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the tags are expired, so do i need to get the new ones first? do i have to get a junk title? i really want to just drive, (ha! more like push), it into the river, but that would hurt the poor fish...

2006-09-20 05:11:55 · 6 answers · asked by why do i? 6 in Cars & Transportation Other - Cars & Transportation

6 answers

It depends on your State laws. If you can drive it, drive it to the nearest junk yard...they will usualy give you $50 to $100 for a car that drives in. If they have to come out to tow it in they will probably charge you. You could put an ad in a freebe type advetising newspaper and give it to someone or sell it for enough to cover the ad in the paper. Call you local High School, they might take it for auto shop. You could use itas a planter. You could take it to an empty field and sell whacks with a sledge hammer for fifty cents a bash. You could find a hillbilly and park it in their yard...it might just blend in! It is very responsible of you to not push it into a river...good on ya!

2006-09-20 05:24:21 · answer #1 · answered by Yim 3 · 1 0

Go or call the local junkyard and they will come out and get it. But it'll probably cost you some money. If it is drivable, than drive it down theire and have one of your family or friends follow you there and take you home. Oh and don't forget to clean out the car.

Sarah w.

2006-09-20 05:14:21 · answer #2 · answered by tallfemal 2 · 1 0

if you really want to junk it you have to clean it out, bust all the glass out of it, take off the gas tank, and take the tires and wheels off then take it to a junk yard. You can get $5.00 per 100 lb. at most places.

2006-09-20 05:24:16 · answer #3 · answered by Donna 6 · 0 0

Call a local auto junk yard.....they may come and pick it up and even pay you for it.

2006-09-20 05:20:53 · answer #4 · answered by M P 3 · 0 0

Try donating it (i.e. Salvation Army).
They would know the requirements.
Plus you could get a tax deduction.

2006-09-20 05:13:54 · answer #5 · answered by Rjmail 5 · 0 0

take it to pimp my ride

2006-09-20 05:14:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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