you ever no longer come throughout any neo-nazis yet? And in Germany do they no longer use the paintings f*ck, and schei**e each and all the time?? Do you no longer see it in graffiti on the partitions?? look here my little guy, once you have had the 20 th destroy-in on your place interior 6 months; and your next-door neighbours have been shot by making use of four black men, the guy died and the spouse grew to become into in in intensity look after 3 months; and their neighbour grew to become into stabbed to loss of life for a measly theft of a duvet, a kettle and a few different small issues crammed right into a black rubbish bag; while your livestock get stolen off your sources in large daylight hours; the aluminium irrigation pipes get stolen for scrap steel, your washing gets stolen off the line in large daylight hours; your worker purely approximately gets raped on her thank you to paintings etc. . . . . And once you call the police, they can't come by way of fact they don't have a automobile on the 2nd . . . !!! once you have experienced purely a 10th of all that, then come and tell me what you think of of the crime in South Africa ??? Moenie jou groot bek kom oopmaak nie, as jy fokkol van die situasie weet nie. Huh?? Translate: purely say something once you're particular of the info. i'm chuffed for you which you experienced a secure stay in South Africa. That is going to coach that some would have a non violent stay. yet, we nonetheless sense that's our accountability to warn people so as that they are actually not so blue-eyed and dof while they pass to SA. Berlin, Frankfurt and Dresden are heaven while in comparison with the region in SA.

2016-10-01 05:10:10 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

How about the our stinking coverment.But take all that out see the sunset the animals.The possibilaties,the future in the peoples eyes.
Woman standing proud fighting for themselves.Food you can only dream of.and the peace and harmony when you and your friends sit around a fire having a braai while the animals are calling to the moon and the starsshine brightly.No where else will you find that.

2006-09-21 02:22:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You live in NYC? Me too. Let's meet up and I can tell you MANY stories about living in NYC and what has happened to me.

I get SO sick of people bringing South Africa down. You left to escape all of it (and in some way, I did too), but I will NOT go on and on about the negatives in SA. Yes, I was hijacked. And yes, I am black. But my god, you have no idea what I had to deal with living in the States! I lived in Japan for 3 years and that was "relatively" safe. Then the UK and well.... living in London...constantly holding my handbag close to me..... I could go on all day. But what will that achieve!? Good god, get over yourself. Let's talk about how can improve the situation. I am sure that you want a better life for your relatives back in SA. I want the same for my mum and sisters who still live there.

Le's unite against crime, not constantly ***** and moan about the situation while we sit in our penthouse suites in Manhattan.

A person can live in any country other than their own and still be proud of where they come from!

2006-09-21 04:54:46 · answer #7 · answered by glynis18 3 · 2 1

Sorry to say my "friend", but if the family still stays in Hillbrow, then no wonder you are such an ***. Either that or you are not staying in South Africa, which makes you: Someone who cant say anything about us!!!! When last did you participate in an election in South Africa, It amazes me how all lunatics who is badmouthing South Africa doesn't even live here.

If you are in South Africa, maybe you should move out of your pathetic dark hole you're living in and feel the Sunshine!!!!! Obviously you are an *** not knowing what to do with yourself.

2006-09-21 02:19:35 · answer #8 · answered by poepies 4 · 3 1

South Africa will never run out of Proud South Africans. Instead, Proud South Africans are getting bigger in number.
I am Proudly South African, and will always be. That's my true identity.
As it looks, you've got identity crisis.

2006-09-22 03:26:20 · answer #9 · answered by Diezel 4 · 1 1

Brad, don't you have anything better to do with your time? Why can't you just stop with your accusations? You don't live there anymore, so what is your problem? I know some of your family does, that is their problem!! If your family has a problem with SA, why don't they just move to the States? If you can give solutions, fine, if not, just stay quiet!! Thank you and have a nice day!!


You still didn't answer my question, what is your big problem with South Africa?

2006-09-21 13:05:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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