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*We aren't engaged yet, and have been together for four years.
But that doesn't mean we don't want to, or he doesn't ....
we talk about it all the time.
PS: I just kinda get jeoulous of ppl who marry sooner than my age, 22 in Oct) or ppl who get engaged in less time...But everyone has different lives huh?

2006-09-18 14:06:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships


2006-09-18 14:26:16 · update #1

9 answers

I think it sounds normal, and it doesn't indicate in any way that you don't have a healthy relationship. 22 is still very young to get married, even if you have been dating for 4 years. Also, weddings (and engagement rings) are EXPENSIVE, and if you're just out of college, both of you probably want to become more financially stable before thinking seriously about marriage.

My cousin dated her boyfriend for 14 years before they got married! The reason they waited so long was because they wanted to wait until they both finished graduate school and had stable jobs and a house before planning a wedding.

2006-09-18 14:13:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're not a "bootie call", that person who wrote that probably is to every man in her life, don't listen to B****** like that.
It is better to wait, I married my ex when I was way too young, total disaster!! I remarried and it's been 7 years now. Much better when you already had your fun and do all the things you want to do, otherwise you might stop each other from achieving your goals, focus on career and later marriage if you still want it, personally I think 30 is a much better and mature time to marry. The grass always looks greener on the other side, but sometimes it's fake so quit getting jealous of what others have, it's a form of self-hatred and you must learn to stop this so you can be happy. Good luck.

2006-09-18 21:29:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know how you feel. I'm 23 (24 in Jan.) and I'm on my 7th relationship. I'm ready to get married. And I'm envious of people who are married now. But I've only known my bf for 6 months. 2 years is pretty long. We were talking about getting married in Oct. but now he thinks that's too soon cuz I moved up here just 3 months ago. Talked to your bf and find out what's stopping him and why he wants to wait. And no you aren't a booty call.

2006-09-18 21:12:28 · answer #3 · answered by Mel 3 · 0 0

well dear youve waited and you should be proud of that not jealious of those that didnt could mean the difference in 10 years between them being divorced and you still being with your loved one .you two must come together and do whats comfortable for the two of you not careing what others do or say . 2 years isnt a bad time if your rock solid about this thing .there is a time limit to how long a girl should wait for that ring but its different for each lady and only you know that limit . tell him these things and be to the point but sweet about it and let him know you want this you need a sign this is going to that point . you got plenty of time dont panic but dont settle for less than you deserve here . love is worth waiting for if its true . i wish you all the luck and happyness in life and i applaud you waiting this long . good luck

2006-09-18 21:27:09 · answer #4 · answered by sigmond 3 · 0 0

Go for it. Why wait for two years? Does that have some significance? My wife and I married when we felt right about it and just set a date. We did not adhere to any time frame. You've been together for four years already, I'm surprised that you're not engaged.

2006-09-18 21:13:05 · answer #5 · answered by eddie_schaap 4 · 0 0

i would wait till at least 1 of you is out of school and working. It doesn't matter if you start in a litlle apt. or have not much material stuiff, what counts is that you are truly meant for each other, love each other and can work toward a common goal of getting a home and family down the road.
good luck.

2006-09-18 23:03:23 · answer #6 · answered by gert14 2 · 0 0

You WANT to get married already?!
I'd say you should wait your two years before getting into something that big.
Girl, enjoy freedom with your bf while you can , because marriage is serious business.
This waiting can even get you the chance to check and rechecking your relationship before getting into something this big.
Good luck!

2006-09-18 21:17:21 · answer #7 · answered by cass 7 · 0 0

2 years sounds good to me.

2006-09-18 21:15:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It sounds more like you are a booty call.......................

2006-09-18 21:09:41 · answer #9 · answered by Laura 6 · 0 0

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