We have achieved world peace. All of our soldiers are coming home from Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Iraq. Poverty no longer exists because the government is going to take the money from the oil barons and distribute it to the masses. And you were named most popular and influential person in the world.
Seriously, you didn't miss a thing.
2006-09-20 04:15:01
answer #1
answered by Biskit 4
Yes. The Y10K threat is now approaching, the Pope stepped on his tongue, and assembler is now the official language of France.
To get the date to put on a saved file:
name "date"
org 100h
mov ah,2ah ; get date
int 21h
add al,30h
mov week,al ; 0=sunday
add cx,0f830h ; for years
mov ax,cx
call deci
mov w. year,ax
mov al,dh ; month
call deci
mov w. mont,ax
mov al,dl ; day
call deci
mov w. day,ax
mov ah,2ch ; get time
int 21h
mov al,ch ; hour
call deci
mov w. hour,ax
mov al,cl ; minute
call deci
mov w. minu,ax
mov al,dh ; second
call deci
mov w. seco,ax
mov al,dl ; milisecond
call deci
mov w. cent,ax
mov ah,09
mov dx,offset txt
int 21h
mov cx, 0 ; file attribute
mov ax,3c00h ; create new file
mov dx, offset fildat
int 21h
jb error ; error
mov w. handle, ax
mov ax,4200h
mov bx, w. handle
xor cx,cx ; begin byte 0
mov dx,0001 ; 1st byte modified is the second
int 21h
jb error
mov ah,40h ; write file
mov bx, w. handle
mov cx, 22 ; write 22 bytes
mov dx,offset week
int 21h
jb error
mov ah,3eh ; close
mov bx, w. handle
int 21h
; wait for any key press:
mov ah, 0
int 16h
error: ; leave program (unconditionally).
int 20h
deci: ; calculate in decimal
push cx
xor ah,ah
mov cl,10
div cl
add ax,3030h
pop cx
fildat db "c:\date.txt",0 ; save date ant time
handle db 0,0
; here's data to display the date and time
txt db 0Dh,0Ah,0Ah,9,9 ; jump line and go two tabs right
week db 0,9 ; put the day 1=monday 9 jump a colon (tab)
day db 0,0,'-'
mont db 0,0,'-'
year db 0,0,9
hour db 0,0,':'
minu db 0,0,9
seco db 0,0,'.'
cent db 0,0,0Dh,0Ah,'$' ; line feed return and stop symbol (dollar).
2006-09-20 04:18:56
answer #4
answered by pops 6
Sometimes when your computer loses powers and goes BOOM :-), it can sometimes lose info, and "forget" to have the serttings. this has happned to me. dont worry, buy a new lead, or ask you dealer or maker (e.g Dell) and send a complaint/comment.
2006-09-20 04:21:29
answer #5
answered by Connor H 2