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A few questions

1. Can you buy a lot with an american dollar or is something many pesos so that the dollar and peso value is equal?
2. I heard that in vacation spots like Acapulcominors can easily obtain alcohol, is that true?
3. What are some good but cheap resorts in Acapulco?
4. What is there to do in Acapulco?
5. What are busy times for Acapulco and mexico? (IE spring break)
6. Is the water really that bad?
7. How's the dining?
8. How is the overall experience traveling to Mexico (esp. Acapulco) and is it worth the money?

2006-09-20 12:54:58 · 11 answers · asked by skiiermandan 3 in Travel Mexico Acapulco

11 answers

1. Depending on where you go in Mexico. The american dollar is about 10 pesos and some change. In tourist spots you might not get a whole lot for your dollar,like Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Cabo, etc. If you go to other places like Acapulco or local areas of the towns listed above your dollar should buy you much more than in the US.

2.Yes, I lived in Acapulco for about a year. There it's like, if you look old enough then there's no problem. Don't get me wrong they're not going to sell a 10 year old alcohol.

3.Acapulco is overall very cheap. All the hotels in the Acapulco Bay area are great deals. Stay away from the hotels by Mayan Palace hotel, the hotels close to the airport, those are the most expensive hotels there.

4. Beaches, are okay.
-Jet Ski, other water activities
-Great, cheap shopping
-great night life
-great seafood (eatting)

5. Acapulco atracts alot of tourists from Mexico City, so if there is a Mexican holiday, it's going to be packed with people. Spring break is always packed with American college kids. Throughout the summer it's crowded. You don't want to be there when there's tons of people because there's one way in and out and the traffic is horible.

6. If your talking about the ocean, it's not that bad. If it rain's in Acapulco the next day the water is gross because all the rain water washes down from the mountain, it gets really brown. Other wise it's pretty nice.

7. Dining in Acapulco and all of Mexico is great and at great prices especially in Acapulco. The seafood in Acapulco is great.

8. I'm from Vegas and I've been living here for over a year. I lived in Acapulco for about a year and now I'm living in Cancun. It's great here. You will spend less money if you go to Acapulco and it's worth the money. With the beautiful bay and the green mountains around the bay, it's beautiful. Well worth it!$

2006-09-21 13:42:58 · answer #1 · answered by teedee 2 · 0 0

1. Can you buy a lot with an american dollar or is something many pesos so that the dollar and peso value is equal? a dollar will by you a drink
2. I heard that in vacation spots like Acapulcominors can easily obtain alcohol, is that true? Weel, yes and no No. MInor in mexico is someone yourger than 18 no 21 like in EEUU

3. What are some good but cheap resorts in Acapulco? You'll find plenty. You should worry about that
4. What is there to do in Acapulco? There is plenty to do from bugee jumping, dancing, is fun 24/7
5. What are busy times for Acapulco and mexico? (IE spring break) yes summer and winter
6. Is the water really that bad? if you drink it from the faucet yes. bottled on the other hand perfectly safe
7. How's the dining? you shoud give tacos try
8. How is the overall experience traveling to Mexico (esp. Acapulco) you'll have a great time and is it worth the money? yes, it does

2015-09-23 15:30:27 · answer #2 · answered by Hiram 1 · 0 0

1. Just like anywhere else, some cities are much more affordable than others.
2. according to allaboutmexicocity.com, the drinking age is 18.
3. Google Acapulco and lodging or accomodations and you'll find info about that.
4, 5. Check out the Fodor's Guide, linked below. I googled "Acapulco travel guide" and got over three million hits.
6. When I was in Yucatan this summer, the running water there was not potable. Drink at your own risk.
7. Wonderful. Don't count on what you find there to be what you get at a "Mexican" restaurant in the US. There is huge regional variation in the cuisine.
8. If I could move to Mexico, I would.

2006-09-20 14:44:36 · answer #3 · answered by goicuon 4 · 0 0

1. about 10 pesos are 1 dolar, the food in mexico is chepear.
2. Yes (only 18 years old and above)
3. i dont know
4. dancing, bars, beaches....
5. spring break and is full of europeans in xmas.
6. Nope, but in some parts of acapulco is really dirty.
7. The dining is wonderfull
8. Is aswesom and is about (in a good hotel going to a lot of places) like 1500 dolars or less.

2006-09-20 14:52:11 · answer #4 · answered by carlos o 4 · 0 0

1. It really depends on the place, in turistical places things are expensive cause they know you tourists are bringing dollars!!! But for example, in Guadalajara, the city where I live you can buy a bottle of water from 5 pesos ( like .50 cents ). In Cancun it´s much more expensive though.

2. Not really, well the point is that here, when you are 18 ( I know in the U.S. you have to be 21) you are considered an adult, so if an American comes here, he can have as much alcohol as he wants if he is over 18.

3,4,5,8,.- Don´t go to Acapulco, it´s not that beautifull.

6.- Don´t drink it from the faucet, drink only bottled water and in the restaurants etc, try to drink only sodas or mineral water and you will be safe. If you meant the water from the sea, I think it´s pretty safe, but I insist, don´t go to Acapulco. It would be good if you try looking for another place maybe not so turistical, it will be cleaner and cheaper.

7.- it´s good just mind the beverages you drink, I insist just sodas or mineral water in the restaurants, that´s important to stay healthy, you can always ask for a lemonade with mineral water and that will be safe too. ( also be carefull with ice, in most places it´s safe but it´s better safe than sorry, if t´s circular and with a hole in the middle you can have it, but if it looks homemade, better don´t tae it )
Don´t eat strawberries here, they are dangerous if not deinfected properly ( it´s a pitty ´cause they are the most delicious thing in the world.).

8.- I don´t know, because I´m mexican, but I guess so, it´s nice for me to live here so i think it will be nice for you to come.

2006-09-21 14:34:35 · answer #5 · answered by nobodysfool 4 · 0 0

l. You can buy a lot with the american dollar.
2. Yes on the alcohol
3. Don't know
4. No too much
5. Not too many americans go there for spring break
6. Don't drink anything but bottled water.
7. Dining is okay is in resort.
9. Think there are better places in Mexico.

2006-09-20 13:07:57 · answer #6 · answered by goldielocks123 4 · 0 1

I heard that Acapulco is dirty......go to Cancun, you'll love it! The resorts are clean, the people are friendly and prices are generally the same as in the states. Oh, the water is very safe to drink. We go to Cancun 2x a year because we own timeshares down there and can't get enough of the great weather and snorkeling. There are plenty of inexpensive resorts. Go to www.cancun.com and check it out. Spring break is very busy, very wild and it takes forever for you to get served when you go out to eat or drink. We go in May and July.....The summer is very hot. i think the best times are April, May, June and Sept..Once you arrive you can take the local bus downtown for 60cents and the buses run all day and night.

Go and Enjoy!

2006-09-20 13:12:32 · answer #7 · answered by njsueb 3 · 0 0

What in your opinion is the main reason why people don't want to travel to Mexico? Because of the media only reporting negative incidents without knowing or acknowledging that Mexico is very big and there are many places that are absolutely safe. Too much generalization. Do you think that the media has taken part in the travel scare in Mexico? Absolutely. Compared to your experience in Mexico, does it match up with the medias idea of Mexico? (Compare the differences) No. I've lived in different parts of Mexico and nothing has happened to me. Unfortunately there are some spots up north where violence is huge and those are the only things conveniently reported by media. Also, its guilty of keeping the stereotypes on Mexicans therefore people still believing we ride donkeys and wear zarapes. Do you think that our country should be strongly concerned about the violence in Mexico and what do you think the United States should do about it? How will our country take action? Maybe you should be concerned when it affects you, I guess near the border, etc. You could keep helping with intelligence investigation. Other than that, if it doesn't affect you, it's better if you leave us alone. Btw, regarding the drug related violence, you will always get those gutless Mexican drug cartels as long as you keep being addicts. That's something you should be working on. Why do you think the violence in Mexico has increased? Corruption, poverty mainly. Why do you think hostages are killed rather then being returned to their family after ransom has been paid? Those psychopaths do not care about other human beings, have lost respect for life. Do you think travelers should avoid going down to Mexico, due to the high violence rate? Why do you think this? No, they just need to pick the place properly. The south is great. Why do some American travelers travel to Tijuana (other parts of Mexico), even though there is a high crime rate? Any specific reasons? That I don't know but definitely some benefits such as cheaper things including medical and dental service. Lower drinking age, etc. Do you think that there are certain types of people who should be more concerned when traveling to Mexico? What kind of people are they and why do you think these types of people need to be more aware? Mmm no. Some miss-informants say white people are targets and that pisses me off. It's not who you are but how you portray yourself. If you walk around showing you have tons of money, wear loads of jewelry, etc. You will be a target anywhere. What possible ways could Mexico implement to help stop the violence in Mexico? It's a tough process. As long as governments keep people in poverty, with no ways out they will see how to survive. With the corruption at all levels we don't get anywhere. Do you know how sick our judicial system can be? watch the documentary "Presumed Guilty" and you will know how bad things are. We need tougher laws and maybe death penalties. Do you think that because there is so much violence in Mexico, violence will extend across the border and into U.S. territory? Maybe with drug cartels. What I find hard to believe is that such a powerful government can't stop those aholes. You have so much technology, etc. Sometimes it feels your government (and ours) prefer people to be in fear because it's a perfect control tool. Do you feel or have any fear or caution due to what’s going on in Mexico and at our borders? Not from US so can't answer. Why do you think the police in Mexico are so corrupted? No one goes to school here wanting to be a cop. Did you know that many, many cops become so because they don't have any other choice of education? So many of our cops lack real education, common sense, etc. Also, the payment is crap, many don't have proper guns and equipment. So they try to survive through corruption. Do you think the media is controlled in Mexico? (Ex. Interviewers are threatened to not give out information when in Mexico). Definitely, our media is super controlled but in a different way than in US. Do you think that the United States should do more to help solve the violence in Mexico? Why or why not? Again, only if it affects you.

2016-03-26 23:42:23 · answer #8 · answered by Cheryl 4 · 0 0

Mexico is a child-centered society so there are plenty of fun things for kids to do in Mexico City. Archeological splendors and smaller cities featuring charming architecture, local cuisine and folkloric customs are a car or bus ride away. Pachuca is the getaway for those looking for dreamy landscapes, rich culture, nature and comfort. Of note are the Pulque Haciendas, grand haciendas dedicated to the production of pulque, a traditional drink considered sacred by the Aztecs. It's made from the fermented sap of maguey plants.

2014-09-17 16:20:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

1. Most things, yes, are cheaper.
2. Minors can get alcohol almost anywhere here
6. Drink only bottled water.
7. Depends on where you go.
8. Great!

p.s. I would recommend Puerto Vallarta

2006-09-21 03:59:58 · answer #10 · answered by medicina3mundo 3 · 0 0

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