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Cade and Murdoch represent white people as stupid rednecks. Is it just me or do people who find the Cryme Tyme gimmick racist, are the same people who think the Cade and murdoch gimmick fine?

2006-09-19 10:40:45 · 9 answers · asked by MikeAwesome 5 in Sports Wrestling

9 answers

You cannot possibly try and say that being a stupid redneck is the same as being a black thug. People don't fear a stupid redneck but they would fear a black thug. Point is that people in general are racist. Cryme Thyme is just furthering a stereotype that black and all minorities have to deal with every day. The only way you could truly understand is to put on the shoes of a hispanic or black man. Imagine not getting a job, housing, people assuming you are going to rob them, getting stopped by the police for no reason, etc. I am by no means a black nationalist (or someone who gets crazy with black pride). I am of mixed descent but I just see things are they are. Its called reality.

2006-09-19 14:03:08 · answer #1 · answered by jazzyjen 3 · 0 0

I dont think either groups of folks are offensive. I think Cryme Tyme is what WWE needs. Could spice up a few storylines w/ thier gimmick.

Mind you I was a fan of Muhammad Hassan as well, great worker, great heel. I cant speak for Cryme Tyme's in-ring skill yet but I am looking forward to it.

Who should be more offended anyways besides crybabies? You got 2 stereotypical black men assaulting stereotypical white people. Its jus humor folks.

2006-09-19 10:57:48 · answer #2 · answered by Dawn of PacMan 3 · 3 0

Hmmm,well Mike you have a point.BUT IN WHITE PEOPLES DEFENSE,half of my life I lived in the trailer park and was around men ALOT LIKE CADE AND MURDOCH.(they kinda remind me of my first few boyfriends)Say what you want,but I think it's kinda hot!But I can see why white folks could get offended,by Cade and Murdoch,but Cryme Tyme potrays African Americans as criminals,which is worse!

2006-09-19 10:56:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Excuse Me! But have you seen CRYME TYME???? He's like stealing everywhere and Cade and Murdoch are like garbage in WWE, they have never been champions or compete in HELL IN A CELL matches! They were never the MAIN EVENTS!! Get it?
And now...here's this guy CRYME TYME with big dreams comes in WWE and reprents himself by stealing and like being the greatest! With that attidute WWE fans are NOT gonna like him!

2006-09-19 10:44:39 · answer #4 · answered by Kay 5 · 1 2

I just think that this a very strange gimmik, it's like saying to the young that it's cool to commit crimes. What's up with that!? Anyways, will see what they look like at their debut.

2006-09-19 10:57:42 · answer #5 · answered by AbsoluteMart! 4 · 1 1

Because rednecks are too stupid to realize it.

2006-09-19 12:06:51 · answer #6 · answered by just4junk2006 2 · 1 1

cause most black people are racist

2006-09-19 12:54:06 · answer #7 · answered by WWE! 2 · 0 0

I think they are both offensive & I'm not joking this time.

2006-09-19 10:44:42 · answer #8 · answered by i_got_sars 1 · 5 3


2006-09-19 10:47:33 · answer #9 · answered by VOOL 5 · 1 2

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