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everytime they are calling me some funny names that i hate it ... all the guys in my class are hispanics and i'm the only one that isn't .

can someone tells me some funny names to call hispanics without offending to much please????

2006-09-19 06:47:34 · 20 answers · asked by blondepeach 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

20 answers

If the intention behind the name calling is to make you feel bad, you should resist the urge to "do it back." They may not know you hate it.

I grew up in a high school 5% white/other and 95% Hispanic. I learned that names like "Gordita/Gorda" (chubby) are completely unoffensive. Maybe you're catching some of this cultural difference. Are you new in your school?

When I hung out with my Mexican & Mexican American friends we sometimes called this one guy "Cheech." Also thrown around were "Vato and Ese." If this is what you're hearing you shouldn't worry. I probably got called the worst names like "Flaca and Girafe" because I was so tall and thin, I also heard whitey a lot and, after I cried one time, I got called La Llorona forever. If they are Spanish speaking say "Que Guapo" or if English "Hey, Handsome." That puts you in control, stops any insulting comeback, and because it's complementary (even if you don't think it's the truth) you haven't gone down to a lower level.

2006-09-19 07:08:17 · answer #1 · answered by D.D. 2 · 0 0

unfortunately if you say anything negative about their race it could possible be turned against you to look like a racist. This is coming from a hispanic. If you show any indication that what they are calling you is bothering you they will 9 times out of 10 do it more.

The only way to stop this is to embrace it and take the power you gave them when they called you these name, away from them.

When they see it no longer bothers you they will get bored and find something else to do

2006-09-19 07:03:20 · answer #2 · answered by zonumb 2 · 0 0

traviesos - trouble maker for the guys
I don't recommend calling the girls names
Fighting fire with fire is a risky proposition. Sometimes, in a situation like this, developing a thicker hide is the best response. In other words, find a way to stop hating it so much. If you aren't feeling a sting when someone calls you names, then it takes the punch out of the name-calling, and the name caller will either quit it, or he/ll show what a jerk he's behaving like.

2006-09-19 06:51:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There aren't any. In order to use such names, you'll have to already have formed a friendship where they'll know you're playing. Those persons offending you are pretty much covered by the power of a double standard that is almost impossible to challenge. You're screwed unless you can get away from them. You could try appealing to other Hispanics that they respect, but who knows if that will work? Sorry, but that's reality.

2006-09-19 06:50:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you are the only white girl in the class, calling them hispanic slurs will only add to your problems. You want to call them things that relate to them as individuals like Gaptooth or Shorty or Offkey. That will get you in much less trouble and not be offensive to them as a group.

2006-09-19 06:52:39 · answer #5 · answered by Kuji 7 · 0 0

Uh, yeah - you're a victim of racism and you need to speak up. If the things they are saying bother you, tell them so. Ask if they would like to be addressed by racial slurs. Of course they wouldn't and they'd sure as hell raise a stink about it and call you a bigot. Why tolerate this ridiculous double-standard?
Good luck to you.

2006-09-19 06:50:27 · answer #6 · answered by Irish Red 4 · 0 0

I wouldn't go around calling people by racial slurs if I were you. There seems to be an unwritten rule that if you are of color you may mock each other and whites too, but whites are NEVER allowed to use racial terms.
Your best bet is to turn it around on them. If they call you white girl or whatever, just say " I know you are insanely jealous of my creamy white rump - get over it."
Or you can go further and say, sarcastically "We Caucasian Americans find whitey to be derogatory. We prefer to be called "Cracker" or "Honkey" now. Humor is always preferable to aggression.

2006-09-19 06:55:01 · answer #7 · answered by iahp_mom 4 · 1 0

NEVER stoop to someone elses level. Tell them to stop and if they don't move on. Then again I earned the nickname Vanilla because I am so pale. Either laugh with them or move on. Name calling is not the way to go. And racial slurs are disrespectful and unbecoming on anyone.

2006-09-19 06:49:35 · answer #8 · answered by Venus M 3 · 1 0

I don't think you'll get very far with that. Next time they call you a name, call yourself "cara de tortilla" - literally face of tortilla, or basically whitey. They will laugh and forget you are lighter skinned.

2006-09-19 06:49:57 · answer #9 · answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7 · 0 0

I would not suggest going there with your classmates. Ignore them, cause if you show them it bothers you they will up the anty on you. We have enough problems with race relations these days, dont perpetuate the problem...

2006-09-19 06:51:27 · answer #10 · answered by manpsych 2 · 0 0

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