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I mite be pregnant and my boyfriend has told me he doesnt want kids, he is older than me.

2006-09-18 14:17:17 · 27 answers · asked by henn19 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

27 answers


2006-09-18 14:18:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Your best bet is to get an abortion. I know you don’t want to hear that, but what else can I say? Forcing him to have a baby can only be a bad thing. You will fight with him for the next 18 years over child support. You will have a baby that will, at some point, know he/she is not wanted by his/her father.

I am speaking from experience. I know a lot of others as well. Do your child a favor and get an abortion.

Don’t be a moron, and believe that he will change his mind when he sees the baby. He will not. Nobody ever does. If might act like he changed on the first time he sees the baby, but that front will last only a few days.

I went though this, and thankfully my former spouse agreed to have an abortion. We would have fought over everything. For example: If I was to have children he or she would never know the taste of candy, or fast food. I’d feed the kids right. He or she would not know what a needle feels like because I don’t believe in immunizations. These are the kind of things people don’t think about when they have sex!

You might feel you are a quality mom, but does he feel that way? Do you feel he is a quality father? Do your beliefs mesh? I doubt it.

2006-09-19 08:04:34 · answer #2 · answered by Marvin 7 · 0 0

Well I guess he will have to get over then won't he? Maybe then you both should have been careful..but hey I'm not here to judge. Remember there are options, you can get an abortion, or you can give the baby up for adoption if you don't want to keep it. There are so many fertile couples out there dying to have children, you can go to an agency and look through files and interview couples to find the perfect parents. What a beautiful gift to give your child, a family who has been praying for him for decades. But you could also raise the baby yourself..just think it over, go to Planned Parenthood and look over all the options. Good luck hun : )

2006-09-18 14:20:02 · answer #3 · answered by mrs michelle 4 · 1 0

I got pregnant when I was 20. My boyfriend insisted I get an abortion. I didn't. I made my own decision. Now I have a beautiful ...wonderful...24 yr old baby boy. It was a hard road but it was my choice. You are your own person. Make your own decisions. Have no regrets. Never let a man pursuade you or make your decisions for you. Whatever you chose, it's the right choice. K? K.

2006-09-18 14:23:33 · answer #4 · answered by deytripper_yeah 2 · 0 0

then he will have 2 deal with it because u r having kids and that's final, i mean u cant just say OK i will get a abortion so we wont have any kids 2 worry about, well u can but if u want them then keep them don't give them a abortion just because your partner says he/she doesn't want any (that's stupid) if u just listen 2 them, if i was pregnant then i would have the baby regardless of what my partner says because they should have never layed down and had sex with u, u know what i mean????? so that's their fault 2, and plus it takes 2 people 2 have a baby, not one!!!!! so if u r pregnant then tell him and then see what he says and he will just have 2 deal with it, OK!!!!! i hope my answer works out 4 u and GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!

2006-09-18 14:23:09 · answer #5 · answered by pretty baby gurl 3 · 0 0

Sweetheart, why did you let yourself get pregnant without having a ring on your finger?

I hate to be blunt, but you should prepare yourself for raising a child by yourself.

My ex wife DID NOT want kids, so we divorced...i guess i thought i could change her or something.....but im glad im not with her, my point is that you are better off without this guy if he is not going to help...leave him alone, and concentrate on your baby.

If you do not feel capable of raising this child on your own, there are many couples that would appreciate raising this child in a loving home for you.

2006-09-18 14:21:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well hopefully he would change his mind when he hears that you are pregnant but if you wand the baby you should indeed keep it and maybe when you have the baby he would come around but if he dont, he probably isn't the one for you anyway so go with what you feel and remember kids are blessings and please make the right decision. Good Luck!

2006-09-18 14:25:09 · answer #7 · answered by loveable 2 · 0 0

Even though I am a guy, if I were in your situation I would still get the baby. It's not right to end a life just because some else doesn't want it. you are carrying the baby, so it's your choice. If you bf doesn't want a baby, you should find someone more sensitive.

2006-09-18 14:20:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Time to stand up for yourself---this is the real world.
If you can't make a decision on your own, get some counseling from experienced people who can be objective.
If your boyfriend is content to use you, but has no interest in your child, he is a user.

2006-09-18 14:25:11 · answer #9 · answered by papyrusbtl 6 · 0 0

If you really care for this man you will have to choose. Myself I probably would abort.But first I would tell him I was pregnant to see what he would say. So what if he hollers or yells then you can walk out on him and slam the door behind you...Then get on with your life and make your options to keep the baby..Get a good job and support yourself and baby..Go to college a couple times a week...Plan for the future....There are alot of single parents out there and it don`t take a village....Whatever you do good Luck to you!!!!!

2006-09-18 14:20:52 · answer #10 · answered by Carol H 5 · 0 1

It depends on what you want. If you don't want to abort and you want to keep the baby, then I think you need to do some serious thinking on your relationship. And oh yeah, TELL HIM! If it's a good relationship you should be able to talk about this issue without name calling, maybe anger and disappointment, but at least you're talking.

2006-09-18 14:20:22 · answer #11 · answered by Pilar L 2 · 0 0

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