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Last week she won a blue ribbon in the county fair for showing her prize hog "Bart".I would like to do something special for her, she has worked so hard raising him from a baby.Does anyone have any ideas?

2006-09-18 14:18:05 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I was thinking maybe a new pair of rubber boots or a hay fork.

2006-09-18 14:39:52 · update #1

I was thinking maybe a new pair of rubber boots or a hay fork.

2006-09-18 14:40:37 · update #2

18 answers

Your behind her 100%, it just doesn't get better than that!

2006-09-18 14:21:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, it definitely depends on what your normal life is like... do you guys go out often? If so, it might not seem that special just to go to a nice restaurant. If not, then definitely make a date night out of it... her favorite restaurant or the best one in town that suits your tastes. Maybe a movie or a concert or a play, depending on what you're in to...?

Do you have the time or money for a long weekend? Or even just one night somewhere special. A bed & breakfast somewhere, or even one night at a super nice hotel in the nearest big city.

Not able to spend a lot of money? There are plenty of other options. Check local websites or ask around for any free concerts or events. Haunted house season is coming up...

If you don't get to spend a lot of time with each other, often the best gift could be a day just to be together. Have a picnic by a lake or river or even just a nice park. Rent some movies. Cook dinner together. Maybe pick up a bottle of champagne and some fancy chocolates.

Listen closely to her for clues of what she might want to do, but doesn't admit. Does she talk about a spa? Get a massage for her.

I think the best present a man can give a woman is something that shows that he listens to her and cares about her.

2006-09-18 21:35:35 · answer #2 · answered by Natrasha77 1 · 0 0

Just be sweet to her! Give her a massage, cook her dinner, with flowers & all, Send some flowers to her job (if she works outside the home). Frame that blue ribbon in a nice little frame and have it hanging on the wall to suprise her. Take her to the movies, that's something people don't do much of anymore! I suppose if she really needs a pitch fork & ruber boots, that wouldn't hurt either! Tell her how much you love her & that she did great job with the pig. You might add that you love Bart too.

2006-09-19 10:30:43 · answer #3 · answered by char__c is a good cooker 7 · 0 0

Buy her the boots and Fork...( get Bart a new hat)..drive them to WaMart in the Pick Up and have a family picture taken with the Blue ribbon. Melts the Ladies Heart every time. Shoot I remembered when my little lady won 1st place at the county fair with her Goat .Sabrina (the goat) looked so fine and.......I'm sorry I'm gettin teary eyed and carried away.

2006-09-19 08:49:03 · answer #4 · answered by R W 6 · 0 0

why don't you buy her something more personal like flowers and then take her out to dinner. I don't know your wife but maybe she would like some rubber boots and a hay fork. She's your wife and you know her best.

2006-09-19 09:36:08 · answer #5 · answered by Greeneyed 7 · 0 0

Be a romantic. Tell her she did a great job. do something unique. Like give her, her fav flower in her fav color. Where her fav outfit of yours (she has to have one every woman does), take her to dinner at her fav place, let her do what she wants for the evening whatever that is; watching T.V., reading, speading the evening staring at a sky full of glistening stars, whatever just do that. Tell her that the evening is hers. She can do whatever she pleases. Believe me every once in a while women like to do something for themsleves. Draw up a bath and put her fav bath salts and bubble bath in there, give her a gift card to her fav store, or even better take her shopping. Tell her you love her and she is the only one for you. Tell her you care. Tell her she is the best women ever. If she wears something special or for that matter anything tell her she looks gorgeous or sexy. Hope this helps.

2006-09-18 21:24:31 · answer #6 · answered by Charis 3 · 1 0

Some dem fancy schmancy coveritalls but sow some them flowers on da butt side. You kin iron em on two. But tells her she cain't be wearing nothing under em tonight. That's when the real gift shows up, eh Bubba?

2006-09-20 00:12:16 · answer #7 · answered by mickeyg1958 4 · 0 0

Take her out for a picnic and write her a poem about how much you love her and how much she inspires you...

You are sweet...

I think this is the best question all day.

2006-09-18 21:23:57 · answer #8 · answered by Use my Yahoo! Avatar 2 · 1 0

You could surprise her, and cook her a nice meal. My husband is a very good cook. Men can really cook good if they try. He is very creative, even with leftovers! She would really apprecate the effort!!

2006-09-18 22:15:30 · answer #9 · answered by autumn wolf 4 · 0 0

if u truly loved her , make pork chops out of bart, but make sure u marinade them well, as we all know pork can sometimes be a tough meat ! have a great dinner

2006-09-18 21:21:29 · answer #10 · answered by hunglow 3 · 0 1

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