The primary reasons are two
It would cost more money, and the cars would be more inconvenient to enter/exit if they were much higher.
Second, the center-of-gravity of a vehicle is very important for stability and safety.
If cars were even 6" higher on the average, then when turning or driving on curves, most would tip if driven at today's speeds.
2006-09-20 08:34:57
answer #1
answered by Ironhand 6
because your wheel base is shorter, than say a tractor trailer.
when you drive over a hump your back end is hitting it almost as soon as your front end is past, the longer the wheelbase the more clearance you need, because you can go in a hole and get hung up on something.
ex:ever see someone drive over a parking curbstone and get hung up on it with their car?????
a big truck can do that and drive right over it(i wouldn't recommend it though, bad for your tires)
2006-09-20 13:57:07
answer #2
answered by NeverReady 3
That lowers wind resistance and yields slightly better gas mileage as well as having the car look faster.
2006-09-20 13:39:02
answer #3
answered by smgray99 7
2006-09-20 13:41:28
answer #4
answered by Mike Hunt 5