aw well cheryl crowe said it the best..the first cut is the deepest. But trust me when you find somebody else you will get over the other girl, good luck
2006-09-18 14:16:37
answer #1
answered by mrs michelle 4
Just because you "broke up" does not mean that there isn't a place in the future for both of you. You're both way too young for anything too serious....... relax, be friends, look around at the other things going on around you, look to the future. Trust someone who married too young and put her life on hold for someone else. Do those things you want ( and need ) to do before you think of settling down with one person
2006-09-18 21:20:35
answer #2
answered by kathy m 2
Break ups are never easy. I know this sounds boring, but only time will make it hurt less and less. A good idea to help you feel better though, is first have a good cry, write in a journal, take a bath, spend money on yourself (within your budget), or just sit in a beautiful spot and sit in silence. Those always helped me.
2006-09-18 21:18:27
answer #3
answered by Pilar L 2
Go ahead with your life. Go to concerts, movies, coffe houses, and you`ll meet new friends if that`s what you want or just go with the flow and stay a loner and think things out before you jump into another relationship...which is rebound..
2006-09-18 21:18:13
answer #4
answered by Carol H 5
At your age you need to experience life and more choices. How do you feel better? Go find some fun things to do with friends and make more friends.
Time and activity will help.
2006-09-18 21:18:32
answer #5
answered by banananose_89117 7
it takes time to feel better ... but you will ... and you don't have to make it so final .. see each other once and awhile, you can still focus on your lives just not on each other.
2006-09-18 21:16:46
answer #6
answered by emnari 5
Oke Doke....caution young lovers at Bay....turn the other cheek my friend and wash your hands.
2006-09-18 21:17:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
u guys spend TOO much time together! LOL. i would just go hang out with friends do things like just recquire "you time".
2006-09-18 21:17:30
answer #8
answered by Jenna 2
are you a boy
if you aren't
you're lesbian
2006-09-18 21:18:29
answer #9
answered by sharon k 2
r u a lesbian?
2006-09-18 21:15:55
answer #10
answered by magendazzler 2