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looks like shes getting on with her life and looking for someone else

2006-09-19 11:25:01 · 26 answers · asked by lordfatrat 2 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

26 answers

Im sorry your heart was broken. Mine hasnt been yet but I can sorta relate. Well Im no expert...(Im only 13) but I think I may be able to help you.When My parents went through a bloddy divorce my 5 brothers and I were devistated. We thank god we had our mom to be there for us. You need to find out why she left you/ he and not let that happen. My dad worked to much so eventualy she had enough. Look for someone new and try and move on. We are all faced with tough things in our life but God is holding our hand the whol way! Best of luck to you and I hope you find someone who makes you just as happy...(Heres a hint...Ice Cream helps to for girls...It may help for you to) Good Luck!!!

2006-09-19 11:31:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


2016-05-08 02:48:13 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

A broken heart takes time to heal, I should know, I've had many broken hearts before meeting my fiancee.
First, you have to realize what once was something is gone and that although it may feel like you can't live without this person, remember before you met this person you were living and breathing.
Second, a big step is moving on. As you see, this woman is moving on with her life. Different people take different times. It may take you much longer to get over this woman. Instead of thinking about all the great things that may lead you to be depressed... I want you to think of the negative things about her, things that turned you off, arguments that she may have started, anything that will make you miss her a bit less. It doesn't seem like much but it makes a big difference.
Third, don't go out looking for a realtionship right now. If you do, you'll only find more heartbreak. Right now you're in the "recovery" of a broken heart. When people break their legs and are in recovery, they can't just run out of the hospital and back to their house, it takes time and patience. Also, if you start a relationship now you may hurt that person because you could be comparing them to your ex.
Fourth, spend time on yourself. So many people that are broken hearted waste their time lying around and thinking of what was, rather then having a great time with friends, enjoying life. Sometimes being single isn't so bad. You should start worrying about yourself, indulge on yourself, and discover yourself.
Fifth and last, just have fun. It seems impossible but with a few good friends, you'll be fine! I think you should go out to clubs, parties, and find a few hobbies like playing sports with your friends or writing. All of these things will take your mind off of your ex.
If you do all of this, your heart will heal faster. And, don't believe people who say broken hearts don't heal. Love finds you when you least expect it, someone is going to come along and make you believe in love all over again.

2006-09-19 11:34:46 · answer #3 · answered by ♪Msz. Nena♫ 6 · 1 0

Just remember that times does in fact heal all wounds. Also, keep in mind that every time you break your heart or someone else's that it's a valuable lesson in love. We must learn from the experience, however painful it might have been when it ended.
Trust me, if you do this, then your true love will only be that much better. Also try to remember that you don't ever want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't love you as much as you love them.

2006-09-19 11:29:03 · answer #4 · answered by thepaissano 1 · 0 0

Cry as mush as you can. Talk to a close friend or some one you feel comfortable with.Go for a swim or walk. Try to watch a movie or catch a bus for a long journey and come back. If yo can wirte what comes in your mind will help too.

2006-09-19 11:57:43 · answer #5 · answered by shiningstar2808 3 · 0 0

Well, sorry about that..it's hard at first but a broken heart can mend with time. when one door closes a new one opens. Find a hobby, get out more, read more...YOu'll be fine.

2006-09-19 15:56:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It takes time but find something else to do with your time and dont think about her and You never now there could be someone out there waiting on you

2006-09-19 11:34:25 · answer #7 · answered by Black Butterfly 2 · 0 0

life does go on. i had the same thing happen to me, i went on with my life then out of the blue. my prince appeared. also don't let her know that your so broken hearted. put on a smile when she walks by

2006-09-19 11:30:53 · answer #8 · answered by mamma bird 3 · 0 0

Focus on something else. And when you get that really overwhelming feeling, do something physical. If you really exert yourself (run, lift, etc.) you won't be able to dwell on it. After a couple months you won't be feelin so damn sad and you'll have plenty of other ladies to choose from...

2006-09-19 11:28:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey lil_voc... Great answer coming from a 13 year old. Very insightful. (Ice cream probably works for the boys, too)

2006-09-19 11:35:37 · answer #10 · answered by Kelly K 3 · 0 0

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