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That is a song by Trisha Yearwood. It denotes and says much to what I am asking in my question.There is no meaning to life without the one who you truly love. Does that sound correct, too dramatic, as those who would say, "the drama Queen", or as I am saying, "All By Myself." and "I Have Nothing," and last but not least "Here And Now."?????

2006-09-18 13:30:09 · 6 answers · asked by silhouette 6 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I'll never have enough. I'm not forcing anything. I do nothing. I am waiting for him to come to me..Almost a year or it is a year. I don't know. Time is not of the essence anymore. It is nothing but sadness and sorrow. I just want and love that's all I know. I thought you said goodbye, you'll never say goodbye, never, anymore than I will. so there Jackie............

2006-09-18 16:40:26 · update #1

Oh, I forgot to say that I do respect myself, very much so, are you saying you don't think he respects me? You don't even wanna go there. He better or he lied to me.It's one of the things that's the most important in life, so think before you speak of such stuff.....eyes speak volumes......actions are louder =I'm still waiting, I didn't move on or continue on for that matter, know what I mean. If I'm not respected then that's evil..........

2006-09-18 16:49:44 · update #2

No respect, no love. Simple as that. I don't need to ask anymore questions about this subject. I've got all that I need to know. I was betrayed for keeping my place like I was told too, while the doors were opened to liars, cheaters, and whores of the beast. She won. Ask her how many guys she's...........including some people's husbands....... If that's the best that he can do, and switch the blame around to me, well that's called hate and love bites the heart out and it worked. So is everybody happy???????? Or will we get over it????? adrenaline pumps strong with emotional loss, unconditional pain and GOD'S love to heal the loser.( or winner, whichever one HE deemed right)..........

2006-09-19 10:56:09 · update #3

6 answers

You are absolutely correct and it's even harder if the person you love doesn't love you back.

2006-09-18 13:32:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That means I loved too many guys soo "truly", then... hehehe.. :)))

So, I don't know any more.
If he comes to me and tells me he thinks he is THE ONE, I tend to believe in that more than if I just imagine him to be the one, but later I find out that their mind goes into a totally different direction from what I imagined!
If somebody is THE ONE, I suppose he should also become aware of that, sooner or later, or feel the spark! Without me having to force that on him!!!
If he doesn't... if no miracle happens.. then..... he wasn't the right one and the whole thing just wasn't meant to be... very simple!

The more you concentrate on him, the less likely it is for you to catch his attention. He will take you for granted. It is very hard to leave someone behind, but life is an open highway..... and there are many nice souls walking beside, behind and in front of us. Usually we refuse to notice the ones who truly care and run after those who don't even deserve us! What for, I am asking?
Do we want to live and create and flourish, or we want to dwell on our boring issues forever?

If it was meant to be, love will come to you, believe it or not. Forcing it doesn't take anyone anywhere... you just produce more bitterness for yourself to swallow. Haven't you had enough, badgirl? I know you are not a badgirl. You are probably just... too good, that is the problem! Women deserve respect and not ignorance, don't forget that, please.
Respect yourself a bit more, they will respect you, too!

2006-09-18 21:23:52 · answer #2 · answered by Hibernating Ladybird 4 · 0 1

That is a lovely song but life has a lot more to offer than just a mate. Peace.

2006-09-18 20:33:34 · answer #3 · answered by -Tequila17 6 · 1 0

It means that someone thinks that they are defined in life by who they are with.

2006-09-18 20:34:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I have an answer for you, but I'm not gonna share it with others. Look out for my email.

2006-09-19 00:07:35 · answer #5 · answered by 1/6,833,020,409 5 · 2 0

you have to face the fact in your life there are many thing to do to learn, good luck!

2006-09-18 20:32:59 · answer #6 · answered by kaku j 3 · 1 0

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