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Addressing U.N. General Assembly session, , Livni said,
Iran's support of the Islamic militant group Hezbollah in south Lebanon showed the threat it poses to the region.

But She forget to say that USA, UK and other European countries supporting Israel with latest Arms & Ammunition even some time with Vito. Israel, newly born is a nuke power Why Iran should not?

2006-09-20 16:44:59 · 9 answers · asked by heenarandee 1 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

9 answers

No, I don't find Israel sincere. Voilating war truce. Your question consisting many questions I've replied one the main question you asked.

2006-09-21 16:28:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am a Black American and I didn't find Israel sincere. I think times change and I do not think Israel belongs in the Middle East. Please do not get me wrong, I grew up in NYC and I have always loved and cared for Jewish people. My father was a baker most of his life at Jewish bakeries and I have been exposed to people of Jewish faith and have not met a Jew that I would have considered bad.

Israel was carved out of Palestine and Jews were scattered all over the world. Mostly in Germany, Russia, and Poland and among many other places. The atrocities that were committed by Nazi Germany were terrible and unforgivable but in the same respect I don't condone the atrocities committed on Lebanon and are also unforgivable.

I don't condone terror at all and I think the Israeli people have a right to exist, just not in the Middle East even though their roots had thrived there thousands of years ago.

Just think if the Native Americans decided to exist here in America just like they existed for thousands of years ago before the Europeans arrived here and stole their land.

We need to strive towards peace and understanding, give to get, love so we can be loved. We need to allow every nation to live for themselves and America needs to not try to rule the world and to remember that democracy is not for everyone, these people have lived for thousands of years without democracy and some aspects of democracy do not fit into their way of life because of some of their ancient traditions.

If you are living in a neighborhood where you are surrounded by people who don't like you and want to wipe you off the map what do you do, you move, right?

I have never heard one Israeli refer to themselves as Middle Eastern, yet Israel is in the heart of the Middle East. Further more when anyone says "Middle Eastern People" who exacty comes to mind? I don't think an Israeli does, yet in all respect they are Middle Eastern only because of the land they live on.

Just look, we are going from one country to another, preaching democracy, I heard just a week ago, we are asking Cubans to consider democracy. What country will be next? How many of our hard earned tax dollars will be spent to police the world? 25% OF MINE IS GOING TO POLICE THE WORLD.

2006-09-20 23:55:29 · answer #2 · answered by sharkscue 3 · 1 0

Yes I find Israel Sincere. Israel has not threatened any one with nuclear weapons. They have those weapons for defense. The moron in Iran has stated publicly and often that Israel should be wiped off the map. Now....do you really think it is in the best interest of the world to let this fool have real weapons? It would be like giving your 13 yr old a 5 Th of jack Daniels and the keys to the car. Not too smart.

2006-09-20 23:49:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

You are all so sad. Israel has nukes to deter the arab countries around them from attacking them for a third time. Israel has suspended settlment construction in the territories indefinatly and acctually pulled out of Gaza (until hamas engaged in an act of war by crossing the border and kidnaping its soldier). Israel has never denied the right for any arab country to exsist or advocate for the anhilation of any arab country. It also does not fund any terrorist organizations guilty of dozens of suicide bombings including the killing of over 200 US peackeepers in the early 80's and other murders. They have a free press, excersize freedom of religion in their country, and have democratic elections in witch every registerd voter is free to take part, among other things. In conclusion, Israel along with Jordan, and maybe Egypt (questionable) is really the only responsible nation in the middle east. Thats why the US support them, and thats why they are a becon of hope for freedom in an oppressed region.

2006-09-21 00:28:56 · answer #4 · answered by concerned citizen 2 · 0 3

What I'd like to know about sincerity is how can so many Americans be so against illegal immigrants coming to the U.S.from Mexico and, yet, be so supportive of the illegal immigrants in Palestine that are Jewish?

2006-09-21 00:01:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

imagine living in a place where you are surrounded by people who want to kill you ,that is my impression of israel,i for one do not know how this came to be,but i do feel for the people who must live under conditions like that everyday,in a situation like that, fear must run high for those that make the decisions,as far as nuclear energy goes ,all countries should be allowed to progress at thier own speed,and if they should use this power on thier fellow man in malice ,they should be wiped of the earth ,never to threaten humanity again,in closing i believe she said what she thought was best for her people

2006-09-21 00:30:11 · answer #6 · answered by gry w 3 · 0 2

Why for your grammar is so bad?

I found them about as sincere as any other diplomat grandstanding in the middle of the vast General Assembly hall with a gold encrusted emblem of the world in the background.

Did you find Ahmaninejad sincere?

2006-09-20 23:51:04 · answer #7 · answered by buzzfeedbrenny 5 · 1 3

israel want to capture world.israel cannot be sincere.israel kills women and children.

2006-09-21 00:03:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

did you find Israel sincere?


When Jesus comes, he's gonna get them FIRST!


2006-09-20 23:53:30 · answer #9 · answered by Cherries 5 · 1 1

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