1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour = 1.1508 Mph = 1.852 Km/h
A nautical mile is based on the circumference of the planet Earth. If you were to cut the Earth in half at the equator, you could pick up one of the halves and look at the equator as a circle. You could divide that circle into 360 degrees. You could then divide a degree into 60 minutes. A minute of arc on the planet Earth is 1 nautical mile. This unit of measurement is used by all nations for air and sea travel.
A knot is a unit of measure for speed. If you are traveling at a speed of 1 nautical mile per hour, you are said to be traveling at a speed of 1 knot.
A nautical mile is 1,852 meters, or 1.852 kilometers. In the English measurement system, a nautical mile is 1.1508 miles, or 6,076 feet.
To travel around the Earth at the equator, you would have to travel (360 * 60) 21,600 nautical miles, 24,857 miles or 40,003 kilometers.
2006-09-23 21:54:05
answer #1
answered by Ray Young 2
There's no such thing as knots per hour, Knots means Nautical miles per hour. nautical miles vary in length around the world due the shape of the earth. i do not know though how to convert this into nautical miles.
2006-09-20 00:00:29
answer #2
answered by ali k 2
Use google.com
Type in:
1 knot in mph
And it will return:
1 knot = 1.15077945 mph
You can also use it for other conversions.
2006-09-19 23:57:52
answer #3
answered by nondescript 7
i think a knot is the same as a mile
2006-09-19 23:53:28
answer #4
answered by dumplingmuffin 7
1 knot = 1.150 779 448 mile/hour (mph)
2006-09-19 23:53:50
answer #5
answered by Charlie Brigante 4
1 knot = 1.15 mph
2006-09-20 00:00:15
answer #6
answered by Munster 4
Multiply by 1.151 to go from knots to mph
2006-09-19 23:54:06
answer #7
answered by big pup in a small bath 4
no, but I think it's pretty much the same
2006-09-19 23:52:18
answer #8
answered by Scorpius59 7