If you have that person in your yahoo email account, go look there & see if their yellow smily face is lit up there. That means they ARE online. Also, when they close out of yahoo messenger, all of their buddies will see a message on their screen that says that person has signed out even if they were previously invizzy. You might also try sending them a message under a name they do not recognize from another account. If you have a webcam, you can send an invite and they will decline it if they are online. That might work with an invite to a conference chat as well. Good luck :)
p.s. as a last resort, this one never fails: put a status message on YOUR messenger saying "IM me to view my naked cam" LOL
2006-09-18 22:19:56
answer #1
answered by julie j 6
its difficult to find but one thing that u can do is that
first sign in yahoo then go to yahoo's main page then take ur mouse over the option of messenger then it might show u that is there anyone from ur list is online or not.
it worked sometime for me but not always
2006-09-18 22:34:51
answer #2
answered by akbar 3
First invite the person for conference who's status u want to know.
If that person is online then he will get ur invitation.
If that person decline the invitation then u will get the msg on ur screen that person decline ur invitation & u find that person is online.
If that person doesn't accept ur request or decline ur request then after some time they will be in conference by default & u will find that the person is online.
Just try this.
& then msg me.
2006-09-19 00:55:35
answer #3
answered by m l 2
I purely checked the yahoo pulse link provided by making use of u in ur Y!solutions profile and what I observed is that u have not saved ur settings inner maximum. U have allowed to share updates and that i think of that u even have not controlled ur updates i.e what to share and with whom to share. So each and every time u go surfing to Y messenger, u share ur replace with ur contacts or on the main with everybody. consequently its quite primary that u r on line and the ingredient which u r doing. See, U have saved ur question/solutions besides as contacts inner maximum yet nonetheless i grew to become into waiting to verify all ur questions and solutions by making use of purely clicking the "View Profile" link at ur profile. So my advice is pass to "handle Updates" and handle ur updates.
2016-10-01 03:27:47
answer #4
answered by boland 4
People being invisible for a reason.
Try say something to him/her then you'll know whether you were the one that they are hiding from.
2006-09-18 22:14:00
answer #5
answered by Chanel 3
message them and wait if invisible he will reply if they wanna talk to u, or else hes signed out.
2006-09-18 22:12:47
answer #6
answered by lil d 1
well there are programs like buddyspy by which u can do it
if u reply to me by e-mail : tomastomas89@yahoo.com
i will sent u that
2006-09-18 22:51:53
answer #7
answered by remo 2
im them. if you do not get answer, then they may be a sleep or does not what to answer
2006-09-18 22:45:37
answer #8
answered by dmncprkr 5
very difficult
2006-09-18 22:11:56
answer #9
answered by trishul60 4
how do i know ?
2006-09-19 00:01:30
answer #10
answered by shriya 2