A good exterminator is worth the expense, as you will spend much more in time and effort trying to get rid of them on your own. The exterminator can be told up front the problem is with fleas, so he will come prepared with stuff that will kill the living, hatching, and eggs. He will treat the whole house, and can also treat the outside where they are probably living as well. We had a flea explosion and epidemic when we were in SC and this was the only thing that really worked. Turned out, we had LOADS of company in the neighborhood. Those of us who called the exterminator got rid of ours- those that didn't suffered until the frost.
2006-09-20 14:59:56
answer #1
answered by The mom 7
I am having the same problem myself with my cat. I talked to an exterminator and this is what they told me, and what I am trying that seems to help a little. The exterminator told me to make sure that I made sure that all crawl spaces under the house were grated so strays can't get under there. Then make arrangements to take the cat to the vet at the same time they came to spray. That way the vet could be certain the animal is TOTALLY free and clear of all fleas AND their eggs. They could come and spray the house, the yard around the house, and fog under the house. Of course all this was going to cost me $130 plus the vet bill. So that is why I've been trying this. Make sure all pet bed linens, and all clothes and blankets that the animal has been in contact with are washed at the same time you treat the house. Get a flea powder that you sprinkle on the carpet and vaccuum, I got one at Walmart that seems to do really well and smells good too. Sprinkle it on all your carpets at once, you will need lots of cans for this, luckily they aren't TOO expensive. It's got to sit for 30 min, so while you are waiting mop all your floors. After 30 min vaccuum the carpets. Make sure you also vaccuum ALL your furniture very well. Also, be CERTAIN that the pets are free of all fleas and flea eggs. Just because they have frontline on them, and you don't seem to see any doesn't mean they don't have a few hidden somewhere. If you don't take care of this at the SAME TIME, you will be reinfested, and if you treat them and not they house, they can get reinfested too. That's what the exterminators told me. So if you can't get them to the vet to be checked at the same time you are mass cleaning the house, then I suggest this. Take one room, and treat it first, and close it off. Then bath each animal. Once you have bathed each one, put them in the treated room right after bathing it until you have finished treating the whole house. Once the rest of the house is treated move them out of the room and retreat that one just in case. Also follow the rules about the underhouse crawl spaces and keeping up to date with the Frontline to be certain you don't get reinfested. I know this sounds like a lot, but it is the only thing I've found to work short of paying big bucks for the exterminator. Of course you could always fog the house, while you take the animals to the vet or groomer to be checked for any possible reinfestation, that's the faster, but more dangerous route. Of course, then you have to clean everything anyway, so I don't see the point in the fog. Good Luck.
2006-09-20 22:18:34
answer #2
answered by Laura 5
The fleas aren't leaving the cats and dogs, you are now just seeing the adult fleas coming out of the other stages they live in when they aren't on the pets. There are 4 flea stages - Frontline PLUS will kill 3 of the 4. You need to keep treating the animals every month with Frontline. Another product that's really good, and inexpensive, is Mycodex brand spray. You can get it at the vet. It kills ALL 4 stages in the flea life cycle. Spray your carpet, your furniture, everywhere you can. and it's safe to use in conjunction with the Frontline (don't spray the pets!)
2006-09-20 21:53:25
answer #3
answered by vetgirl77 2
I have had the exact same thing happen in my house. I bought some Raid Flea spray and Off to spray on myself because I have been bitten by the fleas. The Raid flea spray seemed to work. I haven't seen any fleas tonight. The Raid only cost $5.97 at Walmart and the Off was $2.99. The exterminator cost $160 here, so it's worth a shot. Also, if it freezes, the fleas will go away until next year. Just make sure to use the Frontline again in a month.
2006-09-20 21:50:09
answer #4
answered by zia269 3
After some time, the fleas will jump onto your pets and die off. It usually takes a few months for the whole process to take place. Just be sure that ALL of your pets are treated and that you vacuum frequently. It's very annoying I know, but this is going to take time. (Usually even an exterminator can't do much for you eaither because sprays only kill live fleas, not the eggs, which then hatch, and you're back to square one!) Unfortunately, it's a time thing. But getting them on a product like you did is the number one best thing you caould have done!
2006-09-21 00:53:42
answer #5
answered by Rebecca C 2
Try something called no pest strips I believe they are made by hot shot. I can only find them at albertsons and walgreens. They are about $8.00 each but you just hang it in the corner and it will kill fleas, ticks, mites, mosquitos, and most other insects while not harming you or your pet. As long as it is up where they are not able to chew it. I hang one in my reptile room and one will keep pests out of what used to be a two car garage. They are effective and last around a month or more. There is a slight odor for the first day or so then after that you will not notice that its even there. I know some people who hide thiers on a book shelf.
Good luck with the flea problem.
2006-09-20 22:02:21
answer #6
answered by lizard lover 2
You will most likely have to call a pest control company. I used to work for one and it is very difficult to get rid of fleas. Of course we are coming into the season where they will be dying off because it is getting cold. But, until then, get pest control. I recommend Terminix if you have one in your area. It is a little expensive, but since I have worked for them, I know it works.
A few things to remember when treating for fleas:
If you have a carpeted room where you have the problem, after you vacuum your floor, you MUST change the bag every time! The best way to do that is put the bag in a garbage bag and seal it immediately and take it to an outside garbage. If you continue using the same vacuum bag, the vibration of the vacuum can cause the eggs you may have vacuumed up to hatch and you still have a problem.
If you are using a bagless vacuum, make sure you clean it out every time and dispose of waste as described above.
You will also most likely have to have your furniture cleaned if it is fabric.
Good luck.
2006-09-20 22:01:59
answer #7
answered by mariposa 1
We have had the same problem it seemed that they would never end but they do what we tried was a raid fog spray it comes out in the form of a fog but it is a spray that way you can spray it behind the sofa and on the carpet anywhere really with out it hurting plants and people several hours later i vacuumed the entire house i did this process for about 1 week eventually it seemed less and less i also used 7 dust on the pet's i put the powder in a sock and then i lightly pat it on them also worked!
i have heard several other method's to get rid of the fleas on the pet's like bathing them with dawn dish soap,and giving your pet a few drops of apple cider vinegar something in the vinegar that deters fleas and ticks, good luck!!!!
2006-09-20 22:19:59
answer #8
answered by TDLG 1
Adams flea spray is the best! Seven-Dust for the yard. If the pets have fleas on them get a flea comb & a cup with with water a couple drops of dish detergent in it & comb the fleas off them & drop them in the cup.
These things have always worked for us.
Good Luck!
2006-09-20 21:56:16
answer #9
answered by Michelle *The Truth Hurts 6
Try sweet gum leaves. Fleas hate those. They flee from them.
2006-09-20 21:53:03
answer #10
answered by TN Seeker 5