I was running for my life. I was able to run so fast becasue of my fat free diet. The reason I was running was becasue the information I had been given on the security measures at the plant were wrong. It was a warm night due to the unseasonably hot autumn weather, and my shirtless skin was soon glistening with sweat in the pale moonlight. I eluded my pursuers and hailed a cab. As I got in the radio was playing the Beatles version of Please, Mr. Postman. The lighthearted tempo of the song was in direct contrast to my mood. My informant had set me up. I began to plan what I would to to that back stabbing lump of regurgitated cow droppings. Anticipating the day of reconing, I swore an dark oath to my ancient gods that someday, somewhere I would have my revenge.
Vidi, Vicci, Vini -I saw, I conquered, I came.
2006-09-20 04:48:19
answer #1
answered by kveldulfgondlir 5
What a great band! The guitar sounds like a tractor crashing through a bank window, while the bass is as smooth and bouncy as a cardiac surgeon eating an ice cream soda. The drummer's pretty good too. wait, let me try again... It was a slow day at the bank, few customers inside and little to listen to besides the sound of an occasional tractor passing by the window. As Bucky finished his ice cream soda, he wondered if his life wouldn't have been more exciting if he had kept his old job as a cardiac surgeon. But it was too late now. The only excitement left in Bucky's life was the Thursday night open mic and an old, scuffed guitar. or maybe Baby won't you be my cardiac surgeon, won't you ride on my tractor with me. I'll buy you an ice cream soda and I'll play on my guitar just as sweet as can be. Let's take a ride to the bank on Friday we'll throw rocks at the window all night long. and then we'll tip a cow and laugh til our sides hurt and clang on a Balinese temple gong. okay I'm done.
2016-03-17 23:13:53
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I sat on the porch enjoying the Autumn weather. I know that someday, somewhere there would be my dream man doing the same thing. At my age though, you can't take too much for granted. I got up and went in the house for a snack. Tonight was going to be my night to be set free. However, the only things I could find were fat free. I knew that just wouldn't do. Yes indeed, today was the day of reckoning, so I got in the car and drove to the store. I browsed up and down each isle. I knew what I wanted though and I was going to get it. Despite all the store's security measures, I made off with half the snack food isle. I just couldn't resist. The next morning, I'd regretted my excursion of the night before. I could barely sleep. I went back out on the porch and sat. As I could see the mailman walking closer, I started into my song "please, Mr. Postman, can't you bring me some relief?" He looked at me like I'd lost my mind, but in that same moment, I'd realized I'd found my dream man. I think he realized it too because we fell into each others arms. The rest, is up to your imagination!!
2006-09-20 07:06:50
answer #3
answered by HEartstrinGs 6
To all employees:
We all got fat and flabby over the summer. The day of reckoning is at hand. With the cooler autumn weather approaching, we are switching to fat free milk for our coffee, and opening the workout room at 6am. We have incorporated new security measures so that you will be swiping your employee ID to get in, so we will know how long you are working out. Someday, somewhere, we will all lose this weight! And, please, Mr. Postman, leave all our mail downstairs at the front desk so that we all have to walk up and down the stairs to get extra exercise! By the way, we have disabled the elevator. We appreciate your cooperation, and look forward to our first weigh-in on October 1.
2006-09-20 04:45:58
answer #4
answered by Leah 6
1. Take fat free foods to prevent high blood pressure and cholesterol.
2. All credit cards are chipped with security features.
3. Have a romantic honeymoon on Autumn weather next.
4. Please Mr. Postman, can you help to nurse my baby while I am in the wash room?
5.When the boss is in bad mood, this will be your day of reckoning.
6. Someday, somewhere I will get to know you personally and make friend with you.
2006-09-20 04:41:29
answer #5
answered by Dogman 61 3
The President took security measures today indicating, "that this will be the day of reckoning!" After the security briefing the President announced that he was taking a few day to enjoy the autumn weather and some fat free yogurt at his ranch. He was also quoted as saying, "Please, Mr. Postman, hold my mail and I will pick it up someday, somewhere when this crisis has passed."
2006-09-20 04:38:24
answer #6
answered by timc_fla 5
Please Mr. Postman,
Due to certain security measures, and the cool autumn weather, I must insist that my Lucky Charms be fat-free. For the day of reckoning has come, and someday, somewhere, the Great Noodley One will forgive my trespasses.
2006-09-20 04:36:31
answer #7
answered by Ana 5
Someday, somewhere, Mr. Postman will deliver my letter. Without reguard for rain, nor snow, nor dark of night, nor Autumn weather, he will give it to the President whose head is not fat free. His excuse for not reading it, like everthing else, will be "security measures." The day of reckoning, the day of taking responsability (for anything) will never come. Rekoning is against National Security.
2006-09-20 04:39:24
answer #8
answered by Gene A 1
suddenly a large fat free biscuit struck me on the head (despite my security measures against this terrible offence). Aha, I thought as I gaved on to the street and the leaves rustled in the autumn weather, it must've been that darned postman! I soon realised that this man could not be taken to court on biscuit wielding offences as he was to heavy for the police car, the only option was to beg him to stop his biscuit wielding antics.
So I said "Please, Mr. Postman, stop these antics". He replied "Not until the day of reckoning, when the world shall end!" ""Oh" I said I shall have revenge. "Someday when you least expect it, and somewhere very warm and dark!" mwahahahahaha I shall get that postman, mark my words
2006-09-20 04:58:10
answer #9
answered by hrvatski 2
Please Mr. Postman, now the the autumn weather is here, someday, somewhere there will be the day of reckoning. We need to take security measures to also make this a fat free day.
2006-09-20 04:39:08
answer #10
answered by kathy p 3