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2006-09-18 18:29:15 · 5 answers · asked by lala 1 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

5 answers

I went with an ex girlfriend driving to the cottage, for some reason we lost our way, after a few hrs of driving, is was already night-time. We wanted to cool off, because we were beyond aggitated and angry that we were somewhere and nowhere. So she said "lets go on one of the side street and check if it goes to a river or a beach, that way we can camp for the night and continue in the morning...." At first I thought that was not a good idea, but finally I said... "cool"
So we turn to the next side street and went in, it eventually lead us directly to an open field out of the road, it seem to be deserted, no cars, no people, no one seems to be around, no one that be asked for directions or where are we.
As the road ended to this open place, I looked over and saw a flowing river just a couple of yards down, "sweet!!!"
We park the car and took our sleeping bags and other gears for the night. Finally we were setup for the night. I had 4 cases of beer in the car, so my girlfriend went back t the car took one case down to our camp site, opening it and handle a bootle to me and one for her, "cheers!!!"
We were talking and laughing about the whole day, how did we got lost, whats are in the woods, and basicly being goofy.
Out of the blue my girlfriend just went running to the river and jump in it, so I run after her and dive in. We were laughing, shouting and horseplaying, somehow we manage to be butt-nake and still acting like a wild bunch of juvenile delinquents.
Suddenly, a bunch of flashlights was aming at us, it seems like they were all over the place, it was so bright we couldn't see what was going on. She got scare, and hold me tight, to tight that at some moment I was loosing concentration.
Then we hear...." excuse me!!!! This is a restricted Zone!!!! You cannot be here!!!! Pack your gears and put some clothes on and leave now!!!!"
It was eight Park Rangers at the edge of the river near our camp-site, all steady and directly barking at us to leave. We got out, went in the car to get dress quickly, I didn't want officials to start asking why we were here, or even shoot my and my girlfriend drunken butts out of nowhere. After putting all our stuff back in the car, I asked one of the Rangers were we are and directions on getting back on route. I didn't know that just down the river on the other side was a Ranger Site Office, so basicly they saw everything since we got here. After the kindly Ranger give me directions, I went back to the car, turn on the engine and started to drive of, that is when we heard in the background laughters coming from the spot were they are standing.
Has we got back on track, and finally we were on the main road, we were very quite, as if the world was silenced. She looked at me I looked at her, and that is when we started to laugh... and we laugh and laugh, and joked about it until we got to the cottage a few hrs later.
So this was the craziest moment....

2006-09-18 19:20:15 · answer #1 · answered by Paul 3 · 0 0

my moment was when I broke the rocking horse at the park , yes that was me , a little kid was on it first , then I patiently waited for my turn "Yeah right"" well I was rocking then I heard the springs cracking , then that same kid wanted another turn , and when I got off the rocking horse rocked no more , cause I broke it , then that kid was crying "Mommy that lady broke the horse", as you can see that was the only horse that I have ever broke ....

2006-09-18 18:42:16 · answer #2 · answered by E.M. 4 · 0 0

Im not sure, but I know this 1: I was drunk at the time and 2: woah should get the best answer.

2006-09-18 19:20:20 · answer #3 · answered by nagurski3 3 · 0 0

hmm.. the craziest moment would have to be everytime i see my crush everything turns upside down!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-18 19:31:43 · answer #4 · answered by sunshine 2 · 0 0

i took off all my clothes in the public library elevator...just for kicks

2006-09-18 18:42:11 · answer #5 · answered by woah 2 · 0 0

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