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I have read that it could take up to 3 hours to obtain your baggage and curious as to how bad the Customs and Immigration lines are compared to the United States.

2006-09-19 12:02:29 · 14 answers · asked by sire30061 1 in Travel Asia Pacific Philippines

14 answers

there are a lot of stories about customs corruption and passengers having to pay off customs officials in international airports. personally i have never paid off anybody everytime i get back into the country. just know your rights and also your obligation. always remember that we only bring in two balikbayan boxes worth of pasalubong. not enough to make it into the category of commercial quantity. customs officials are better off securing the sea ports where large scale smuggling are bound to occur and not the airports with pasalubongs.

p.s. americans are more focused on the foodstuffs you are bringing into the country with regards to quarantine on agricultural products. not so much on pasalubongs.

2006-09-19 13:13:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

On our last trip in July 2006 we were the last ones out of baggage claim because of late luggage. We passed through Customs w/o a hitch. What I didn't know was that my wife noticed that the agent looked disappointed that we didn't pay her off for giving us the quick pass.

The late luggage (Balikbayan boxes filled w/ pasalubong) finally arrived in Manila the next day. By then we'd left for the provinces and the airline promised it would be shipped there, after passing Customs.

The Balikbayan boxes arrived a little beaten up. But what was annoying was that Customs took their "fee", in the form of taking a few items from the boxes, figuring we might not notice.

2006-09-20 10:53:03 · answer #2 · answered by CMass Stan 6 · 0 0

Hi, there is no problem when you arrive at NAIA I was there last month and I didn't had any kind of trouble, neither with my baggage or customs and immigration, the process is so quick ant eh airport personal treats travelers with courtesy and dedication, so don't worrry and enjoy your stay in Manila, by the way is a great city with great people.

2006-09-20 00:26:39 · answer #3 · answered by arthur_ot 2 · 0 0

Someone with the same name as my father had a case on his immigration records, it affected my dad's immigration records as a result. ***** idiots! (He has a British Passport). This was 2 years ago.

Luckily my dad knows the top people who work in immigration and sorted it out for a fee. Yes, the Philippines is corrupt, they will do anything to get money from you. Just be careful...remember...money talks...bull$hit walks...

You must understand that The Philippines is a poor country, and most of the people there do not have much money, this is why some turn to corruption to make money by any means possible.

2006-09-21 06:02:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

before baggage claim will take a little bit long. due to many arrivals. but now only few arrivals and PAL have different terminals. 1 1/2 is the maximum to wait for your luggage. well the immigration is quick just make a line your very much welcome. customs don't worry about them as long there's no illegal item such as drug in your luggage nothing to worry about. just present your passport and presto your now on your way. out of the airport. just follow the guide towards the arrival extension where a lot of people are waiting. gug luck! and welcome back.....

I work on a cruise ship and i bring a lot of things! no problem in the custom.

2006-09-20 04:47:54 · answer #5 · answered by DR. BJ 2 · 0 0

Its bad but not that bad, last time i travelled with check in luggage it took about 45 mins to come out onto the conveyor belt, which is better than Heathrow (London).

Immigration ques are usually long, but on average you will be through within 10-15 mins, no rush as you will still be waiting for your luggage when you clear immigration anyway.

2006-09-20 04:11:54 · answer #6 · answered by stefjeff 4 · 0 0

Customs and immigration are way easier to clear in Manila than in North America.

2006-09-19 20:33:00 · answer #7 · answered by Sanmigsean 6 · 0 0

They are taking all precautionary measures to ensure that there will no materials that may be use for terrorist act that will enter the airport and board the plane. These are part of the counter terrorist and security procedures adopted by the Philippine government to fight global terrorism.

2006-09-21 22:16:49 · answer #8 · answered by Sam X9 5 · 0 0

the last time i went through manila int'l airport, the lines are not too bad, but my experience is not pleasant either because one of the officials ask money or they call it "pasalubong" so they will not check your bag. it's just depressing. that's why from then on i just fly through cathay pacific and go straight to cebu. i never have problems there.

2006-09-20 14:43:40 · answer #9 · answered by belle♥ 5 · 0 0

I was there about a month ago...they were strict, but not nearly as strict as the big airports in the US. Line took maybe a half hour or so.

2006-09-20 20:08:31 · answer #10 · answered by big_j_gizzy 4 · 0 0

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