Hmm, probably more than one.
But this is the one that comes to mind. I was with someone and really not happy in the relationship but kept trying to make it work. I was studying at the time, and one of my friends in class was really really nice, and very attractive, and smart and funny and charming and we had loads in common and loved talking and hanging out together.
At the end of semester he asked to walk me to the bus stop, and waited with me and then he suddenly asked if I'd like to go on a date with him sometime. Like an idiot I said I couldn't because I had a boyfriend already, and he looked really hurt and disappointed and I felt like a jerk and I still kick myself over it. I should have said yes, then quickly dumped my boyfriend!
2006-09-18 14:27:30
answer #1
answered by Girl Machine 7
well to me it waz a piece of chocolate i was craving the other day and then my sister ate it jk lol sorry well no one so far and if ure ex didnt realize wht he had well thats his big fault not ures and when i listen to the natasha bedingfield cd, shes my fave singer, ill think of this question heres the song just in case ure curious
natasha bedingfield-the one that got away
Would you spare me a minute give me a single chance
To look in your eyes let me hold your hand
I want to get close enough to read you, understand you
Open up your heart open up your mind
Nobody needs another stalker in your life
I'm only here to help you learn to love me, to know me
I need a hook so you won't be the one that got away
I need a look that stuns you makes you want to stay
Don't want to speak in case it comes out wrong
Don't want to blink cause in that second you could be gone
I need a twist to help me turn, turn this story around
I need a bridge to cross this dangerous ground
Meet me in the middle like I want you to
I gotta find your heart to shoot my arrow through
Did you see me staring you caught my eye
Don't turn around don't walk away
The night is young can we get together
Got so many questions feelings I can't explain
We're worlds apart don't even know your name
I'm longing to give you my heart
Turn around don't evaporate
Like you never came turn around
Don't be a ghost forever never there to haunt me
Sliding doors they aren't just on a train
We're alone on a platform in the rain
There's a chance and it won't come again
Turn around your whole life has changed
mayb u should dedicate it to him or somethin well good luck!
2006-09-18 14:14:23
answer #2
answered by Abi 3
The girlfriend of a friend of mine. I was available when I met her. She (obviously) wasn't. I dated and married another. She was available. I got a divorce. She was married. Got married again. she got a divorce.
All the while, we were good friends. Never made a move. Marriages are hard enough without throwing infidelity into the mix.
2006-09-18 14:18:13
answer #3
answered by zavarob 2
i used to date a "tropicanca girl" in panama when i was in the service. physically the best looking girl i have ever been with and great in bed. we dtaed for a couple of months, but like most guys at the age of 23 i thought with my crtotch and not the little brain that i have and tried to "hook up" with other women. anyway, i ran into one of her friends a couple of years ago and found out she is running a bank in panama. beautiful, sexually pleasing, smart, and rich. i need to take a pill (paxil)
2006-09-18 14:16:32
answer #4
answered by sapper 3
no one. they got a way, (or I sent them away), for a reason. (like:because they were NOT the right one for me.
needless to say I'm still waiting on my dream honey to come into my life and sweep me off my feet. I can hardly wait... ;)
2006-09-18 14:31:44
answer #5
answered by Kitten2 6
she didn't get away. She tried but I cut her off at the pass so we have had 41 years of bliss.
2006-09-18 14:51:42
answer #6
answered by nidan 4
used to live in philly, knew someone named kim, she was vietnamese. we knew each other for many years in our early childhood but then i moved to canada during high school and now we only see each other once a year.
2006-09-18 14:09:47
answer #7
answered by Henry_Tee 7
A young man I knew in college...should never have let that one get away.............
2006-09-18 14:14:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous