Move on...
2006-09-19 19:59:24
answer #1
answered by ABBYsMom 7
I can feel you when I read your question, you'll be very sad when she leaves you. The first you have to find the reason leaving of her!! Maybe there is other man between both of you and she like him?? if with this reason you cant stop her. Just like me if I feel dont love any one, he cant stop me to leave him. I mean the problem here is find the reason, if it's from you, you can cling her, if not, you can't. And the last, she is not the only girl in the world. Bye, best wishes for you
2006-09-20 03:01:25
answer #2
answered by Lai Lan 2
If she really loved u, Y wud she leave dear????? Let her go. U have no choice anyways.... U cannot force some1 into a relationship. Maybe u will find some1 worthier of u than her.
2006-09-20 03:49:46
answer #3
answered by Lovlyn 2
I think you should try to stop her. Love is the greatest feeling in the world. You should decide how much you love her and if your willing to chase her to prove to her how much you love her. If your feelings are strong, let her know, tell her how much you care about her
2006-09-20 02:41:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Let her go. Meet others. I know its difficult but you will get over her within 6 months. You can't force anyone to love you.
2006-09-20 02:42:02
answer #5
answered by mk 2
let her go, coz if you stop her its like you are too desperate and begging for her love. there a lot of girls out there for sure better than her
2006-09-20 02:43:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
as much as it hurts let her go if you stop her and she stays she will resent you love sucks at times huh i hope that it all works out for you
2006-09-20 02:44:17
answer #7
answered by shasha 2
If you truly love someone, you never stand in the way of their happiness, even if it costs you yours.
2006-09-20 02:42:03
answer #8
answered by ? 6
dude you need to let her go there are more fish in the sea in anouther words theres more girls out there.
2006-09-20 02:43:54
answer #9
answered by Mariah J 1
if she made up her mind for leaving and the reason is a serious one, you should forget her and find someone else...
2006-09-20 02:42:26
answer #10
answered by mish_pl 2